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uncle bernard

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Everything posted by uncle bernard

  1. He's the president, not a lifeguard. He doesn't actually "run" the country. Were people dying because Trump spent all that time on the golf course? Grow up. He should resign though.
  2. Why? I'm not voting for her. Why should I care?
  3. He's probably pretty embarrassed his daughter is a capitalist, neoliberal democrat. He was a renowned Marxist scholar. There's a pretty interesting phenomena of children of notable Marxist intellectuals selling out as corporate politicians. Buttigieg is another example. Ed Milliband in the UK too.
  4. If by "msm" you mean all the major figures of the republican party, including trump himself, talk about it incessantly, then yes. "stanning" I've said over and over again, I'm not voting for her. Not even considering it. The dems are complicit in an ongoing genocide. I know you can't compute anything that's not strict black and white partisanship because that's how your brain works. speaking of that, I noticed you didn't bother to give an example of you being critical of the right....lol.
  5. Ultimately, this is an attempt to radically change what we understand to be a woman. You can be born a woman with female genitalia, uterus, etc..., live your whole life a woman, but suddenly you're not a woman because you have a genetic disorder. Yes, it provides an advantage, but these are not "men." The advantage is not even close to that of a man over a woman. These women would get destroyed by men. So is it "fair" that they have high testosterone? No, but it's also not fair that Tyreek Hill runs a 4.2 40 because of his genetics. No matter how hard I work, I will never be able to run that fast. That's just sports.
  6. They actually studied this back in the 90s with widespread genetic testing of olympic athletes. Female olympians were 100x more likely to have a Y chromosome than the regular population.
  7. Looking forward to our boards foremost election fraud watchers condemning this
  8. time, money, and energy. and dignity. here’s some information on the broader context. like i said, this all started when she beat a russian boxer.
  9. The Trump campaign's number one attack on Kamala right now is "She's not really black." I don't know what to tell you, man. You talk about all these horrible things and how unqualified she is, and yet the entire party can't help but focus on her race in the weirdest way possible. They did the same thing with Barrack "Hussein" Obama. It's WEIRD! As for that last sentence, LMAOOOOO. The call is coming from inside the house, Willie. Have you ever been critical of the right? My post history is filled with me being critical of the Democratic Party and I'm not voting for Kamala.
  10. then why are you upset about the algerian boxer?
  11. Sure, but at least the IOC is being transparent about her meeting their guidelines. Btw, seeing a pattern here:
  12. And if it comes out that somehow this was all a conspiracy and she's actually a trans woman who was born a man, then I'll change my mind. I don't think that's likely. She's been competing as a woman her whole career, which goes back a decade. It's not even her first Olympics. She didn't medal in 2020.
  13. Yes, that is the core of the issue and what I've been trying to convey. A ton of right wing propaganda accounts tweeted out this week that she was trans. People got super upset about it. But it's not actually true. She has always been a woman. She's just strong.
  14. Of course you do. And her birth certificate says female. That's the whole problem. You guys are making this a trans-athlete controversy and she's not trans. My guy, she lives in Algeria. Transgenderism is illegal and she is recognized as a woman there.
  15. My position on this is extremely straight forward. If the doctor ID'd you as a woman at birth, you get to compete as a woman. That's how we've always done it. It's possible I'm more combative here, but the original comments I responded to were were combative. All this woman wants to do is compete. She's lived her whole life as a woman. It's illegal in her country to be anything other than a woman because that's what she was born as. And now there are thousands of furious people online directing abuse at her because of something she has no control over.
  16. So, again, do you support setting an upper limit for testosterone in women's sports as well as mandatory chromosome testing? And not just women who look "manish." Every single woman must be confirmed as a woman. What the doctor ID'd you as when you were born is not good enough. What do you say?
  17. What? I'm saying the exact same things here.
  18. Sounds like it's time to test her according to you.
  19. Sure, that would be reasonable. However, this competitor is a woman and has been her entire life.
  20. Can you cite your sources?
  21. No. But that's not what happened here.
  22. The IBA has not been transparent, which is part of the problem. It's a notoriously corrupt organization. She's been competing for years. It was only after beating a Russian opponent (the head of the IBA is Russian) that a claim was made she failed gender testing. She's only knocked out 11% of her opponents. She doesn't have crazy power. My guess, is the Italian boxer psyched herself out after buying into all the false outrage and took the first chance to quit. If you watch, she didn't even get hit that hard. Here's her losing
  23. Then Mike Pence was a DEI hire. He was chosen specifically because he was a conservative, white evangelical and they wanted to shore up that base. Joe Biden would be a DEI hire because he was chosen to be a moderate white VP to settle the fears of the Israel lobby and the credit card industry. This is, by definition, a popularity contest. Your ability to identify with key constituencies is a qualification. We all know you would never call a white man with the exact same resume a "DEI" hire.
  24. That's always possible and that's why they test, but she hasn't popped for those. The reality is, if she were truly a "man", she would have been dominant for a long time. Put her against a man right now, and you'll see that she's not.
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