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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. You say ‘left out’ as if it’s supposed to be in the indictment. Yes, we will see what comes out at trial, you’re not saying anything I haven’t said numerous times.
  2. Betsy’s gonna get a little trim, take a nice long bath, and has reservations in the Pit at 5am
  3. They may have said that on TV, but apparently not under oath. I can’t imagine prosecutors would list them as witnesses because under oath out from the view from cameras they said that ‘he did nothing wrong’ Good thing to hang your hat on though.
  4. Good. Kill two birds with one stone. Annihilate the media, and put a wanna be dictator away for good. (I just had to throw that last one in there to push some buttons )
  5. I like that he (this quote being an exception) is at least bringing specifics and plans on how he would implement things, it’s not only attacks on the other side. Can’t say agree with all his ideas, but I like that he has plans instead of just grievances.
  6. Only problem with that bit of wishful thinking….Trump is part of the ‘he said’ (you forgot, they have recordings)
  7. Just a partial list of the 86 witnesses who gave the indicting grand jury of citizens, incriminating evidence against Trump.
  8. These guys are so serious about the importance of Hunter Biden that Comer, who didn’t bother to take the time to show up for the Archer interview then went on TV and lied about what he said….has now gone on TV to cry about the media is not paying enough attention to it. I wonder why??? (Hint: because they’re not serious people) MAGA!!
  9. During his arraignment Trump was told as condition of his release he was not to “attempt to influence or intimidate witnesses, retaliate against anyone, or in any other way attempt to obstruct the administration of justice.” Violation could result in incarceration until trial 24 hours later….
  10. My apologies. You’ll never hear that from me again.
  11. Unfortunately technology has proven that old adage that ignorance is a result of lack of access to information…..not entirely true.
  12. I didn’t say he was your candidate. I said ‘your boy’
  13. You should probably ask your boy on that one….
  14. Are you referring to your post in the thread specifically about trump, at a time when MAGA is crying about two tiers for Trump….or another post??
  15. I do have to say, I completely agree with the two tiers of justice argument. 100% Beyond the obvious current example, let’s look at a list of people who have been defendants against 42 felonies regarding classified documents, military plans, and overturning elections, in two different jurisdictions, and were released free of bail. They are: . . . Additionally, let’s look at the upcoming hearing dates for the Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate Jared Kushner, former administration official, and his 2 billion dollar deal with the Saudi right after leaving office. Those dates are: . . . Mark you calendars! MAGA!!
  16. Starting Monday, the street running in front of the Fulton County courthouse (GA) will be shut down for two weeks. Barricades and other security measures are in place. Two weeks. That sounds like a little more going on than processing just one man. If they are preparing for this big of a reaction...........hmmmmmm.
  17. I assume that question was for me, and if so first I have to ask you to redirect me to where I said ‘I know trump is guilty and I know Biden is innocent” (In fact I’m pretty sure I wrote the statement ‘I believe Biden is guilty of…’)
  18. First- I never shared the opinion that he should go to prison because he lied, so there’s that. And neither is this indictment. In fact, it starts out making that point very clear, so there’s that too. Second- number one you don’t know how much I know about the law. I’m not saying I know a lot, or know a little….but to say your friend knows more than you and I combined…..how can you possibly know that? (This lends to my opinion that people will come up with ‘facts’ they know nothing about to try and sell their point) You can’t know that, yet you say it so matter of factly. But moving on…..what the charges are and what the evidence is, is not a matter of opinion. Sure, everyone can have an opinion on how strong the evidence is, how strong the testimony is, etc etc. But what the actual charges are, is not a matter of opinion. Again, it’s kind of like me saying “it’s my opinion rain water is not liquid”. Well, okay. Me stating that then automatically makes it a valid opinion? No, of course not. And no matter what anyone will admit, these charges are not for thoughts and words, but for actions. The lying part comes in to show the motivation for his actions. Do I believe Trump would have still faced charges had he went away and not run for president, yes I do. Because I believe the purpose of this is to make sure it never happens again. And finally as for Biden/Trump. A few things. 1) unlike many….I don’t automatically relate Biden and trump together whenever the topic of one of them comes up. Each are their own individuals. Each of their ‘cases’ are individual cases. I’ve paid close attention to both. In the case of Trump, I’ve seen strong evidence, and I think it’s important to note I don’t count media influencers commentary as evidence. And with trump, a lot of that evidence and testimony comes from his inner circle, not from people hell bent on bringing him down. Some even his own words (keep an Eye out for dissemination case coming out of NJ) With Biden, I’ve seen a lot of smoke, but that smoke is coming from people who are hell bent on bringing down. And when it comes time to present actual real hard evidence….well….we have seen a developing pattern here. I definitely think Biden is guilty of some scrupulous activity. Do I believe it is anything more than the standard M.O. from DC? At this point it doesn’t appear so. Do I think the allegations against Biden are as dangerous to our country as the allegations against Trump…..not even close.
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