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Everything posted by KCMO2

  1. According to the Mizzou website they're supposed to be released Wednesday.
  2. Hmmm, sorry your feelings are hurt, but the Brands act like jerks and poach/buy half their lineup from other schools. I wonder why some (many) people have a negative view of them and their program.
  3. Hendrickson so far. 22-0, and won the Big 12 title for OSU after his teammates went 0-5 in the finals to let UNI tie it up heading into the final match..
  4. Guessing you've never had a bad one. A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. Have no idea if that's what the injury is, but they can be mild or very bad.
  5. That lost probably cost Hamiti a trip to the finals. Don't really see him beating Haines in the 2-3 semi. Could cost OSU some big semi points too.
  6. 22-0
  7. O'Toole and Hamiti are going later tonight. Winner should get 1 seed at 174.
  8. If the school or state governing body really wanted him out, then they could have waited until the day before the next qualifier to announce the suspension, so a lawyer and judge would not have had time to appeal and get the suspension overturned or delayed. Guessing they may have been too scared of potential litigation to do that?
  9. I think they are applying common sense. Charging an adult who ran into the stands to assault a minor because he was mouthing off. You can't do that. I wouldn't be shocked if a civil suit is filed as well.
  10. Plamen Paskalev won a DII title at Central Missouri in 2006, he was 31 years old.
  11. Kensington disagrees.
  12. Does anyone know to what extent the seeds are reliant on criteria, or if the coaches get to use some common sense too?
  13. Big 12's are huge for this weight. A win by Hamiti or O'Toole would secure the 1 seed, and leave the other fighting with Haines just to make the finals.
  14. Is there a rule preventing this, or just not something you think would happen?
  15. If you can ride Austin DeNiro then you can ride anyone!
  16. Or the Brands could develop a 197 instead of poaching another teams.
  17. How is it Caliendo all day when he can't last 7 minutes? (I know you were j/k)
  18. Are you implying the Brands can't develop prospects?
  19. Moving on. The sooner he's done the sooner he can start gambling again. (1-800-BETSOFF)
  20. Don't think Mizzou is necessarily going downhill, they've just been devastated by injuries this season. Four projected starters (and arguably their top 4 guys) are not in the lineup. Not making excuses because I don't think they've wrestled their best so far, and all teams deal with injuries, but Mizzou seems hit particularly hard this season.
  21. Thanks
  22. Christ, I f'in hate it when incompetent companies are given broadcast rights, and then drop the ball.
  23. Anyone else having problems with the Rokfin feed?
  24. Yeah, after re-thinking it I wouldn't be able to root for AJ, even over CS.
  25. That's what I thought at first too. Might be the only time I would ever pull for AJ.
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