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WrestlingRasta last won the day on July 27

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  1. I have yet to read one story on the event, just a headline that read “Would be gunman apprehended near Trump golf course with assault style weapon” Take whatever talking points you’d like from that. Especially those that will make you feel better. But speaking of getting their media talking points, you are discussing in a thread where the author announced his own pin pointed motive, before the name of the suspect was even known….
  2. I wonder if his motives were strictly to take out the Republican nominee for president? Or, I wonder, if any of his motive was to take out a person who constantly spits out hateful lies and rhetoric, that has a direct relationship with people lending to violence, whether it be on other individuals, government institutions, or communities around the country? And before some of you get worked up, no it doesn’t not in anyway justify attempting to kill him…I’m only speaking to what might drive someone to shoot at him.
  3. How many people from Poland and Hungary have moved to America because it’s a better life??
  4. And we certainly shouldn't expect a higher standard from Lord Leader and his mate...gotta get clicks and boost the grift from the minions.
  5. So we don’t really trust the media, we don’t hate the media enough, unless it’s something from social media that makes me feel fuzzier about the shit heads I’m supporting. Makes sense. The dive is deep.
  6. And since his tirade of nonsense during the debate there has been incidents of violence in Springfield and bomb threats at city hall, directly related to these lies. This is a glimpse of what life under the new Trump would look like. Lies and lies that influence violence (we’ve seen that movie before right?). Make America Great Again could be the best of compliments, if it was anything more than some comfy words to suck in the sheep, and if it wasn’t for the fact that America IS GREAT But MAGA is a sub cult of treachery that will in no way, shape, or form improve or progress America. And the sheep will one day have to come to terms with what they’ve parroted and flocked to during this era. And I’m here for every bit of the meltdown and watching the fever break. So far, it hasn’t disappointed in the beginning stages.
  7. MAGA is having a real hard time with reality, even more so than usual. I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying the meltdown a little bit, like visions coming to fruition.
  8. And MAGA has come full circle, when all else fails, we can always go back to Hillary!
  9. Nobody’s perfect… MAGA’s made their bed, just having fun bringing out all the wrinkles in the covers…
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