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Let's talk about the atrocities in China and the fact that Apple (who uses sweat shops and benefits from horribly ecologic mining practices)

is helping the Chinese gov't w/ damage control and censoring of media. (This is the same company currently beefing w/ Twitter b/c 'free speech is bad).

And then let's consider that these tech companies, auto makers, the NBA, Nike - are all defenders of China and yet are the most virtue signaling wankers on earth.




I hate apple products. Resisted them for years despite all the crazy liberals telling me how great they are. Ended up having to get an iphone for work and I hate them even more now. 


Apple products have worked more reliably than anything else
I’ve used in last 15 years. My family’s PCs with DOS and Windows and Nokia phones was a nightmare. All the hassles went away with Mac computers, routers, iPhones and Apple TVs. Stuff just works and is generally secure.

I might change if Apple gets too political but where do you turn, Google? Amazon?

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Husker_Du said:

Let's talk about the atrocities in China and the fact that Apple (who uses sweat shops and benefits from horribly ecologic mining practices)

is helping the Chinese gov't w/ damage control and censoring of media. (This is the same company currently beefing w/ Twitter b/c 'free speech is bad).

And then let's consider that these tech companies, auto makers, the NBA, Nike - are all defenders of China and yet are the most virtue signaling wankers on earth.


1. China Sucks.
2. Apple is a joke and creates vendor locks, which is terrible for the consumer. There is a reason they have been losing market share for seven straight years
3. People, companies, and most political wonks (both sides) are hypocrites
- Mic drop -



Edited by Viratas
  • Fire 1

That’s to keep your whining ass shut. You want off this ranch, you got it. I’ll drive your ass to the train station myself.

10 hours ago, Husker_Du said:

Let's talk about the atrocities in China and the fact that Apple (who uses sweat shops and benefits from horribly ecologic mining practices)

is helping the Chinese gov't w/ damage control and censoring of media. (This is the same company currently beefing w/ Twitter b/c 'free speech is bad).

And then let's consider that these tech companies, auto makers, the NBA, Nike - are all defenders of China and yet are the most virtue signaling wankers on earth.


Yeah, Apple releasing an iPhone update in China limiting Airdrop functions to prevent communication between protesters is absolutely dystopian. Anyone cheering Apple's potential move to limit Twitter's availability in the App Store with the defense "but but but it's a private company" is either too stupid or too tribal to take seriously.

  • Fire 1

Yat,  we all sit surrounded by Chinese products,  don't we?

It's our companies exploiting cheap labor,  while we want to buy inexpensive products. 

We're ALL guilty. 

  • Fire 1

Owner of over two decades of the most dangerous words on the internet!  In fact, during the short life of this forum, me's culture has been cancelled three times on this very site!

Yeah, Apple releasing an iPhone update in China limiting Airdrop functions to prevent communication between protesters is absolutely dystopian. Anyone cheering Apple's potential move to limit Twitter's availability in the App Store with the defense "but but but it's a private company" is either too stupid or too tribal to take seriously.

If you’re going to take this approach, you should have the timeline correct. They did this several weeks before the fire that started the current protests. The two are unrelated.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
2 hours ago, Ban Basketball said:

Yat,  we all sit surrounded by Chinese products,  don't we?

It's our companies exploiting cheap labor,  while we want to buy inexpensive products. 

We're ALL guilty. 

Yes, this is true.  


Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Le duke said:

If you’re going to take this approach, you should have the timeline correct. They did this several weeks before the fire that started the current protests. The two are unrelated.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You think that the covid protests of last week were the first public dissent they wanted to crush? China has been suffering internal strife for quite some time related to covid lockdowns, bank runs and a housing market crisis. The health code system on everyone's phones was weaponized within a couple months to prevent protesters from congregating regarding bank deposit freezes. (https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-bank-protest-stopped-by-health-codes-turning-red-depositors-say-2022-06-14/). The update only applied to phones in China--you think that is an accident? Your cute little instagram post is moronic as well--iPhone has "only" 23% market share? 1) Students (you know, the people most likely to protest) are more likely to use these phones than the general population, 2)what do you think the rest of the phones are? The remainder of the phones are primarily made by Chinese companies. You don't think those phones had features modified to curtail communication between protesters? 

Seriously, get a clue.

