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Trump "shooting" appears to be poorly staged ploy

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19 hours ago, Husker_Du said:

so patient you immediately started a thread saying it was staged. 

Yep, absolutely.

From the very start, that thing appeared staged... and still does.

No need to be patient when it was that obvious. (Why wait when obvious happens.)

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11 hours ago, Offthemat said:

I believe she basically nailed it.

THIS was a staged ploy. Just as all ploys go, some things went well some went wrong.

What Trump has been telling us isn't true. (Given his everyday lie count, this should surprise nobody.)

Believe what you will but...

Bringing in that kid and letting him do his thing had been approved by LEO and SS - neither of them showed any interest in stopping it. Zero. That just isn't right.

SS (Secret Service) is 100% committed to protecting Trump in this situation. I don't doubt that. They wouldn't have let it happen if they didn't already know that the kid was not a real threat to him.

Maybe the kid was supposed to shoot over people, but he didn't aim high enough or was too shakey? Hard to say. He was just a kid.

We're seeing NOTHING in terms of updates on ballistics, and the locations and details of those who were shot, etc. By now, we should be hearing at least some reports or at least an update on their progress. (Regardless of your political stance, you should be expecting the same thing here.)

This thing just keeps stinking more and more.

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4 hours ago, RockLobster said:

We're seeing NOTHING in terms of updates on ballistics (wrong) , and the locations and details of those who were shot, etc (dead ass wrong, funeral yesterday) . By now, we should be hearing at least some reports or at least an update on their progress .  We have.  You’re either not interested in seeing it, or lying because you think you’re advancing your point .  Either way, this is one of your worst posts yet   Open your eyes to the world and do better    Bye Felicia  


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5 hours ago, RockLobster said:

I believe she basically nailed it.

THIS was a staged ploy. Just as all ploys go, some things went well some went wrong.

What Trump has been telling us isn't true. (Given his everyday lie count, this should surprise nobody.)

Believe what you will but...

Bringing in that kid and letting him do his thing had been approved by LEO and SS - neither of them showed any interest in stopping it. Zero. That just isn't right.

SS (Secret Service) is 100% committed to protecting Trump in this situation. I don't doubt that. They wouldn't have let it happen if they didn't already know that the kid was not a real threat to him.

Maybe the kid was supposed to shoot over people, but he didn't aim high enough or was too shakey? Hard to say. He was just a kid.

We're seeing NOTHING in terms of updates on ballistics, and the locations and details of those who were shot, etc. By now, we should be hearing at least some reports or at least an update on their progress. (Regardless of your political stance, you should be expecting the same thing here.)

This thing just keeps stinking more and more.

Not to be smart but are you on other forums discussing the shooting? If so how are your thoughts being received? 

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5 hours ago, RockLobster said:

Yep, absolutely.

From the very start, that thing appeared staged... and still does.

No need to be patient when it was that obvious. (Why wait when obvious happens.)

Catastrophic incompetence can be perceived as staged. 

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17 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

We're seeing NOTHING in terms of updates on ballistics (wrong) , and the locations and details of those who were shot, etc (dead ass wrong, funeral yesterday) . By now, we should be hearing at least some reports or at least an update on their progress .  We have.  You’re either not interested in seeing it, or lying because you think you’re advancing your point .  Either way, this is one of your worst posts yet   Open your eyes to the world and do better    Bye Felicia  

I had thought you might be a smart person before - why do you post like an idiot here?

Locations and details of the shooting somehow equates to a "funeral yesterday"? That's a bonehead take.

  • Nothing in terms of updates on ballistics
    • Which bullets match which shooters to those that were shot? Still no answers.
    • This is suspiciously quiet. It's so incredibly basic, that the public SHOULD all know by now.
  • Locations and details of those that were shot
    • Which stand were they sitting in, and in what exact seat. It is known by the FBI, and we should know.
    • Where did these locations lie in terms of the 'line of site' of the shooter?

Why the giant cover up?

This thing stinks more and more every day.

