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Ban Basketball

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Everything posted by Ban Basketball

  1. Baloney. Student test scores, as a longitudinal trend, have done nothing but go up for over forty years. Stop listening to people who only want to keep you angry and uninformed. Self-correct: 50 years.
  2. Then you either can't read, or you're deliberately trying to deny that you folks support authoritarianism and canceling culture. There's so much information that it ought to be slapping you in the face There is a CARLOAD of information out there about the books and course content that is being cancelled all across the land. And, yes, books are being banned for use and access. Right here in Iowa, under autocratic, authoritarian rule, us and Florida are leading the way.
  3. As you already know, I don't do others' work for them, and ESPECIALLY for people who won't read the sources that I provide, nor even acknowledge their truth. If you REALLY cared about book cancel culture and censorship you'd read for yisself, but you clearly don't and LOVE the fact that authoritarians on your side are cancelling culture and books. Oh, and by the way...psssst...I live In Iowa, which is in a race with Florida to see who can cancel the most culture.
  4. I couldn't have said it better myself, sir! A fabricated myth by a spiteful person who sought to re-distribute income to the top.
  5. I know. Just an attempt at a joke that escaped you.
  6. After all, you would know, as you've been in several of my classrooms and know exactly what is going on. See, banning what people can teach in their classes, as well as the books that we may use, is EASY!
  7. Baloney. Wealthy millionaire and billionaire country clubber Republicans. Working kid knew otherwise, so I'm his biggest fan.
  8. Got it right! First try too! No wonder you authoritarians think you know what's going on in classrooms, without ever setting foot in our classrooms.
  9. So, you're admitting that you don't have the ability to skip the last step to arrive at that calculation!? Once again, the joke's on you, and I didn't even have to set you up. LOL!!!!!!!
  10. Baloney. It was mainly directed at the millionaire, country club Republican class, which does nothing to benefit a working class folk like him and myself.
  11. I like to think so too, but look at whom I competing with.
  12. MOST importantly, friends, vote on pure emotion and popularity of the two characters. Heck, who cares about facts when emotions are involved, eh? Once you reach the popular vote that Bob is seeking to validate hisself, just think, friends, Bob will flip the switch and I'll be gone! So, rev up them there emotions and vote now and vote often!
  13. Talking about them there wealthy, corporate welfare Republicans, my friend. I suspecked it ALL along.
  14. Why, yes, I do. Kind of mandated to, my friend. Perhaps you should look into it some time. Mes thinks it'll do you and others around yis some good.
  15. Can't get one by you, can I?
  16. I'm surprised that none of us have offered a brief tribute to the recent passing of Smash Burger, given our discussion of this delicacy. RIP, Smash Burger.
  17. Yes, but you don't have to stop and start there. Not all media presented to the public is biased. Even with that said, and goes to the question of value-free research, too many people have been duped into believing that bias automatically equals inaccurate. That is also not always the case. I demonstrate both of these in every class, every semester. It's a great way to learn good critical thinking skills.
  18. Not to toot my own horn, but without ever hearing the song- still so as I write this-I suspected that the 30 percenters were getting led down yet another dead end. I sure like this kid! https://www.kwwl.com/news/politics/oliver-anthony-says-he-hates-seeing-his-song-rich-men-north-of-richmond-be-weaponized/article_d06c4511-8761-5ff2-919c-b80d60c1e3a3.html#comments
  19. Yes, be careful. One of our resident "geniuses" (Off The Mat?) thinks that using Google is big gubment mind control. I kid you not.
  20. It's not really censorship, and certainly not legally so, as only gubment doing so legally qualifies as censorship. Like Twitter, private companies can censor any one or any thing.
  21. No, those are "Republicans" who are ladened with chaos and division in the House.
  22. Suddenly now, these media outlets are truth telling, even though there's only one "network" that's been documented to either lie or mislead nearly two-thirds of the time. Think about THAT, friends.
  23. I'll "bet" you're wrong ( yes, I'm careful with that word on here). Have a for instance or two to share?
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