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Everything posted by billyhoyle

  1. Did you have a problem with the U.S. going into Afghanistan after 9/11? There's no moral equivalency between invading a sovereign nation to annex it and responding to a terrorist attack by going after that terrorist group. This response by Russia seems more aimed at punishing their athletes who chose not to publicly support the war than it does anything else.
  2. It's a legitimate question...Why would they rebrand her when she won the Olympics and got TONS of good press from that? The best in the sport do pretty well in the long term. I bet Gable Steveson would have been better off financially if he had stuck with wrestling. We'll see what happens in his career vs JB, Taylor, Dake, Snyder. Obviously, TMS has less earning potential than they do, but I doubt she has that much in WWE either (based on how they have treated her and that clip). WWE is not about actual wrestling skills at all, and it never has been. WWE stars come from being roided up and playing on whatever the zeitgeist is. Women's amateur wrestling is growing, and TMS could be a leader in that-there is much more space for growth there than there is in WWE.
  3. If that kid had just learned a stand up and gotten off from bottom his dad wouldn't have been arrested! That is why you practice mat wrestling (looking at you, Ohio State).
  4. Athletes always get crap when they do this-it's not just a wrestling thing. Many more people know about Muhammad Ali and Tim Tebow and how they mixed religion and sport than know of PSU wrestling. Kyrie Irving got WAY more pushback for disparaging a religion than Aaron Brooks ever did (I don't think Brooks ever even apologized).
  5. Maybe this guy lost because the people in his district didn't like him and it's not some big conspiracy? No amount of money would make AOC or Jim Jordan lose a primary because their districts like them.
  6. The right-wing does the exact same thing when they lose and don't get their way. Example in France:
  7. Yeah, this ^^^. Ryan has taken a ton of transfers. He started out his tenure at tOSU by bringing people over from Hofstra.
  8. College football has a spectacle out of recruiting for years. This isn’t a new concept.
  9. I can't see it either. It would be a huge shift in how he has operated since he started coaching.
  10. Is it really that dumb when 80% of MMA fans support him too, and your fighting style is perceived to be boring by them? They might actually tune in to see him fight now, which is more important in UFC than being a great fighter (and he seems to be a great fighter as well).
  11. This is actually really great for him. He got booed at his last fight because of his style of fighting, so this could win a lot of those fans back.
  12. The precedent has been going on for years, unfortunately.
  13. Most of the fans of women's gymnastics are women. And I think that is because it is one of the most intense/insanely competitive women's sports and has been for decades. They are absolutely incredible athletes, and the fact that most of the girls competing are 16-18 and have been training for a decade for their one chance only adds to it.
  14. AJ Ferrari? That guy is the most hated on NCAA wrestler here for very good reason. And all I'm saying is that it's obvious that the complaining/social mediate hate is exactly what Bo Bassett is trying to get from doing this unnecessarily long list. It's just engagement farming/trolling, so you shouldn't get worked up about the people posting here because it's exactly what he wants. You get as much or more viral traffic from doing stuff like that than by producing meaningful content.
  15. Hmm. Living in a mountain you say. I could see why a lot of us wrestlers would feel at home there.
  16. 1. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has been going up for years, so have global temperatures. 2. CO2 absorbs IR radiation, causing it to release heat (due to the bonds vibrating, which you see from IR spectroscopy). 3. Some of that heat goes back down to the earth, warming it.
  17. I'm not going to disagree with you on any of that, or pretend to know what the right solution to the problem is. But I will just say that it is undeniable that a greater CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is going to heat the planet, and the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has been increasing. So as long as we start from that point, and then ask what we should do about it (if anything), that is a discussion worth having. But when people say that there is no climate change or they don't understand it, it is confusing to me because it is so simple and directly measurable. You can measure the IR spectrum of a CO2 molecule. You can measure the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and get historical data from ice cores. It's not really complicated.
  18. MMA guys can outwrestle wrestlers in MMA. there's no question about that. I would also argue that a guy like Jon Jones would probably have been an elite wrestler if he stuck with it, or GSP would have been as well if he had been a wrestler instead of MMA fighter.
  19. What doesn't make sense about CO2 absorbing IR radiation? You increase the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, you retain more heat on the planet. It's a simple concept, but most people don't understand how molecular vibrations work. O2 and N2 do not absorb IR radiation btw. Hence why we are more and more ***ducked** as we increase CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. You can see the IR spectrum right here if you're curious: https://webbook.nist.gov/cgi/cbook.cgi?ID=C124389&Type=IR-SPEC&Index=1 If you want to say we should move inland/north in the long term or build giant levees rather than decrease CO2 emission, sure I could see that argument. It might be more feasible to just say the state of Florida and current coastal areas on the east/west coast probably shouldn't be inhabited 200 years from now than it is to say we should stop burning fossil fuels (and somehow convince China/India to do the same thing). But you can't really deny the premise that CO2 is heating the planet.
  20. What is there to do in Blacksburb? On the surface this post seems absolutely insane to me, but I have to admit that I know nothing about Blacksburg, VA. And maybe I wouldn't live in New Brunswick itself, but living in that area of NJ is pretty nice.
  21. This type of reaction is exactly what he wants, so if anything you should be thanking the people here. You see it all the time where somebody puts out content that is annoying or unpopular to increase attention and engagement. The people pointing out how annoying the behavior is are actually helping the person doing the trolling. So the posters here are only helping drive traffic/engagement to somebody who is obviously just attention trolling.
  22. Why is that brutal? He can just go over the GW bridge. Or he could move to the city and live in the housing they provide. I'm pretty sure nobody will ever want to go to Columbia again after those couple of weeks. They might be in danger of having an admission rate above 5%. Princeton was not a good job until they had a billionaire donor and great/motivated coach. With some resources, Columbia could easily go on the same path. Whether that happens, I don't know, but the ceiling is high.
  23. They can go on strike and collectively bargain for more salary or specific revenue distribution policies, but it's not going to work to sue and say the university has to cut other sports to pay football players more. That will happen anyway to stay competitive though.....Non revenue sports are screwed unless there is some type of federal regulation to protect them.
  24. Just when you think things can't get any worse, they always do. How could they possibly retain nonprofit status if they do this?
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