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Everything posted by JimmyBT

  1. After complaining about others using it a certain person is now dishing out the clown emoji. Priceless.
  2. So you used your privilege even though you didn’t need to. Someone else with no head start got screwed because of you. Hypocrite
  3. 10% of life is what happens to you. The other 90% is how you react to it.
  4. Anyone that thinks masks worked for Covid needs a swift kick in the ass and should be forced to wear a sheep’s costume in addition to the mask.
  5. So you’re defending him then? Got it.
  6. My favorites are the ones with them on in the car by themselves. Clowns.
  7. Babble boy jr is running himself in circles again. Priceless
  8. Self accountability and self respect will get you places. Excuses get you nothing.
  9. Did you? Yep. Were you? Yep. Oh and Good luck with that. You fail a lot
  10. Accidental poisoning. Oh do tell.
  11. Proof?
  12. Imperial aspirations. Bahahahahahahahhahahahha. Ya letting women and children have freedom is imperialist for sure.
  13. You made a point to say it was me. You were wrong. Again.
  14. It’s long overdue. Only way to drain the swamp and keep it drained. No reason these people should become multi millionaires for representing their country. That being said 72% of all Americans believe you need a valid ID to vote no matter what state you’re in and that’s not happening either.
  15. https://www.city-journal.org/article/approximately-zero
  16. Solid contributions. Second grade name calling. Typical for say good/do nothing libtardos.
  17. We know. There are people here that post pictures regularly about what they cooked.
  18. If a person wishes to go to college they should pay for it. I can get behind doing away with the interest charged. Schools financing tuition works for me.
  19. Pay for college. Get rid of the interest. It’s not that hard
  20. You’re the one that originally brought up Kansas not me. You ignored the article about all the people leaving California when you seem to think it’s so hard.
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