Edited by Theo Brixton
You think that the covid protests of last week were the first public dissent they wanted to crush? China has been suffering internal strife for quite some time related to covid lockdowns, bank runs and a housing market crisis. The health code system on everyone's phones was weaponized within a couple months to prevent protesters from congregating regarding bank deposit freezes. (https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-bank-protest-stopped-by-health-codes-turning-red-depositors-say-2022-06-14/). The update only applied to phones in China--you think that is an accident? Your cute little instagram post is moronic as well--iPhone has "only" 23% market share? 1) Students (you know, the people most likely to protest) are more likely to use these phones than the general population, 2)what do you think the rest of the phones are? The remainder of the phones are primarily made by Chinese companies. You don't think those phones had features modified to curtail communication between protesters? 
Seriously, get a clue.

So, an event five months ago is responsible for Apple rolling out an update when there was next to, or no, civil unrest, in early November?

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Also, it seems like that feature would actually be quite helpful in terms of suppressing protests, if used by anyone with an interest in doing that.

Turning it off isn’t on the best interest of the Chinese government when it comes to controlling the flow of information.

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  • Confused 1
15 minutes ago, Le duke said:

So, an event five months ago is responsible for Apple rolling out an update when there was next to, or no, civil unrest, in early November?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Issues regarding public dissent and protest in China are ever-present. Not really sure how you can argue otherwise unless you have absolutely no clue. There are endless reasons for the CCP to want to limit uncensored communication. Here is one of many that happened in October:https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxn7nq/anti-xi-jinping-posters-are-spreading-in-china-via-airdrop. The only question is why did it take so long? My guess is direct criticism of Xi hit a little too close to home.



Issues regarding public dissent and protest in China are ever-present. Not really sure how you can argue otherwise unless you have absolutely no clue. There are endless reasons for the CCP to want to limit uncensored communication. Here is one of many that happened in October:https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxn7nq/anti-xi-jinping-posters-are-spreading-in-china-via-airdrop. The only question is why did it take so long? My guess is direct criticism of Xi hit a little too close to home.

IO is not limited to stopping communications. Using the same means to spread a different message and monitor the transmission of data are very viable reasons for them want it to continue.

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  • Confused 1
4 minutes ago, Le duke said:

IO is not limited to stopping communications. Using the same means to spread a different message and monitor the transmission of data are very viable reasons for them want it to continue.

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LMAO, maybe you should be advising the CCP. Seems like you have a lot in common.


LMAO, maybe you should be advising the CCP. Seems like you have a lot in common.

Ah yes. If I understand something better than you, I must be a Chinese sympathizer. Got it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
1 minute ago, Le duke said:

Ah yes. If I understand something better than you

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

If you are unable or unwilling to acknowledge that AirDrop was modified to enable censorship you exemplify my first post perfectly.

If you are unable or unwilling to acknowledge that AirDrop was modified to enable censorship you exemplify my first post perfectly.

Tell me, Theo, why anyone would willingly comm herd an adversary off a comms method they can easily monitor, geolocate and manipulate, and force them onto other, unknown means of communication, where that would be much harder to accomplish?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
2 minutes ago, Le duke said:

Tell me, Theo, why anyone would willingly comm herd an adversary off a comms method they can easily monitor, geolocate and manipulate, and force them onto other, unknown means of communication, where that would be much harder to accomplish?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You should read the article(s) I posted before revealing your ignorance. AirDrop is one of the more difficult forms of communication to control for the CCP. Geolocation of phones can occur regardless of AirDrop and already is being exploited to locate protesters--nothing to do with AirDrop. Other, unknown forms of communication? LMAO. Why don't they communicate with soup cans connected to string? Placing a banner on a highway demanding basic human freedoms from their government results in prison time, you think these people are not terrified of public displays of dissent? 

Authorities in China have had to resort to random stop-and-searches to see whether people have "forbidden apps" on their phones. The CCP obviously doesn't have a complete handle on everything yet. They are desperately trying to control access to information by its people. This is almost invariably what limiting AirDrop is intended to do.

41 minutes ago, Le duke said:

Using the same means to spread a different message

You obviously have no concept of what China is. "A different message"? Everything in China is all propaganda all the time. Like they need AirDrop to do this.



Who cares when the update occurred? isn't the result the same - they stopped people from communicating things the CCP didn't like and couldn't monitor.

don't try and make Apple into an innocent bystander. They literally had to install nets around their factory b/c the working conditions were so bad that people would jump to their deaths.

Apple, Nike, NBA, etc...all complicit.

and for once i agree w/ Ban Basketball...as i type this on a Mac

  • Fire 1



Is there a car on the road that doesn’t have parts from China? A kitchen that doesn’t have an appliance with parts from China? Restaurant/store without an electronic kiosk/POS? What’s the plan?


One of my kids is doing an assignment tonight on where things are from.  She walked around the house and identified 20 items across 12 countries; not a single one was from the U.S.A.  

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