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Everything posted by mspart

  1. Never had CE until I was a volunteer asst coach in Apple Valley (not that HS, the other one there) and those guys went rough, they had headgear but I didn't. Soon my ear started hurting. It kept hurting so I finally went to the doc. He said if I had come in sooner he could have drained it. I was too late. It is slight and most people would not notice, but astute observers would be able to see it. I went to Veterans nationals in 2002 I think and was in the first aid tent with a friend who was getting stitches. A Senior level guy came in with the most brutal ears I have seen personally. Why was he in there? To get one drained. With those ears I thought? What's the point? His ears were a mess. Not like the Steiner twins but they were pretty bad. Like I said, they were the worst I have personally seen. mspart
  2. Ionel - Looking at it that way, not a bad thing. Lipdrag - I guess he is brilliant!! mspart
  3. Correction: I was off by 10x. Now I am not off at all. Granted that last statement is subject to opinion. mspart
  4. So it will be essentially against the law for him to talk about the indictments against him? The Ds want to put him in jail and muzzle him while doing so. All on the up and up. This is a federal issue of retaliation against a former president running again and he doesn't have a right to call that out in his campaigning? And the American people don't have a right to know about it? That's essentially what they are trying to do. mspart
  5. I smoke all my meats with cottonwood and hemlock. mspart
  6. Everyone, Brother BB just got out of exile. I'm not saying go easy on him, but he is a brother and should be on these boards. Brother BB - Hang in there man. You are doing fine as far as I can see. mspart
  7. As of August 7, 2023, President Joe Biden just took his 367th day of vacation in just 2.5 years, which sets a record compared to any other president in recent history. Biden has been on vacation for roughly 40% of his time in office. He is outpacing every single one of his modern predecessors. So he is unique. He's the oldest ever and takes the most vacations ever. I don't get that much. He's figured out the system. Perhaps we only need a 60% President. Pay him/her 60% of what he is currently getting. Obviously we don't need a full time President, he's proving that everyday. mspart
  8. I can't edit now but for 0-17, death rate was 0.0098%. It is in error above by a factor of 10. mspart
  9. Yes Trump did that and what would you be saying if he didn't? But in the beginning, the vaccine was for those that needed it. Old people, people with bad immune systems, obese, with diabetes, or other comorbidities. Young people were not in danger of it and this was known. Even middle aged people were not in great danger of it. All of that action to have everyone vaccinated was a liberal cause. All of the lengthy shutdowns was a liberal cause. Interminable mask mandates was a liberal cause. Saying you risk everyone else if you don't wear a mask was a liberal cause. See reaction of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow when DCD lifted their mask mandate. She had to consciously think that that unmasked person was not a threat. I'm sure you can find the youtube of that one. And she ain't no conservative. This is all well known and documented. So what you are trying to say is that Trump got the vaccine going and he's not liberal so it was not a liberal issue. My perspective is that not knowing exactly how things with covid were, it was prudent of any President to get a remedy as quickly as possible. But all the hysteria after that was liberal politics. For the US, here is the up to date covid death chart: As you can see, most of the deaths were for folks above 50 years old. Younger folks didn't have much concern. This is who contracted covid. Few older folks got it but it killed more of them. Lots of younger folks got it but were mostly unaffected. Compare age of contracting covid vs that age group death and you get a rate. I'll do a few. For those 85+, death rate was 15.8% For those 50-64 death rate was 1.1%. For 40-49, death rate was 0.33%. For 0-17, death rate was 0.098%. Vaccinating school age kids is almost worthless. But that too is a liberal cause. Why? Because for liberals, covid is death, which as you can see is not the case. The upshot is no matter what age you are, you have a slim chance of dying from covid. But the older group certainly has a greater chance. mspart
  10. Ban - using the word tedious? Isn't that a bit high brow? Are you trying to increase our vocabulary? I say hmmph hmmph!! (must be done in an English accent to get the full effect) mspart
  11. So will UW and UO bring back wrestling? I would applaud that. mspart
  12. If I remember history and I'm not sure I am remembering it well, it was the Big 8 champ vs Pac 8 champ at the Rose Bowl. That was the deal for a lot of the history of the Rose Bowl. That has been lost for the last number of years, but the Pac 8 was a serious conference. Now it is relegated to history. I'm a nostalgic type and just think this is sad. Blame money and airplanes. Can you imagine Big 8 winner traveling all the way to Pasadena back in the day. Miserable. That was the key to Pac 8 success at the Rose Bowl ha ha. mspart
  13. Will Big 10 change names? Big 12? Pac 12. My suggestion for Pac 12 name change is Pac 0. There will be no PAC anymore. It's done. That history is gone. mspart
  14. Great TM!! Instead of twitter.com it will be xmarksthespot.com. The conversion will be complete. mspart
  15. Ban, Yes, we are aware of that. In fact the article goes on to say that the "policy" comes just days after the group representing the country's school boards wrote to President Joe Biden to plead for federal assistance in responding to mounting threats and violence that they likened to domestic terrorism against school board members related to their decisions on COVID-19 school safety policies, critical race theory and more. Interestingly, the group retracted that letter but DOJ did not stop. There was lots of discussion of this at the time. Just because a group says there are threats and violence does not mean it is so. In today's world, words are violence and looking or saying the wrong thing can be considered a microaggression or threat. So definitions matter. DOJ looked into this for exactly a few days before issuing the new policy. Based on what? Apparently based on the retracted letter from the teacher's group. mspart
  16. I think a definition of extremism is useful in this discussion. 1. Is a person who bashes in a police car an extremist? 2. Is a person that sets a police precinct on fire an extremist? 3. Is a person that sets buildings in a city an extremist? 4. is a person that speaks up at a school board mtg or city council and is a bit animated an extremist? 5. Is a protester outside an abortion clinic an extremist? 6. Is a protester outside a police station an extremist? Loads of other examples of could be extremists. DOJ put parents on notice for being extremist at school board meetings because of what's going on in schools that is crazy. Voicing concerns or opinions at a school board mtg is not extremist in my opinion. Telling them you are going to injure or kill them is another matter. mspart
  17. I typed in x.com in the URL (not google or other search engine, the actual URL area) and it sent me to twitter.com. So the name hasn't changed which is why everyone calls it Twitter. Only the changed to X. Nothing else changed. mspart
  18. But haven't we said taking those actions is wrong, no matter the race? Now it is ok? mspart
  19. Hi Ban, it never used to take this long to get election results that I remember. At least in the 60's - 1990's, results were fairly immediate. Then we got into early voting and mail in voting and the times have been extended. The idea of voting at the precinct has been shown to be vastly superior in terms of accuracy and speediness of results. When we tried to centralize it as is necessary in mail in voting, the speediness at least has suffered greatly. mspart
  20. Yep following and advising about a state that needs help. We need help. mspart
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