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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Now, my two questions. Kind of abandoned those, didn't ye?
  2. I'm cozy in my own skin, ma'am. It won't bother me one iota.
  3. I, nor Husker, wasn't playing it. It was a crestion in the mind of Portasan.
  4. Looks like your little promotional plan flopped, ma'am, as it should have done. Good job, Donette King!
  5. I threatened no one. I said that I COULD do so, but I made zero statement that I was going to. How would I do it electronically anyway?
  6. Funny though how you never disprove me, and Iroutinely have begged for you to dip so, Adolfette. Gable and I are fellow cat owners, and we ALL know what a weenie that he is!
  7. Yep, I own two of them, just like Dan Gable. He and I is fellow cat owners.
  8. Being that you're the MMA "expert," with the solid resume of training some of the world's best boxers, why aren't you the taker, ma'am? Funny how I never heard of you either.
  9. No, I don't know Inmate #PO135809, yes I'm a Marxist, but I SURE know the 91 charges that Inmate is facing.
  10. Never answered my two easy questions there either, potty trainer. They were EASY too. Trying to picture how'd I'd even approach a little person. That'd be a new one for me!
  11. Yeah, sounds good Ms Donnell King. I'll indeed be traveling to Pennsylvania for this one, Donnell.
  12. You didn't train anything, outside of potty training in a Portasan. Don't blow smoke up my ass, ya chickenshit.
  13. There's a facility here locally here in Ioway that I used to do some work with kids at. I'd still have full access to the place. It'd work fine. Free of charge you to too, Madam Donelle King.
  14. Yeah, I'll bet you're right because you know ALL about me and what I was and am good at, ma'am. AND, he looks in TIP TOP shape too! All five foot of him is scary to me, as you'd be too ma'am.
  15. Yeah, I'm a soccer mom. If so, I can assure you that I could slap your 5 foot ass across any room.
  16. Oh, there's a heck of a lot new to it! For one, I've never known a person this completely criminal, and that's excluding politicians.
  17. Give it time. Inmate will be doing time, and you're a full on supporter of criminal politicians. Something to hang your hat on, ma'am.
  18. Ok, There Are No Book Bans. At least I can say that I have self- reflective abilities. You? Not so much.
  19. And people will buy this, some are among us on here, friends. https://www.axios.com/2023/10/22/trump-sidney-powell-georgia-election-case
  20. There's some deep thought there. Wowza, let's just keep upping the stupid.
  21. First you had Gymmy J. as a candidate, who only considered conspired to overthrow an ejection, and now Donalds, who recently submitted falsified documents to the committee looking into Hunter Biden. Then we have Inmate #PO1135809, running the entire show. I'd feel so morally bankrupt right now if I was a Republican.
  22. Glad you're so intuitive. Nothing worse than someone who tries to help out shelter animals, is there, tough guy? Why, why mes thinks it's right on par with being woke ( inserting my dumb guy gave, as I mock anti-woke in my classes).
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