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Everything posted by BerniePragle

  1. Just to remind everybody... Both Yianni and Vito were New York State High School boys. As were Dake and Nickerson.
  2. All that is right with his college transcripts.
  3. Hey, I know you. So-Crates. I saw that movie. Like Francine Lawrence (Gidget) said... "I agree with Plato, life's a gas man." Now for a little seriousness: "Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for." -Socrates Isn't it amazing how so many men of wisdom are derided during their own time? Too many think that's only today's result of social media, TV "news", and big money in politics and everything else. It's been going on for at least 2500 years. I suspect it's worse today than ever before.
  4. You mean like Nicky Suriano last year?
  5. Remember the "Who is quicker, Bravo-Young or Vito" thread from a couple months ago? Let's bring it back.
  6. 45, 46, whatever it takes...
  7. We'll check tomorrow's Tulsa Police Blotter.
  8. Lots of very, very good wrestling tonight. Did anyone have to give @nhs67 CPR? He seemed pretty excited, for good reason.
  9. Now Hilger can have a little post-match snack.
  10. Big match on Mat 2. Schultz's mom even got him dressed for it.
  11. Hoagie never got to his offense(?). Coaches had Brooks prepared and Brooks executed.
  12. Lewis has kind of a jammie thing on but he doesn't look like Schultz in it. Can't figure out why...
  13. Why sometimes the refs are looking at a replay and sometimes they are on the phone calling somewhere?
  14. And I know what movie that's from.
  15. Yianni going Gumby to avoid TD
  16. Are you gonna have enough energy left to walk down 44 with a steak and beer?
  17. Taking down Fix must be like taking down a fire hydrant.
  18. Never thought I'd see that. What's next, we put a man on the moon or something?
  19. I'm gonna try to beat Jimmy C to this: What are the chances PSU outscores the #2 and #3 teams combined?
  20. Well, you're no fun.
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