I'm for letting people make their own private medical decisions and the government to stay out of those decisions.
I don't need you, nor any government official to dictate my private medical decisions.
You act like this is something that is going on with millions and millions of kids and the reality is, it is not even 1000. Only in your fantasy world are you so worried about these poor kids, yet where is your outrage over the 15,000 kids that are kidnapped every week? What about the ones being abused by their parents or others? You fake outrage over another person's medical decisions, yet show nothing for those that are being kidnapped or abused by CRIMINALS! You worry about the kids, but aren't for giving kids free school lunches. You worry about the kids, yet don't want to put money into public education and let teachers live on poverty wages.
You keep falling for the fake outrage with all the trans people and what restrooms they go into that you fail to see true issues in society. What harm does it do to YOU that some person wants to "pretend(as you put it)" to be a different gender? Are these people hurting others? Are they stealing and looting? Are they murdering others?
Now I can't wait for you to try to take this to another what about Hunter Biden or some other right wing conspiracy, but alas it's your schtick and you never answer questions anyway.