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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. It isn't, given the political spectrum, ma'am. No one ever done lernt you the basic political spectrum!? If not, I'd probably stop trying to speak to political ideology then, as things will get embarrassing fast!
  2. Nah, good, full life, my man, but thanks for the inquiry! Good family around me, beautiful weather, a job I like ( part of which involves analyzing authoritarian ideologies on "news"), surrounded by my music, playing my banjo on a sunny porch, two friendly cats, and plenty of homegrown vegetables, many of which are coming to their end. Nope, things is good in Ioway, my friend!
  3. Of course, the irresponsible authoritarians on AM radio have been in full-on blame America first mode concerning how America is somehow to blame for what's going on in Israel right now. It's now the mantra on Tattletale "News" too. Just listened to a host and a guest spend the entire segment blaming America first for it. So, when did we enter the conflict?
  4. Given the fact that I'm a declared communist, the error of Portasan's post shows how easily amused you apparently are.
  5. Me and a core of friends of mine actually believe that we were the origins of "that's what she said." For us, 8th graders in 1978 or 79, we called it, "take it easy, " to which we still do to this day. So, take it easy.
  6. Granted it's by only one percentage pernt, so completely within the margin of error, but Commander in Chief Biden is even leading Inmate #PO1135809 in the most recent Tattletale "News" poll.
  7. I now also wish that Commander in Chief Biden hadn't said that "the other side" was responsible for it, in front of K.K. Nuttinbutayahoo. He shouldn't be giving that authoritarian pig one iota validation.
  8. Maybe you are in another State as well, but try being held hostage by it. It's frightening and helpless.
  9. If rust bombing was indeed done by Israel I'm going to demand that everyone on Tattletale "News" and AM radio who have been bullying everyone into silence who questioned the source to collectively apologize to anyone who was willing to think rationally before the facts came out.
  10. There's only one Republican party, hence, the 30 percenters. They just re-brand themselves from time to time. Fiscal responsibilook ity, Reagan conservatives, "tea party," MAGA, authoritarians. Same old 30% of the electorate.
  11. Starts with the daily memos circulated throughout Tattletale "News" and AM radio. Then, the drumbeat goes ALL DAY.
  12. To be honest, he's as honorable as his GOP counterparts, and FAR more honorable than Inmate #PO1135809.
  13. Granted, I teach adults, but mainly young adults. I've been accused by two students of the famous "indoctrination" that we all apparently learn to do in our education courses, and subsequent workshops. When I asked those two authoritarian students if I had indoctrinated them they emphatically and proudly puffed their chests out and said, "No way, not ME!" I then replied, "well, it sounds to me like I'm kind of a piss poor indoctrinator then, aren't I?"
  14. Ah, yes, "Christian"nationalism at its best. Jesus now stands with criminals and serial violators of the Ten Commandments.
  15. I did see one stupid, uninformed comment from a Democrst on Tattletale "News" today. "Gym is a rassler and wrestling coach. Here is just using his chokeholds on us, as he does on the wrestling mat. "
  16. Getting back to the attempts at playing "gotcha," I'm not going to address the biological (sex) vs. social and cultural (gendet) differentiation. For one, all of you should already know this, or at least be able to recognize that, yes, we ARE INDEED a biological sex, but that gender is a product of our social and cultural environments. Read for yisselfs how the two concepts differ and ARE NOT the same. After doing that, it should be all cleared up, but, if not, I'll happily answer questions that aren't ignorant, nor trying to play some stupid-assed " gotcha" game.
  17. Like to know how many hours the two hate mongers have spent in the classroom, other than no hours. I'd like to remind the tattooed one that not so long ago that tattoos on women was very much frowned upon.
  18. Then you're LOVING the fact that I've been extensively covering the right wing authoritarian movement today, their terrorist activity, and EXTENSIVE coverage of Jan 6 and what the causes of it were. I'm keeping good ol Biggy happy, friends!
  19. AMEN! No volume of history is complete. Man, what people fall for!
  20. Baloney. That's Stormfront.org bot talk that's been around for the thirty years that I've paid attention to these authoritarian movements. And, no, I don't want to read a link based on a fabricated story.
  21. Good, God. A grown man is about to cry.
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