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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Been to Belgrade when it was Yugoslavia. Spent a week there. I did not care for it. It is called Beograd there, meaning white city. It might have been a white city at one time but was very drab and run down looking when I was there. Storesfronts were empty and those that were open had few things. I remember a bookseller that had some stuff. I may have bought a book written in Cyrillic just to have one. One memory I have is getting in a taxi to get to a certain place. The map was in our kind of alphabet but the street signs were all in cyrillic. I had no idea where we were going, but got there anyway. They like Cyrillic better because it requires no notations above letters like ours does. Probably not a bad place to go, but twice in a row? Istanbul would have been a better choice. Perhaps they felt Belgrade was safer? I have no idea but it would seem that Turkey or Bulgaria or Las Vegas would have been better venues. mspart
  2. I think the basketball story is a good illustration that the redshirt situation does not just apply to Wrestling, it applies to all sports, Olympic Redshirt excluded perhaps. I think it would be really tough to get FB and BB to agree to anything other than what they have. I sympathize with the effort but don't see much hope. mspart
  3. Snyder bucked the trend. Interesting observation JB. mspart
  4. Good idea even though you only listen to Nickelback. mspart
  5. They are either stupid or don't care which is the same. But Churchill once reportedly said if a young person isn't a liberal they have no heart, if an older person is not conservative, they have no brain. Or words to that effect. mspart
  6. Oregon is under the same deal. Their gov did not run but she was the worst and a D. D has seemingly won the gov race this year but it was very close and should give someone pause before going full leftist, which is probably what she will do. It's not just Michigan that is seemingly crazy. You might remember Portland during 2020, riots every night for the whole summer. The mayor of Portland did nothing by coddle them and the governor did absolutely nothing. As a result, Portland is half boarded up now. A shell of the beautiful city it once was. Remember not so long ago it was one of the most livable cities. Not anymore. mspart
  7. Where is Taylor, Cox, Dake, Retherford, and Gilman? I really do not like when guys miss this kind of opportunity. I see that Zahid is wrestling for us so rumors he is going to Mexico that I've read about seem unfounded at this time. It might happen but hasn't yet. Good for those who have chosen to participate, world team or no. I think any such opportunity is a great step in progress for anyone. I wish I could be there. United States Men’s Freestyle World Cup Team 57 kg - Zane Richards, Champaign, Ill. (Illinois RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 57 kg - Nick Suriano, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Cliff Keen WC) 61 kg - Seth Gross, Madison, Wis. (Wisconsin RTC/Sunkist Kids) 61 kg - Daniel DeShazer, Minneapolis, Minn. (Gopher WC RTC) 65 kg - Yianni Diakomihalis, Rochester, N.Y. (Spartan Combat RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 65 kg - Evan Henderson, Bethlehem, Pa. (Lehigh Valley WC/Titan Mercury WC) 70 kg - Tyler Berger, Philadelphia, Pa. (Pennsylvania RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 70 kg - Alec Pantaleo, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Cliff Keen WC/Titan Mercury WC) 74 kg - Jason Nolf, State College, Pa. (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC) 74 kg – Vincenzo Joseph, Tempe, Ariz. (Sunkist Kids) 79 kg - Jordan Burroughs, Philadelphia, Pa. (Pennsylvania RTC/Sunkist Kids) 79 kg - Chance Marsteller, New Park, Pa. (NYC RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 86 kg - Zahid Valencia, Tempe, Ariz. (Sunkist Kids) 86 kg - Mark Hall, Philadelphia, Pa. (Pennsylvania RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 92 kg - Nathan Jackson, Princeton, N.J. (New Jersey RTC/New York AC) 92 kg - Jay Aiello, Charlottesville, Va. (Cavalier WC/Titan Mercury WC) 97 kg - Kyle Snyder, State College, Pa. (Nittany Lion WC/Titan Mercury WC) 97 kg - Kollin Moore, Columbus, Ohio (Ohio RTC/Titan Mercury WC) 125 kg - Hayden Zillmer, Minneapolis, Minn. (Gopher WC RTC) 125 kg -Nick Gwiazdowski, Ithaca, N.Y. (Spartan Combat RTC/Titan Mercury WC) mspart
