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WrestlingRasta last won the day on October 10 2024

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  1. Okay break out your dream exhibition match in various bug yen duals. For example: Desanto vs Lee/ Iowa vs Penn State
  2. So you’re saying there’s not a bunch of nutswingers….oooooohhhh…..
  3. But that’s not what they said on those couple of shows you probably didn’t watch, so you have to take that into consideration.
  4. not at all useless in a society where you are judged less on what you do for the society and more on being able to acquire those things.....
  5. I don’t care what the topic, using this as some kind of form of credibility is ultimate humor. Imagine ‘citing’ the very staff of the company that had to pay Billions because “…yeah, we lie, so what, don’t call us news”. Good god we are that lost.
  6. Just another thing that makes this country great. An item’s value is whatever someone will pay for it. Doesn’t need to be for everyone.
  7. For every legal “expert” that says one thing to one side, there’s another who says another thing to another side. Funny how we pick and choose when these media and lawyer types can and cannot be trusted. blah blah blah. Stop being lazy and satisfied with what the comfortable media pundit has to say when they are telling you what you want to think. Read the damn reports and court documents for yourselves. You may think it makes you look like an expert, or….’educated’….but it doesn’t. Make up your own mind instead of always parroting someone else’s. “I don’t have time to read it” I’m sure is a common response. Yet, we have time to be on here all the time arguing about stuff we don’t want to take the time to come to our own opinions about, easier to just sit on someone’s else’s ideas and argue them all day. Adorable.
  8. I've read the first 25.....still a ways to go
  9. A shining example....
  10. It appears that many on here are under some impression that choosing to read something is the equivalent of choosing to believe full stop in everything that is contained within. And/or that in order to pick up just one useful piece of information from a large document, one must believe full stop in everything within said document. I look forward to reading more of this thread and learning more about what it means to be 'educated'....
  11. Good call. Next time don't open the door if you can't handle it being walked through. We've talked about this previously when these little chats don't work out so well...
  12. Something something DS
  13. Precisely. Congratulations the first step is recognition. There is hope for you. Maybe you can shed the wool after all.
  14. You understand what you’re told to understand, through the very narrow tube in which they want to feed it to you. That is one of the more obvious things on this board.
  15. As does showing us all you have a very narrow understanding of what being educated is….and is not.
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