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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. So now Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio. When will Indiana break???
  2. Then you are willing to give up roads, And police departments, and fire departments, and schools, and judicial systems, infrastructure, national defense, national disaster relief, and on and on and on. It’s funny how MAGA teaches us to hate those who make it possible the luxuries and services we take for granted here on a daily basis. Almost as if they’d like to see it erode from within…
  3. Honestly I think it is pretty indicative of, at least a current snapshot of where we’re headed for next year. If republicans don’t truly dump the MAGA train, I feel like Dems are going to see a lot of victories.
  4. When we care less about the methods in which they are carried out, and more about the results they are making us feel comfortable with.....we get a bunch of polls such as those that told some people and made them feel all warm and fuzzy inside cuz Trump had no chance in '16. It works both ways (confirmation bias) MAGA!!
  5. For the sake of good information, you really need to look into how that poll was conducted. It’s become quite the story.
  6. This story about the ‘Covenant App’ is really……strange.
  7. I’m smart enough to know that I don’t factually know nearly enough about the history of these two to have any strong opinion on what is factual, what is propaganda, and what the answers to resolve them are. I’m also smart enough to know that if I were to decide to educate myself on that history, there are a lot of places I would go before YouTube. My comment was more in the general sense than specific to this actual clip.
  8. When YouTube and tucker is your source for information, you know you’re the expert on every…single…topic available.
  9. Explain value based outcome payments to me like I’m an idiot…..cuz I am. Sidenote: don’t know a lot about the ins and outs of this topic. But I do know that the people on the patient care level…..unfortunately I’ve had to spend last couple years in the ‘care’ roll at home and the people on the floor in the hospitals and facilities, they are the real ones, the chosen ones. What they do day in and day out…heavy heavy level of gratitude.
  10. So you want to rely on someone you’re reading on social media to tell you how to figure it out……color me surprised.
  11. Just so long as every piece of shit on this board gets banned.
  12. Parrots. Parrots amuse me. My daughter has a couple. You should hear some of the shit she has them saying!
  13. Then you need to expand your horizons when it comes to where you are getting your information. Believe it or not, there are more taxpayers than just those within MAGA. I know its hard for some folks out there to see that far, but you'll get there. I have faith. Enjoy the journey.
  14. Did you quote and respond to the person you intended to?
  15. A) That single poll doesn't say a single thing about Mike Johnson, it talks solely about one single aspect that is part of the proposed bill. 2) The poll doesn't say what you seem to think it says.
  16. I had a debate with my father on this not long ago, that this theory is no good any longer. I told him when you were raising me, my access to different ways of doing things was you and your friends. Today, these kids have instant access in their pockets to view how things are done all over the world. The world of opinions is exponentially more competitive these days.
  17. Agree with this whole heartedly. Time, place, and context is everything.
  18. I’m not sure if that is accurate. Where did you get that information?
  19. I wouldn't say it was done in bad faith, more of a first offer in a negotiation. When you go to make an offer on the house, you don't start off with the highest number you'll go to...
  20. The bill has no chance. It will be returned and will need considerations for Ukraine and IRS. The bill as written is a gift to Russia, and billionaires. The negotiation process should be interesting.
  21. Ya'll are correct. I should have stuck around and contributed to the fine progress ya'll have made in resolving this mess. Peace shall reign supreme, and I passed on the opportunity to be a part of it.
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