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Everything posted by BobDole

  1. It's not about wrestling at your natural weight, it's how much your weight can fluctuate throughout the day. On top of that you're engaged in a physically demanding sport every hour. Now after a tough match you have to be aware of how much water/gatorade you have on top of preparing for battle. As a coach now you would need to monitor those kids that are naturally close all day long on top of coaching and dealing with the crazy parents.
  2. Having kid monitor their weight to weigh in multiple times a day is a scary thought. We are talking about teenagers or youth kids who should be enjoying themselves between matches, not worrying about drinking too much water after a match. That kind of stuff causes extreme eating disorders. On top of that, if you want to run kids and parents out of the sport this is exactly the way to do it. No one should be forced to make weight multiple times during the day.
  3. Don't worry he just doubled down on his takes.
  4. I'm letting him dig his own grave here. He has been banned from other boards for *surprisingly* racist comments.
  5. Neither side seems to care about civilians here. Neither is the good guy in this situation and it will only continue to get worse until one side's eternal goal of totally eliminating the other is accomplished.
  6. Nuff said
  7. Well back then the prevailing opinion was that some people are a few grains short of a beach if you get what I'm sayin'.
  8. Edited the original reply, I referenced the wrong Ferrari's case. It was dismissed https://www.oscn.net/dockets/GetCaseInformation.aspx?db=payne&number=CF-2022-306&cmid=414194
  9. Wrong Ferrari, the case was dismissed https://www.oscn.net/dockets/GetCaseInformation.aspx?db=payne&number=CF-2022-306&cmid=414194
  10. Good luck with that. By chance do you believe the Earth is round or flat?
  11. But what if she wants to be a capital X?
  12. I love how every article says "Twitter (now known as X)" in it. Should we continue to deadname X or let it change to it's preferred name? This is a big conundrum.
  13. Let's just call it BBW for short, okay?
  14. We don't want facts to get in the way of your opinions, I fully understand that. Can you explain this then? 9 steel gates of Arizona's border wall ripped off by monsoon storms, 5 completely missing https://www.12news.com/article/news/special-reports/at-the-border/9-steel-gates-of-arizona-border-wall-ripped-off-by-monsoon-storms-5-completely-missing/75-d1140599-f255-4b95-ad58-79f8b65cdce0 Or this Trump’s border wall, vulnerable to flash floods, needs large storm gates left open for months https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/trumps-border-wall-vulnerable-to-flash-floods-needs-large-storm-gates-left-open-for-months/2020/01/30/be709346-3710-11ea-bb7b-265f4554af6d_story.html Since you seem to be a border wall and fence expert, I think you probably need to head to the southern border and build it better.
  15. BobDole

    Gunner Henry

  16. What gets them more votes? Talking about the debt or claiming the trans kids are coming to get you?
  17. If the other Bob was so serious about those issues, especially the debt the wouldn't waste time and money on another circus voting and re-voting for a new speaker.
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