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5 hours ago, RockLobster said:

I had thought you might be a smart person before - why do you post like an idiot here?

Locations and details of the shooting somehow equates to a "funeral yesterday"? That's a bonehead take.

  • Nothing in terms of updates on ballistics
    • Which bullets match which shooters to those that were shot? Still no answers.
    • This is suspiciously quiet. It's so incredibly basic, that the public SHOULD all know by now.
  • Locations and details of those that were shot
    • Which stand were they sitting in, and in what exact seat. It is known by the FBI, and we should know.
    • Where did these locations lie in terms of the 'line of site' of the shooter?

Why the giant cover up?

This thing stinks more and more every day.

We should know?  Are you part of the investigation team?  

you’re really bad at this. 

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On 7/20/2024 at 6:30 AM, Paul158 said:

Catastrophic incompetence can be perceived as staged. 

...and Staged can be perceived as catastrophic incompetence.

The answers I'm looking for have nothing to do with perception.

  • Ballistics - Do the ballistics tie the people who were shot to the alleged shooter or not?
    • This is the most basic question of the shooting, yet we get zero answers.
    • WrestlingRasta (post just above) seems to think we shouldn't get to know. But we should.
    • This key info will tell who actually did or didn't shoot those that did or didn't actually get shot.
    • Release the information.
  • Locations - We should all know that law enforcement has pinpointed exactly where every pertinent person was at the time of the shooting. And how they moved before and after.
    • This is the information we, the people, should know.
    • We need to know this - there should be no reluctance from the FBI and/or other law enforcement.
    • Release the information.

There are answers out there that the public doesn't know that the public needs to know.

Unless this is a cover-up, we should expect to see those answers pronto.

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On 7/20/2024 at 7:45 AM, headshuck said:

Medical genius Fauci downplayed Trumps assassination attempt wound as superficial. He didn’t say fake.

... like a wound caused by a razor blade just like Trump's old days doing fake pro wrestling' matches.

Superficial, not fake, bleeds a lot for a little while, then not a big deal - heals quickly.

Superficial = "on the surface". No evidence of a bullet piercing any skin at all.

IMO - done more likely by a razor blade than a bullet.

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1 hour ago, headshuck said:

What’s the latest on this theory?

Not a theory.

More of a working explanation. We need one, because authorities have yet to give us one that makes sense.

Details are coming out like sludge through a funnel. I hadn't anticipated how slowly these gears would turn. But it doesn't reflect well on the FBI, local Police (LP), or the SS (nor does the resignation of the SS Director.) 

Until we start getting more facts, I'm inclined to think the SS was not in on it. That they were likely duped.

It would appear the kid was recruited to take some shots and duck. Maybe he hit some people, maybe he didn't, we need the ballistics to know for sure. In any case, the LP must have been in on it. They let him wander around, climb on the roof, hang out on the roof, and they even made contact with him on the roof (although we still don't know how the LP was able to climb up to the roof without a ladder... just as we don't know how the kid got on the roof without a ladder either. Perhaps the same ladder that was in the building they were both occupying?) From the audio evidence, there was a 3rd gun - belonging to an LP sniper that... missed. Hmm.

We all know kids, when the adrenaline starts rushing they are basically impossible to predict. Maybe he wanted to take one more impulsive look over the roof to see what was happening? Understandable, but if so, a fatal mistake.

One other consideration would be if the kid could keep the secret? Come November, the expectation at the time was that Trump was going to easily win - even without the boost the "assassination attempt" would bring him as planned. He'd be able to pardon the kid and all of the LP involved. Wouldn't have to worry about anybody breaking down and fessing up.

Then again - maybe someone leaked the kid shooter information to the SS at the last minute to tie up loose ends?

The rest of it is still an incomplete picture. But, even at a snail's pace, it keeps moving along. We'll get there.

