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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. First two questions are easy and not objectionable. Not every single piece of history can get thrown into one text, but if there's a glaring factual omission ( or several) I'd like to know. And, if it happens, that's an author's choice. It's not a legislature cancelling that culture.
  2. A second one. He was born in 1928, a farm kid and farmer, so far from a hard left libberol, but staunch Democrat. If homosexuality was the biggest problem that we had in this country it'd be a damned nice place to live.
  3. My Dad could have been a comic, but the only thing he taught me, and I've said it before: never make a bet that you won't win. Provides MORE evidence that I was trying to hook him into a sucker bet.
  4. How else does one respond when told they aren't doing their jobs? 28 years is what speaks volumes, ma'am.
  5. I believe that this is the fifth time in just mere days, but the joke's on you as well. Mes is on a roll, friends!.
  6. Oh, ok, boss. I'll be sure to take yis advice, after 28 years of a very successful career. Keep out of what you don't know anything about, chef.
  7. Worked or taught at the college level? Big difference. In fact, in many universities some professors only do research, while others teach only one class. I'm more "teaching heavy" myself.
  8. There are a WHOLE LOT of people who post here at work. Witness the mass ecodus from the board around 4-5:00.
  9. Four days per week, and, pssst... we DO have down time. As opposed to k-12 edgercaturs, we're NOT in the classroom all day, every day. However, I am grading at present. Do it slowly and deliberately, as trained pros do. Perfect example how those who nothing about the edgertashin system need to stay out of it. Precisely why I don't play an attorney in the classroom or on the internet.
  10. A liar, eh? Well what better way to show me up in front if everyone than prove me wrong on something!? I make the offer OVER AND OVER again, yet, I never get a taker. So, being that I don't lie, I'm, therefore, bandanas friends! Perfect white power "logic" there, eh, friends!?
  11. Do you wake and retire each day thinking of me? I'm flattered, but I honestly can't say I've ever seen anyone invoke me or my image more than you. My wife could learn something from your obsession, ma'am.
  12. All well and good, but I don't use the term, ma'am. However, and since I started posting over twenty years ago, I've learned one thing: when people start saying, "get some help" or invoke "bananas," they are getting their butt handed to them so the ONLY chance at saving face is to question the individual's mental prowess. I've even had someone on here think that I have dementia!
  13. Like ionel ( except you weren't SO foolish as to actually "correct" it), none do you know, but the joke's on you. How about the irony, eh, friends?
  14. It should be VERY legible for several on here. Done did speak their language, I's tell ya!
  15. Thanks for proving my pernt and as to why I refused to send you links. You deliberately WANT to keep yisself uninformed, ma'am. You also know NOTHING about age appropriate materials in edgertashun, and only going by what your echo chambers tell you what to think. Stay out of eggakashun, unless you can speak to it in an informed way.
  16. Only in socialercism, ma'am, not communercism, which, unfortunately, has never been seen on a large scale in the history of the world.
  17. Ok, dum dum. Shall we count the numbers of times I've read that from you, directed at me?
  18. I don't know, but I've not used it once, outside of referencing the actual fruit.
  19. I only eat peppers that have actual flavor. I do not get eating peppers just for the sake of the heat. Why? With that said, habaneros are conflicting for me, as they have among the best flavor, but I can't eat them because they're too hot for my palate.
  20. Baloney. No thirty percenter knows how to think or what to say until their irresponsible hate mongers in their media tell them what to think and say. "You can't make this stuff up, " even though 2/3rds of their "information" IS made up (yes, the actual number).
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