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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. You don't think legal on a federal level is a net positive? (Just clarifying)
  2. I get the jist, BUT....I am a few weeks behind. I am going to ask, with full transparency that I am 100% behind the "f you just because you haven't taken the time to watch it doesn't mean we shouldn't talk about it" crowd, but please no spoilers.
  3. I'm in a medical state, medical prescriber, with a (government) job that does randoms. Certainly a tricky dynamic. I got my prescription after a hospital visit and just went straight to my superiors and told them. I thought '24 would have a shot at the federal level but I think we would be hearing about it by now if it were going to make a big move.
  4. So....is that six months, two years,???
  5. Have legal 'recreational' marijuana. How long till the feds give it a rest? (Trying to shift from talk of president's, and into something that actually impacts our daily life)
  6. I'm amazed at the level of skill so many have achieved in displaying massive hypocrisy while in the same breath calling out others massive hypocrisy. Even more impressive is the skill in knowing what charges and evidence are while they are still under seal and unavailable to the public. The amount of social media information people take in as final word is mind blowing. That said, if if IF what has come out over the last week or so turns out to be proven true in court......blow jobs, email servers, hotel break-ins, and arms sales to contras all combined pale in comparison to these accusations. None the less, stop spending so much time worrying about the President. Any President. I can't think of any time in my life where who was President had a huge impact on where is was, or where I was going.
  7. This is all like foreign language to me. I honestly don’t know what any of you guys are talking about. (My contribution for the day)
  8. Bo is smart. Bo is sly. How many points you think Bo got on that 250,000??
  9. Write a f****in dossier, or be gone.
  10. Thanks, I was hoping people wouldn’t think I was lying.
  11. Happens quite a bit here in South Florida, with all the homes that are vacant half the year.
  12. Step one: In an election year, turn off all social media (whether figuratively or seriously delete), take the time for due diligence and actually research the candidates, instead of just listening to who we are being told we should vote for, or whatever line that candidate is giving you this week. Start with the local and state elections, since they impact your life way more than who is running for president.
  13. Exactly, like I said, it's just simply much easier to bitch and blame.
  14. ‘We the people’ are the biggest threat. For everything everyone on here is bitching about this president or that governor or this congressman, there’s a whole bunch of ‘we the people’ not only voting for them, but grasping their bullshit and hitting the streets with it. The hard fact truth underneath all of this is a politician isn’t a politician without our vote. Everything beyond that is just an argument, and usually a pretty heavily biased one. Best thing we can do is look in the mirror, do the hard part. But….we won’t. It’s easier to bitch and poke. And that’s why we the people are the biggest threat.
  15. Bamboo shack, Jamaican beach. That’s all I’m sayin
  16. Not that they’re not some serious accusations, but I think we’re all confident the list of presidents profiting from presidential pardons is, like my johnson, long and distinguished.
  17. Correct, they are all over the place. Puppets, and parrots.
  18. Each presidential election has become increasingly a little more ‘lesser of two evils’ than the previous.
  19. Epstein was equal opportunity scumbag. The left could go on all day about ‘acquaintances’ from the right, and vice versa. Humorous watching anyone try to one up the other in that dept. The whole which media source is trustworthy is a pretty entreating debate to watch too.
  20. From my state and nothing but a parrot. Trump owns him big time.
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