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1 hour ago, Scouts Honor said:

in other words... make shit up as you go...

then believe it

Not at all Scoot, I didn't realize you needed it explained - otherwise I would have posted this earlier:

A “working explanation” refers to a preliminary or provisional explanation that is good enough to be useful for the time being, even if it is not complete or final. It is often used as a basis for further investigation or research.

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15 hours ago, RockLobster said:

Not at all Scoot, I didn't realize you needed it explained - otherwise I would have posted this earlier:

A “working explanation” refers to a preliminary or provisional explanation that is good enough to be useful for the time being, even if it is not complete or final. It is often used as a basis for further investigation or research.

good enough to be useful... = shit  you made up in your head 

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17 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:

good enough to be useful... = shit  you made up in your head 

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified on Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee. Did you watch it? Or do you get all your information by just making it up and then posting like a jerk? I did watch it. 

Christopher Wray, when answering questions from Jim Jordan stated:


With respect to former president Trump, there’s some question about whether or not it’s a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear

That is consistent with my working explanation (from the beginning) - I don't believe Trump was shot in the ear at all.

I look at the facts, the evidence, and most importantly - the lack of evidence - and then I carefully draw conclusions and am particularly careful not to draw conclusions from media talking points and untrustworthy sources that aren't necessarily rooted in factual evidence.

The media and Trump and Trump's campaign says Trump was shot. So some of you blindly believe it. I don't.

No need to get angry with me about it. It just appears that I'm more careful with what I believe than you, sheep or lemmings.

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1 minute ago, RockLobster said:

FBI Director Christopher Wray testified on Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee. Did you watch it? Or do you get all your information by just making it up and then posting like a jerk? I did watch it. 

Christopher Wray, when answering questions from Jim Jordan stated:

That is consistent with my working explanation (from the beginning) - I don't believe Trump was shot in the ear at all.

I look at the facts, the evidence, and most importantly - the lack of evidence - and then I carefully draw conclusions and am particularly careful not to draw conclusions from media talking points and untrustworthy sources that aren't necessarily rooted in factual evidence.

The media and Trump and Trump's campaign says Trump was shot. So some of you blindly believe it. I don't.

No need to get angry with me about it. It just appears that I'm more careful with what I believe than you, sheep or lemmings.

i haven't watched any of it. i work.

you are saying wray thinks trump did this?

of course he does

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1 minute ago, Scouts Honor said:

i haven't watched any of it. i work.

you are saying wray thinks trump did this?

of course he does

And you're the one calling me a conspiracy theorist?

That's not what he said at all. Neither is it what I necessarily think - but, at this point, it is among the possibilities.

Don't take it personally. It's not about you. It's about "critical thinking" and not easily buying into what we hear.

What really happened at the shooting matters. That's why the House voted yesterday to form a task force to investigate the shooting. (Yes, it's considered a 'shooting' - no, still not classified as an "assassination attempt." It has yet to be established that the shooter was trying to kill Trump - although so many simply believe it because that's what they're told.)

Is it Democrats or Republicans voting for this? Both. the legislation passed unanimously, 416-0. And the task force will consist of both D's and R's. Turns out everybody in the House wants to find out the truth rather than blindly go along with what they're told... and that they all agree with what I'm saying. That there are big questions that haven't been answered.

I don't know what your point is. That I shouldn't be questioning mainstream media? Well, then your opinion doesn't matter.

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critical thinking

something you have shown a little more of lately

tells you that trump would possibly have someone take a shot at his head... and then turn his head just at the right synchronized time so as not to be hit

Original Vintage Posters -> Cinema Posters -> Back to the Future II Synchronize  Your Watches Teaser - AntikBar

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9 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:

critical thinking

something you have shown a little more of lately

tells you that trump would possibly have someone take a shot at his head... and then turn his head just at the right synchronized time so as not to be hit

Original Vintage Posters -> Cinema Posters -> Back to the Future II Synchronize  Your Watches Teaser - AntikBar

Even better.  Shooting a piece of glass from somewhere, the monitors show no damage, that cuts the President’s ear and then disappears.  Trick shot extraordinaire. 

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