  8. Thanks, I worked hard on that pic. I had to get the lighting just right and contort my face just so and it came out pretty good!! Ha. So I saw what was said to be Rankings and they didn't make any sense to me, this close after the WCs. If they want to encourage participation in the ranking series, then call it that, instead of the year end rankings. That's what doesn't make sense to me. I don't agree with how UWW does this. I think it is fine to award the top seeds after the ranking series are finished for the year. That is goodness. Just don't call them the topped ranked wrestlers after the WCs have just finished. Call it something different. Mike, I appreciate your patience on this. You brought light that I didn't have. It doesn't make it better but I sort of understand it now. I thank you for that. I'll bet your foot is not so tiny! mspart
  9. Please see above for comments. I assume this is Willie, so Willie, I don't appreciate your language. Tone is fine. I can see you are upset and frustrated by this whole thing insomuch that you have confused yourself. Let me put it in a bullet format so you and Mike can see what I am saying. - Jan 1 new year begins with a new set of ranking series of UWW tourneys. All results from WC - A ranking tourney just took place and highest placers get the most points. - Another ranking tourney just took place and highest placers get the most points. IF they are the same as the previous winners, then these new points are added to what they earned in the previous tourney. - Another ranking tourney just took place and highest placers get the most points. IF they are the same as the previous winners, then these new points are added to what they earned in the previous tourney. - Another ranking tourney just took place and highest placers get the most points. IF they are the same as the previous winners, then these new points are added to what they earned in the previous tourney. - Seeds are set for the World Championships. - World Championships are held and highest seeds lost and lower seeds won. But that doesn't change the seeding which continues to 31 Dec. - Jan 1 it all starts over with world champions #1 seed until ranking series makes the adjustments. It is the second sentence in the next to last bullet that makes no sense to me. That is the point it should all start over. Not on Jan 1. Hopefully my point is clear and logical. For 86KG, DT is the champion but is in third place in ranking series points. They don't say that, they just say the rankings are out and these guys are where they are. mspart
  10. Case in point. 86kg 1. Boris MAKOEV (SVK) - $5000 2. Azamat DAULETBEKOV (KAZ) - $3000 3. David TAYLOR (USA) - $2000 In the WCs, Makoev lost to Yazdani 10-0. Dauletbekov lost to Taylor 12-0. Then Taylor beat Yazdani 7-1. So having the year end points be what it is above makes literally no logical sense. But it is UWW so I can complain all I want and it won't change. I just find this really bizarre logic. I understand what y'all have been saying, it just is not an logical situation after the World Champions are established. What I do find interesting is how 2 guys, Yaz and Taylor, can be heads and tails above the rest in such a stratospheric sense is just amazing. And it has been that way for years. There are other examples but this is one. mspart
  11. I'll admit to being confused because this makes no logical sense. If they want to payout, do it before the WCs and reset right after. That would make more sense to me than what they have. If you guys are happy with the logic that says someone is ranked higher than the Current World Champion right after the World Championships, I guess it makes sense to you. This makes no sense to me. It should read, "After the World Championships or Olympics are competed, the points are reset, except for WC/Oly points, so the points leaders are the World Champions for the next year. This would be logical. mspart
  12. Hey Socra Tease, First thanks for the clarification on pronunciation. I always that it was So krates. Ha ha!! There really are no amateur athletes that compete in international sports anymore. That is a bygone era Every Olympics we bring out NBA'ers to play basketball. College athletes were pretty much amateur but now with the new system, they can be paid as well. mspart
  13. I don't think I am. If there are no ranking series tourneys after worlds, then how is it that the WCs do not reset the whole ranking? They should. That is what I am saying. Here, to illustrate. In Jan - WCs, there are a series of ranking tourneys to set the seeds for the WCs. You go and win and you will be seeded. However these rankings are only used to seed the WCs and Olys. So after the big dance, the rankings and seedings should disappear as they have been clarified by the big dance. It seems pretty logical to me. mspart
