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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. yeah, but they don’t want to ethnically cleanse gaza….
  2. I shouldn't be, but I'm constantly surprised that so many (i'm assuming) adults on here lack simple reasoning skills. In what ways are those examples at all analogous to my example? This is elementary school level stuff, man. Depressing.
  3. Obama deported more people than Trump. Inconvenient fact.
  4. lol what are you talking about?
  5. they should study your brain in a lab
  6. Exactly. The people that know this history, but think it's only "a dark time from our past" are extremely naïve. These types of operations are active all over the world today.
  7. In what concrete way have these people impacted your life? I can't think of any for mine.
  8. They wouldn't need to come here if we hadn't destroyed their countries. Do you think they want to leave the place their ancestors lived in for generations, usually walking for 1000s of miles, to live a life of relative poverty in the US? This will get you started, but is only the tip of the iceberg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change_in_Latin_America https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor
  9. brother not even close lol it's a shame most americans know very little of our country's actual history.
  10. no lol, see @Le duke and @braves121 posts and go do some reading. the amount of evil we were up to down there is nauseating. it was a set back the region hasn't recovered from.
  11. the truly enlightened know that their home countries are the way they are largely because of america. we created this situation ourselves.
  12. I think what @WrestlingRasta and I would say is you're missing the forest for the trees. Are you right about the narrow technical definition of "peace time?" Sure. Is that definition a useful way for understanding the situation? No. The attack on 10/7 wasn't an end to any sort of meaningful "peace" even if Israel would have considered itself in "peace time" (though the Palestinians certainly didn't). Rather, it was one event within a larger conflict that has been ongoing for 80 years. I'm not sure what you think the technical definition of "peace time" adds to the conversation or aids in understanding anything.
  13. This is much too complex a joke for him. He won’t get it.
  14. What happens when Israel says it’s peace time and Hamas says it’s war time? I doubt Hamas considered it “peace time” while under blockade prior to 10/7. The US might think we aren’t at war, but the yemenis we’re bombing definitely do. Your term seems pretty useless here.
  15. smarter man than me lol i’ll try to learn from your example
  16. i’m done for now. just remember that every day children in gaza are being incinerated with weapons paid for by your tax dollars. and no end in sight.
  17. no but if i was going to confidently accuse someone of never saying something, i’d at least take 2 min to search their profile to make sure they didn’t say that exact thing in the same ***ducking** thread lmao
  18. yes obviously. keep stepping on rakes moron lol
  19. it makes people furious that i’m actually morally consistent in what i believe. Hamas is evil. That doesn’t mean Israel gets to kill thousands of children and civilians, ethnically cleanse gaza, and annex the land. I can hate hamas but have sympathy for the millions of palestinians who were displaced during the nakba and the years following. These are not complicated moral positions.
  20. @JimmyBT here’s a couple lol i also answered @Bigbrog post asking me a few minutes ago with a simple “yes” but it didn’t seem to go through.
  21. well my username is an homage to a pretty famous one to start.
  22. lol yes hamas is a terrorist org and iran gives support to terrorist groups. i’ve already said that. what’s your point?
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