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Posts posted by PortaJohn

  1. Look at this photo.  Spencer  is shorter than Tom Brands.  Cael may be close to three heads taller than Spencer.  Bormet is listed at 5'9" so I estimate that Spencer is no taller than 5'3".  A typical head coach like Mike Gray is 5'7".

    Spencer is amazing and wrestling knowledge won't be a problem at coaching but I can't help but wonder if his lack of height will be an issue against the taller coaches. 


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  2. 10 minutes ago, ILLINIWrestlingBlog said:

    Brooks. And not because of Ford Focus, who had 4-2 and 3-2 matches in the finals in 2021, nearly died in a car wreck and has been away from the sport for two years. Moreover, there's a question whether he wrestles anyways. 

    On top of all that, there'd be the Ford Focus circus every week. 

    197 is deep. Also, the ankles are going to be a lot farther away. On top of that, you have to control the ties to get to those ankles. Harder to push around these 197-pound beasts. 

    Tough question, though.

    As of now, he's the only one of the four moving up in weight. That means things will change for him. Change can be good or bad.

    After watching him get in on Valencia and David Taylor I'm fairly certain there isn't anyone at 197 that can stop him in neutral.  With the 3 point takedown he should have an easy time at the weight.  He can cut and score.  Now, Ferrari is the one man with the defense to cause problems

    • Fire 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Plasmodium said:


    I am familiar with what I am reading, which is credited to him.  Maybe he has a lot of time on his hands and writes whole books of nonsense covering those topics 

    I've read a lot os Sowell's work and although I may disagree with a lot of his conclusions I've always found him to be thoughtful and his work far from being labeled nonsense 

    • Fire 3
  4. 2 minutes ago, Ban Basketball said:

    There's a facility here locally here in Ioway that I used to do some work with kids at.  I'd still have full access to the place.  It'd work fine.  😉

    Free of charge you to too, Madam Donelle King.

    Lmao!  I trained actual professional fighters you've seen in the UFC...I'll even pay for your plane ticket but the deal is you'll have to reimburse me when you lose to little man Wille from Easton PA

  5. Just now, Ban Basketball said:

    Yeah,  I'll bet you're right because you know ALL about me and what I was and am good at, ma'am.

    All five foot of him is scary to me, as you'd be too ma'am


    If @Husker_Duwants to do it I'll put up the cash.  I can set it up at a MMA gym I used to coach wrestling at if you're willing to come to Pennsylvania 

  6. 25 minutes ago, TitleIX is ripe for reform said:

     I'm sorry to see that a few folks here are content with diluting the quality of these forums and making it a sewer, as well.

    Sewers are one of the most important human advancements in history.  They have prevented waterborne diseases from being spread and are one of the biggest reasons you and your loved ones have a longer life expectancy.  Next time you take a swig of clean water thank the sewers.  Show some respect

    • Fire 2
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  7. 20 hours ago, Jason Bryant said:

    Going into last year (since I don’t have the current sheet on my phone)

    This is from my annual Preview Guide.


    Curious.  Is Clemson's Noel Loban accounted for as a NY wrestler or does England get credit.  How are wrestlers like Beau Bartlett accounted for?  Pennsylvania or Arizona?

  8. 1 minute ago, Ban Basketball said:

    I've got the bait set and you've been wrong so far.

    Dumb bait.  If you're going to play this stupid game.  Pol Pot, Stalin, Mao Zedong.  Now get back on topic.  Have to go.  Hopefully Mr. Self Proclaimed genius can actually make a point on topic

  9. 3 minutes ago, Ban Basketball said:

    Well, woefully wrobg, but let's keep exposing the stupid.

    Why were the first people that Hitler went after were socialists and communists, or didn't that happen?

    Hitler has nothing to do with this conversation.  Stop being a wuss.  You're the self proclaimed genius calling everyone else dumb.  Stay on topic.  Make your case.

    PS.  I have to take the kiddos on some errands.  Hopefully when I return you can make a coherent response 

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