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Everything posted by wrestlingguy

  1. This shit is out of control!! If I didn't know any better I would think I had a virus on my computer. What the hell kind of sell out is running the intermat forums?
  2. I don't know who is dumber, Kamala Harris or the people blindly voting for her. They claim she was VP, a prosecutor, Senator so she is superior. Then whey can't she stop the game playing and debate Trump if he is so beneath her? She isn't hiding from the media because she can articulate her policies. At this point don't you see she is being protected just like Biden was for years? I think this is a clear ploy to try to get Trump to back out so she can say he is "scared". What a joke.
  3. That would require them to admit that she is an absolute disaster and not up for the job. Voting on emotions is a real problem but "orange man bad".
  4. Kamala hated Biden until she realized the racist old man was her ticket to greater power and he needed her for the woman and minority vote.
  5. I agree. Just stating that his ultimate goal is to be a scum bucket in Washington like the rest.
  6. Kansas City, Missouri. He is a smooth talker but like most politicians just tells you what you want to hear in hopes you will be dumb enough to believe him. He belongs in Washington with the rest of the promise everything deliver nothing politicians.
  7. But I will say Jean Peters Baker is more than part of the problem. She refuses to hold criminals accountable so why do they care if they keep breaking the law if they keep getting a slap on the wrist?
  8. Quinton Lucas is a do nothing blow hard. He only cares about getting into politics at the national level at this point.
  9. The face of defeat right there. How big of a Pu$$y do you have to be to use pronouns and let someone cuck your wife and admit it on national TV?
  10. I made it as far as him announcing his pronouns and proclaiming that he let's another dude cuck his wife. That speaks for itself.
  11. Passing an executive order to have kids get gender affirming care without parent knowledge and using taxpayers dollars to provide illegal immigrants with free college isn't radical enough for you?
  12. Don't forget he was in Congress. I am sure he took a bribe or two like the rest. They all seem to come out millionaires. Nobody would make a career out of it otherwise.
  13. Ok I was exaggerating but the top 1% pay more than half of the taxes in the US. Saying they are going to have them pay more in my opinion is just a way to appeal to the younger generation who the taxpayers have already bailed out of their student loans etc.
  14. Anyone else notice a pattern? People have been talking about this since before he was elected and it is just now confirmed? The DOJ is atrocious and more corrupt than the Clintons.
  15. Because Bernie Sanders is a damn moron that thinks billionaires don't pay the majority of taxes already.
  16. Most billionaires have companies that create the majority of the jobs. Be jealous all you want but they are the ones that took the risk and are being rewarded for it.
  17. Trust the science unless it comes to gender or defining a baby as a living being.
  18. She is vying to be President of the USA, why does she need solid policies or know how to articulate them, or have to have answers? The blind support because she isn't Trump is what is scary to me.
  19. I can't imagine in what world he would ever be afraid of debating Kamala. If for no other reason than to expose her for her lack of understanding of how the majority of her policies would negatively affect the US.
  20. You can't lie if you avoid the media almost completely since being nominated. Let's see how many more debates she backs out of before the election.
  21. Irony. Mandating the vaccine therefore making the pharmaceutical companies highly profitable and now the democrats want to pretend like they care about controlling the pharmaceutical company's profits by "snatching their patents".
  22. Let me guess you play the pronoun game too?
  23. Yeah he looked hurt or out of shape.
  24. Anyone else have the audio issue with Peacock where about every 5 seconds it sounds like you are in a vacuum? I don't want to watch on mute but it is on my last nerve already.
  25. Can someone please explain what is happening in the last couple sequences when the bricks keep getting thrown? What are they challenging?
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