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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. When that time comes, I’ll give your judgement the weight it has earned.
  2. So you think legislation is strictly about restricting citizens and telling us when to eat and shit. It’s hard to imagine why we have members of Congress who won’t do their job when we have people electing them who think it’s silly to hold them accountable to their job. Can we create a forum that is just for serious conversation. So there’s at least some balance?
  3. If MAGA members of Congress were serious about their oversight and investigative duties, there are a whole lot of big fish to investigate in addition to Hunter Biden. But the Biden’s stand in the way of Trump being RE-elected. So we’re not seeing those other investigations. We’re not seeing much meaningful legislation either. We’re seeing clown show after clown show so it stays in the news. And so many are being fooled by it they are distracted from issues that are at this point seriously more important. But….MAGA!!
  4. Uggggh. I’m not really up for the whole “I’m going to argue that you’re saying something even if you didn’t say it” thing. You have a nice for that, and I’m not in the mood to play. I said that’s enough for Congress. It’s time the MAGA’s in this Congress try doing some legislating for change. Hopefully that clears it up.
  5. Not saying we haven’t learned anything. Not saying what has been investigated wasn’t worthy.
  6. New charges added in Florida, more obstruction and destruction of evidence, plus another defendant.
  7. Correct, and it is playing out in the court of law. Congress should focus more on their branch of government. Plenty of legislative needs to work on.
  8. https://www.justsecurity.org/75954/is-roger-stone-getting-off-easy-for-tax-fraud/ https://www.newsweek.com/jared-kushner-saudi-arabia-deal-resurfaces-gop-republicans-hunter-biden-investigation-1760458 they’re not serious. They’re shit shows. If they were serious they’d be equal opportunity. More Hunter is nowhere near the top of the serious list for what this country needs right now. It’s misdirection plain and simple.
  9. Precisely what I said to my wife when we saw it. Agreed but also feel like if they were banned from trading stock the term limits would be less important. We’d have a higher ratio of people there actually to serve rather than to get rich, or exponentially increase their wealth
  10. I never said anything at all relating the the framers or the federalist papers…EVER Learn how to read.
  11. Interesting thing about the ‘manifesto’ is the killers family and the victims families are working together to keep it under wraps. Leads me to believe something with the culture in that school is a little less than…….gods way.
  12. I agree with this. I also believe there are sporting ventures using these weapons that do not include killing animals either. And I believe they are legitimate reasons to own. What do you believe is a relative time frame for me to be able to apply to own one of these, to actually receiving one of these? When we combine my right to own with societies duty to protect its people, what do you think is a reasonable wait time?
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/put-american-public-first-senators-211500437.html
  14. The good thing about all of this is that we are going to be able to see it play out in the court of law, where the stakes for your testimony is prison time, not clicks on the like and retweeet buttons. Even more, this is going to play out with the majority of the evidence and testimony coming from Trumps own team, his own words, and his own actions. So the whole “deep stare witch hunt” blah blah blah holds zero weight. Congressional hearings can be and often are manipulated, even grand juries to an extent. Much much more difficult in a court of law where the whole world is watching. And to top it off, we’ll get to see it play out in multiple jurisdictions. The allegations to him trying to overthrow our government go way beyond those 4-5 hours on January 6. I’m very interested in seeing what comes out, and how the public reacts to it.
  15. And next week the whole neighborhood will be experts in….I don’t know….reverse engineering of UFO’s?
  16. Ugh. All this means is we’re going to have more Hunter in the news cycle. More Hunter on the House and Senate floors. When do these folks get tired of Hunter. Even Parnas is saying they should just move on (of course they may be for his own best interest, but still).
  17. Isn’t that the most common thing going on social media? Each week thousands of experts on the newest topic.
  18. I’m particularly interested in what this guy has to say this week. Previous ‘whistleblowers’ have turned out to be nothing burgers but this one seems to have some teeth.
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