  14. Right. That's what I'm saying. So then why do rankings from before the WCs still have affect after the WCs? If Jan 1 is going to be the day, then the WCs need to be held the last week of Dec. mspart
  15. Right! That's all I'm saying. That ends it, it makes no sense to keep counting those ranking series points after the WCs or Olys. mspart
  16. Thanks Mike. I'll look at that. Have there been ranking series tourneys since the WCs? Anyone? This would be good info. mspart
  17. I know about the ranking tourneys. And I think doing that makes sense too. But I thought that all started over after the WCs. If that is not the case it would be good to know. It makes no sense to have KD win the WCs and then be ranked #2 because someone else went to more ranking tourneys the previous year. How does that make sense? If there have been ranking series tourneys after WCs, I am not aware. mspart
  18. No I didn't read that. Doesn't hold water for me though. Unless these tourneys have happened after the WC just recently held, they were for the previous year. I am not aware of any of these tourneys happening after the WC of 2022. If so, I can maybe see it. But the World Champion should be ranked #1 I would think right after the WCs are held. I'm not concerned about it. My feeling is the champ will win, whoever it is. This just gives KD and DT more incentive I would think. mspart
  19. What he said!! ^^^ mspart
  20. What happened here? https://www.teamusa.org/USA-Wrestling/Features/2022/November/11/USA-athletes-in-UWW-Year-End-MFS-rankings Gilman, Burroughs, and Snyder at #1. That's good, although Gilman didn't win this year. But Dake is #2 and won, and Taylor is #3 and won. What is that all about? 74kg 1. Tajmuraz SALKAZANOV (SVK) - $5000 2. Kyle DAKE (USA) - $3000 3. Soner DEMIRTAS (TUR) - $2000 86kg 1. Boris MAKOEV (SVK) - $5000 2. Azamat DAULETBEKOV (KAZ) - $3000 3. David TAYLOR (USA) - $2000 mspart
  21. This ^ It would be interesting if Sad was still at 86Kg. Then we would know. At that weight, he was rolling guys with ease. Takedown back points. That fast. Sometimes multiple back point maneuvers. DT hasn't faced anyone like that. I don't think the DT of today beats the Sad of 2016 or 2015. JMHO. mspart
  22. Welcome to the new forum! mspart
  23. With regard to Abortion, the Ds want 9 month abortion where most Americans can see 1st trimester but acceptance after that drops significantly. 80% of Americans don't want 3rd trimester abortions legal. If a D Congress fixes abortion, it will be for a full 9 months. So it goes both ways. With regard to trans kids. I don't think anyone is against trans kids. What they are against is chemicals such as puberty blockers that have long term effects that are not desirable and not fully irreversible? Why not irreversible? Because puberty is a process that happens at a certain time. It doesn't happen after that. And surgical methods of affirming trans is irreversible. Anyone advocating either of these do not have a kid's best interest at heart. The kids are kids, they hardly know what they are doing and don't think through things very well. That's why we don't let them drive until 16 when they have some semblance of recognizing deadly consequences for behaviors. But what kid thinks much about the future and long term consequences? None that I know of. Remember the Alice Cooper Song 18, "don't always know what I'm talking about," applies here. We don't give a minor in school an aspirin without a parent giving it to them. But by golly we can provide body altering chemicals etc to them and tell no one. That is what everyone should be against. The fact that there are some that think it is ok doing this to a kid who is easily moved in different directions is criminal. Let them do it when they are 18 or 21, when they have a capability to really know what they want and can weigh the consequences of their decisions. mspart
  24. Wow!!! Nice throw and totally legit in Folkstyle rules. mspart
  25. Uncle Bernard is right. Rs should have slam dunked this one. The economy, the covid, the inflation, the debt, etc should have tanked the Ds. But my point remains, Ds and Is are deathly afraid of Trump or anyone associated with him. Some Rs are too. Trump is toxic and I think the result we have with this midterm is directly related to Trump. I don't know how all of his candidates did, but high profile ones didn't do well. I heard a guy on the radio saying that anyone that is R running for office will do the will of Trump no matter what. I think there is enough of that sentiment that it tanked the Rs tsunami. mspart
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