First-dependence and addiction are not the same thing. An addiction causes an actual physiological reaction upon withdrawal. Can be as major as sweats and trembles and shakes you see with crackheads, can be as minor as a headache because you didn’t have any coffee today.
Im a dipper and a nightly pot smoker. (I also spend very little time sitting in front of the TV on the sofa). Two points want to make here relating to this. As a LEGAL pot smoker, I still have a job that has policies. One of those policies is ‘random’ drug tests. We know when the pull is going to happen, we just don’t know who’s going to get pulled. So every three months, I make a decision to go three weeks without any pot. I make that decision because I know there could be consequences should I fail a test.
During those three weeks I feel no physical effects, other than the lack of pain relief. I WANT to have a smoke, but there’s no physical pull to do so. I go a day without dipping and I’m shaking, headache, etc (yes I know I need to stop @Jason Bryant)
Dependence is an emotional attachment, that requires a decision. Addiction is a neurological connection, and requires intervention.