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Everything posted by jross

  1. Failure cannot cope with persistence
  2. https://indianamat.com/index.php?/forums/topic/62268-iran-wrestling-news/
  3. @gimpeltfrevealed http://board.themat.com/index.php?/topic/33705-a-look-back-at-the-boards-and-outing-everyone/ and https://www.mattalkonline.com/podcast/short-time/fargo2019-new-jerseys-gary-gimp-brownell/
  4. GIMP Software FTW
  5. All limitations are self-imposed
  6. What are your favorite walk-up songs for wrestling? After attending the World Team Trials, I created and continue to expand this list. https://music.amazon.com/user-playlists/ba5b47f5b85c449c921a47df639e836esune
  7. Masvidal says its "Super Necessary"
  8. Do not regret your mistakes
  9. @BobDole grants 15 minutes only
  10. Dark energy becomes Light energy ---------------------------------------- appears as
  11. You knew it was coming.
  12. One of his bests.
  13. That doesn't bother me. I silently twitch at table doilies, table centerpieces, wall hangings on every potential bare space, dirty dishes left in the sink, folding & separating like-sized kids' clothes, and different branded/colored/sized socks. Why does the butcher block require a candle?
  14. Forks together, spoons together, knives together, same-sized plates together. If you spend a little time with placement on the loading, you don't have to organize it to put it away. Just grab and go. This is the way. It took me three loads to shut my mouth and never mention it. It has kept my marriage together for 20 years now. I can shut up about Music in the 'Other Sports' categories too... but it hurts.
  15. People are different in many ways. I do not complain about the lights left on, cupboards left open, an inefficiently loaded dishwasher, or bad grammar... however I stomp my boots when it comes to Forum organization.
  16. Hi @BobDole. Can we get an open-topic forum and move GOT MUSIC topic to that space?
  17. Does this signal high expectations for Nate?
  18. It says 'Other Sports' so the Music post there seems weird.
  19. This was real.
  20. Imposter @wrestlingshoe
  21. Does the dude pay people to lose, or is he winning straight up?
  22. Just so you know, if you left-click the image, it will open. Left-click on the image again with the magnifier two more times, and it will display correctly. Also, we cannot edit topics and posts after a short time. I should be able to edit or delete my topic and posts at any time, IMO. @BobDole
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