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WrestlingRasta last won the day on October 10 2024

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  1. The guy is weird and I don’t trust him with our government any further than I can throw him..which, with these bad knees and shoulders I really shouldn’t be throwing anybody…but the guy is one hell of an interesting listen. Anytime he’s on a podcast it’s worth just sitting and listening to him. (Whether you buy into what he’s saying or not) Oh yeah and whoever this knuckle head is having road rage over what kind of car someone is driving should have the book thrown at them. Simply just shouldn’t tolerate this type of *I poop my pants, don't laugh at me* anymore, from anyone. Don’t tread on me means just that…all around.
  2. Dude….you’re on an anonymous message board, that about a dozen people, maybe two, actually participate in. You’re not that serious. Your ‘mission’ is no good here.
  3. Why do I have a sudden urge to watch The Blues Brothers??? Orange Whip? Orange Whip? Orange Whip?
  4. Ahhhhhh yes I love “I hate the media” day. Just wait till tomorrow… (or maybe a half hour)
  5. We have likely rubbed amongst the same shoulders back in the day. Great story! And Bill is a good dude.
  6. It wasn’t strikes down so much as stayed. Brought to a halt for 14 days so they can have their hearings.
  7. What Burroughs and to a large extent Snyder have done in Stars and Stripes, in the modern ‘competitive climate’..Post-Soviet, International Free Agency) carries a lot of weight for me. In the John Smith days you had a group of three or four Russians training together for the purpose of that one guy beating Smith. In the Burroughs days you have the same group of Russians training together, but they all got a shot at him in the bracket. Not to downplay anything or anyone, but these are fun talks of picking straws, and that’s a pretty big straw.
  8. I just thought this was funny….
  9. As a bonus it stopped the streak.
  10. Do they have just as ‘good’ a chance to having no one in the finals, as they do in having a champ?
  11. So….you were of that same stance the previous few years?……..interesting. (Please don’t say yes you were, the proof is in the pudding)
  12. I don’t like the guy either. But I’m kind of a fan of freedom of speech. Particularly in a forum where one can make the choice to put another on ignore so they don’t have to see those comments. True, “don’t tread on me” Patriots should agree….don’t you think? But I do have one question regarding your proposal…does that only include comments about the current President? Or are you encompassing all politicians that are discussed on this board. I don’t recall if you were making a similar regarding the President a year ago?
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