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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. I know. The thought of benefitting your community. A foreign concept in MAGA world, where all progress is made on twitter.....but I keep hope.
  2. Oh......so I'm supposed to go to a school let's say....California....waltz into the school board, and tell them how things are going to be run? That seems effective. Or..I can stick with my own community. It may not come across as righteous as screaming on social media about it, but it seems to work for me.
  3. Where did I say it's not happening anywhere. I said when I see it, I will address it. Trying sticking to what's said.
  4. Ahhhh.....the MAGA what about's that you see on your tucker feed.. I'm in schools all the time, I'm acutally in a school typing this. When I see porn, I will be sure to address it appropriatley.
  5. what do you mean......'now'
  6. MAGA!!!! The role models of a better America!
  7. This conversation is a hilarious sequence of events.
  8. MTG is on a rampage last couple days. Yesterday tweeting that Smith is a “weak a— bi—.” Then today’s little presentation. Me thinks she got a letter, and we’re about to find out why she was asking for a Pardon on her third day in office.
  9. It stings…I know.
  10. Good indicator that you need to read before commenting. Has nothing to do with one president over the other.. -> indicates transfer from one administration (in this case Bush2) to the next.
  11. Been a long while since we've seen anything new on this......looked around and can't find anything on who's place was searched. Home searched in Tupac Shakur murder investigation (msn.com)
  12. I would even say more so than the person(s) who performed the experiments. If they were Chineese citizens....they probably didn't have much of a choice.
  13. What’s really interesting here is that Giuliani in the 80’s brought down the mob with this new creative RICO act, where a lot of top dogs when to prison for 100 years for a lot of murders and crimes of which they were not even present at the scene. Fast forward a few decades, Mr Trial by Combat, volunteers to sit down with Smith, a few days later Trump gets his letter, Michigan electors get charged, Rudy doesn’t seem to have gotten a letter. Rudy built up RICO…..only to become Sammy Gravano.
  14. Starting to smell a little like RICO https://apnews.com/article/fake-elector-michigan-republican-df7803fca3862be713d9d6d29fb77e81
  15. Was just reading earlier the decrease from 21-22 was 0.5%, and attributed mostly do to decrease in natural (births bs deaths) and immigration.
  16. Or showed to writers and said "I'm not supposed to have this, this is still secret.......pretty cool huh?"
  17. Not too many Presidents sitting on a grand jury in Florida....or NY.....or DC.....or Georgia.....
  18. Wait is it for each count? Cuz if that’s the case….damn….you could take out a dollar for every penny you put in, and your money is safe.
  19. Well we know there's at least one more coming soon.
  20. You truly believe that is isolated to the left????
  21. A bigger point is you could record that same video in Miami, FL.....or Indianapolis, IN.....or Dallas, TX But there's a difference in screaming PROBLEM>>>>YOURE EVIL and recording click bait....vs putting that same effort into sitting down, talking, and reaching solutions. It's not a characteristic isolated to one side of the aisle.
  22. Round 3 coming up........ ding ding Trump says he has been notified he's a target of the US probe into efforts to overturn 2020 election (msn.com)
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