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The Do-Nothing GOP congress

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At least one thing they did was not allow a horrific law to go into place that would perpetuate the current border crisis and codify it into law.

They stopped other ill conceived bills from moving forward.

They passed an immigration bill that would actually reduce illegal immigration.

They named new buildings.

 They brought to light the corruptness of the FBI. 

Impeached Mayorkis.

There's lots of stuff. 


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Do-Nothing GOP congress

I want congress to do less than nothing.  I want congress to REMOVE laws, regulations, and impediments to freedom.  Usually "do something" results in higher taxes, more regulation, less freedom.  I think the term Undo-Things is an apt term.  Congress, Please UNDO the power to legislate through regulation and administrative fiat that you have ceded to the swamp.  Please UNDO the tax code and reduce it to simplicity without phase ins, phase outs, deductions, reductions, credits, etc. etc.  Give me an Undo-Things Congress (call them Do-Nothing if you like) and I will be very very happy.

  • Brain 1
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40 minutes ago, Lipdrag said:

Do-Nothing GOP congress

I want congress to do less than nothing.  I want congress to REMOVE laws, regulations, and impediments to freedom.  Usually "do something" results in higher taxes, more regulation, less freedom.  I think the term Undo-Things is an apt term.  Congress, Please UNDO the power to legislate through regulation and administrative fiat that you have ceded to the swamp.  Please UNDO the tax code and reduce it to simplicity without phase ins, phase outs, deductions, reductions, credits, etc. etc.  Give me an Undo-Things Congress (call them Do-Nothing if you like) and I will be very very happy.

I'm with you on that.  If they are going to do something how about draft and pass a term limits bill, otherwise do nothing is fine.  

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11 minutes ago, Offthemat said:

While I would prefer repealing the 17th Amendment, term limits may help and I wouldn’t object, but it would require an amendment

But congress has to initiate it correct?

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