And Ross Flood shall lead them all.
When it comes to scoring team points at the NCAA tournament Ross Flood average a cool 7.2 per match (combined placement, advancement and bonus).
Looking at points scored per match using today's match scoring rules really favors earlier generations as 6 of the top 10 (and all of the top 5) started their careers prior to 1956. Part of the problem with this method is that it assume 16 points for first place even when the bracket is 16, or 8 or 3 wrestlers (yes, there are 3 wrestler brackets). But under today's tournament rules, if you only award to four places, for example, a win is only worth 10.
Another caveat is that I have only done this calc for the top 32 per tournament scorers so far, as it is very tedious to gather the wrestler by wrestler data. If I get bored again, I will do some more.