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Posts posted by PortaJohn

  1. 17 minutes ago, 1032004 said:

    Google maps right now says 2 hours 7 minutes from University of Illinois to Chicago (140 miles), and 1 hour 4 minutes from Lehigh to Philadelphia (59 miles).  Pretty big difference

    And Lehigh is only 85 miles from Manhattan and is part of the Allentown Metro area that is a population of just over 800k.  @bnwtwg literally does not know what he is talking about.  

    • Fire 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, bnwtwg said:

    Could be that most dudes aren’t interested in a middle of nowhere sausagefest engineering school if they are going to already make the sacrifices necessary to be a D1 athlete? Ersland has the same problem despite being in the premiere wrestling conference.

    Sometimes people just want to attend a school with a cool atmosphere if they have multiple choices and can have a say where they get to continue competing. To other people, Lehigh (and Purdue) are the cool place to go. It’s all personal choice.

    Middle of nowhere?  It's  just east of Allentown, an hour 20 from center city Philadelphia and and an hour 30minutes from Manhattan.  Never heard of anyone ever describe it as the middle of nowhere.  Sausage fest engineering school on the other hand, correct. 

  3. 50 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    It would be better if you all would just come out and say you support ethnically cleansing Gaza. The way you talk about Palestinians makes it clear you don’t think they’re capable of peaceful, human behavior, so why pretend you don’t think Israel should wipe them off the map?

    I applaud your general concern for Palestinians.  I honestly think it's commendable.  But, we're talking about Hamas.  An organization that is repressive to it's own citizens

    • Fire 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    It’s a disingenuous question, but I’ll answer. 

    A political solution wouldn’t involve Israel just packing up and leaving. It would involve both sides making concessions. Hamas would have to agree to halt any attacks and commit to an open election supervised by the UN (remember, only a small fraction of Gazans have ever voted for Hamas). Israel would commit to ending the blockade of Gaza, ending the illegal settlements in the West Bank, and pull the IDF out of Palestinian territory. You’d likely need a one time blanket amnesty for war crimes for Hamas/PIJ militants, Israeli Settlers, and IDF brass.

    It would be essential for the international community to pour trillions into Palestine to rebuild their infrastructure and economy. 

    There is nothing disingenuous about my question!  I asked you a legit question and you're solution is literally to involve a terrorist organization at the table to negotiate peace.  An organization who's backed by Iran who's entire political goal in the middle east is the destruction of Israel.  If anyone is being disingenuous it's your Disney World solution.  

    • Fire 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    what’s the definition of insanity?

    Can you answer my question?  You honestly believe Hamas ceases to exist if Israeli's just packed up and left?  They would just give up all their power they now have over Palestinians? 

  6. 14 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    One way to deal with Hamas is to take away their reason for being: to oppose the brutal Israeli occupation. 

    Hamas is in power because all peaceful avenues have failed. As long as the occupation continues, there will always be resistance and stochastic terror. 

    You honestly believe that at this time that if Palestine was given all their pre 1948 land back that Hamas an autocratic regime would cease to exist by giving their power back to the other Palestinians they subjugate?  You honestly believe that?  You don't take into consideration that if your plan came into fruition it would embolden Hezbollah, other extreme jihadist regimes, and Iran to cause more chaos in the region? 

  7. 21 minutes ago, uncle bernard said:

    perfect summation of how self-defeating this slaughter is.


    There are caveats to this theory.  First is the average median age of males in the general population.  For Palestine I believe it is around 18 years of age.  Much lower than the global population.  This does imply that your theory could be correct.  It also highlights one of the biggest issues counter terrorism deals with in that these jihadist groups target pre teens to indoctrinate.  At the same time, no one has given a solid counter argument on how to deal with Hamas.  It's not so black and white

  8. 27 minutes ago, VakAttack said:

    Yes, because of the way they restrict access to guns.  There are licensing requirements




    Correct.  like I said I'm all for more gun regulation.  And also the gun culture in Switzerland is far different than the US.  I can't imagine America is going to depart itself from gun ownership.  Just pointing out that there are more responsible ways of going about it.  Lax laws and poor mental health is a recipe for disaster.  

    • Fire 2
  9. 11 minutes ago, VakAttack said:

    So now you're agreeing that we can restrict access to some inanimate objects, but just not these particular ones.  Ok, we're getting somewhere.  You pushed back on nuclear weapons and tanks, but didn't mention regular cars.  Why should we restrict access to cars but not guns? 

    As to your last question, because we literally have evidence (see: EVERY OTHER "DEVELOPED NATION") to show us that, if the access to these particular inanimate objects was restricted, the numbers of people killed would be dramatically reduced.

    Not entirely true.  Switzerland has a high rate of gun ownership and low homicide rates comparable to countries with the strictest gun laws.  I'm all for more regulations but we can't deny that America has a mental health crises

    • Fire 2
  10. 3 hours ago, Offthemat said:

    Godwin’s law?

    Far from it my friend.  This new speaker spear headed to overturn an election based solely on a false narrative.  He's also penned editorials asking to criminalize same sex marriage.  When Trump makes a run to the Thrown Johnson will be front and center spewing lies.  

  11. 1 hour ago, Ohio Elite said:

    The fact that he was a firearms instructor makes him 10x more deadly. That's some scary stuff.

    My concealed carry 9mm wouldn't stand a chance.


    56 minutes ago, Ohio Elite said:

    Wow that is small. Probably a good gun for pocket carrying. I used to have a .380 for that

    We do a considerable amount of work in some rough Philly neighborhoods.  I carry my Walther 9mm.  I'm amazed that when I tell people they think it's cool.  It's an unpleasant feeling thinking you might have to defend your own life just to go to work.  And like Ohio Elite said the 9mm isn't going to do much good.   Wouldn't want to get caught up in a gang shooting where they're spraying bullets everywhere

    • Fire 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Offthemat said:

    I was addressing the claims that it was a moment of magnificence when biden withdrew from Afghanistan and some points about why we were so invested. 

    Gotcha, thanks!  Well here's the kicker.  At this moment there is no right or wrong answer on whether pulling out of Afghanistan was the right thing to do.  History will eventually tell that story.  After the fall of the USSR I'm sure there were many people in the US intelligence community that thought that the region we helped win their resistance would be the last place an Arab Sunni from Saudi Arabia would build a network of terrorist to attack the US and was protected by former Mujahedeen.   

    • Fire 1
  13. Just now, Offthemat said:

    And what is the enemy of my enemy.  The ‘net can take you to released FBI files that document connections between Iran and Hamas and al qaida.  It’s not secret that muslims band together against the little satan and the great satan. 

    Apologies, haven't read through the prior post.  I answered your post assuming you were generally asking who on paper Hamas aligned with religiously.  I'm guessing you knew the answer and were setting up to make a point?

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