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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Starting to smell a little like RICO https://apnews.com/article/fake-elector-michigan-republican-df7803fca3862be713d9d6d29fb77e81
  2. Was just reading earlier the decrease from 21-22 was 0.5%, and attributed mostly do to decrease in natural (births bs deaths) and immigration.
  3. Or showed to writers and said "I'm not supposed to have this, this is still secret.......pretty cool huh?"
  4. Not too many Presidents sitting on a grand jury in Florida....or NY.....or DC.....or Georgia.....
  5. Wait is it for each count? Cuz if that’s the case….damn….you could take out a dollar for every penny you put in, and your money is safe.
  6. Well we know there's at least one more coming soon.
  7. You truly believe that is isolated to the left????
  8. A bigger point is you could record that same video in Miami, FL.....or Indianapolis, IN.....or Dallas, TX But there's a difference in screaming PROBLEM>>>>YOURE EVIL and recording click bait....vs putting that same effort into sitting down, talking, and reaching solutions. It's not a characteristic isolated to one side of the aisle.
  9. Round 3 coming up........ ding ding Trump says he has been notified he's a target of the US probe into efforts to overturn 2020 election (msn.com)
  10. Email Shows Fauci Privately Acknowledged Gain-Of-Function Research At Wuhan Lab (msn.com) Ex-CDC director says unredacted Fauci gain-of-function email reveals 'aggressive attempt' to change narrative | Fox News
  11. Well, I didn’t think you were talking about the paper towel aisle, but I could be mistaken.
  12. I could buy he hung himself, as long as it includes but not at all secured against, maybe even encouraged. His list includes friends on both sides of the aisle. No need to interject party into every single thing. Young girls seem to be a power issue, not a party issue.
  13. To your point, I haven’t seen this before. At least, this particular one…
  14. Says has interview lined up with victim who had photos, people to back her story, names Clinton..........and she's not happy about it.
  15. It's not assertion, it's an observation of words having come out of the mouths of some of the MAGA folks who have been opining since the invasion, and how their narrative has evolved.
  16. I’ve found it interesting that the MAGA narrative on Ukraine has shifted over the last few months from: ‘Putin would have never invaded Ukraine if Trump were President’ to ‘the US initiated and is driving the war against Russia and has us on the brink of WW3’. It’s very telling. “How do we have the patience for people who claim to love America, but truly can’t stand Americans?” ~Sydney Ellen Wade
  17. Honestly I think the whole thing is a game of push and push back. One side pushes, so the other side pushes a little harder, then the other side pushes a little harder…..and so on, with each level becoming more and more extreme. Where it started….who the hell knows.
  18. Valid. Pieced together a very clear viewing of Dzokar carrying and dropping the bag then leaving.
  19. On the other side of things…I should add…we had a crew at our house for a week and a half, finished last week, of the five only one spoke any level of English. We have another one man job coming out Wednesday, he had to bring someone to translate when he quoted. Now, does not mean they are illegal…but again observations from “the street”
  20. I can tell you an observation from ‘the street’…..not any data or anything left/right, and not a joke…. But I live in a city with a whoooooole lot of constructing going on, and I’m getting through the 6am stop at 7-11 a lot quicker the last month.
  21. You did not, that doesn’t change my stance. I am not in mourning, she is not dead. She is incredibly inspiring, and loved the brisket. This will be our last conversation. Best wishes.
  22. I’m going to ask, very respectfully, that you never, ever, bring my wife into a conversation. Not a good time.
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