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WrestlingRasta last won the day on October 10

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  1. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaastafar I
  2. I think it’s important for society to be involved in the process for awareness. We’ve seen many many counts of the public thwarting, or at least leading to the stoppage, one of these events. We don’t get that without awareness. I get and am behind the point you are making, and certainly agree that the people into the shallow games would switch their tune. Doesn’t help anything but a temporary happy feeling of some sort for them.
  3. I also believe there is a resolve to focus on avoiding it happening again…which leads to focus to the perpetrators and what they were doing leading up to the event, what might have made them flip the switch, etc. For some, focus on the “blame” is very much a shallow game of “see” and “gotcha”, but for many it’s actually a productive effort.
  4. I enjoy making people smile, I’m known for it.
  5. On paper yes. But the reality is all of these big programs and schools have collectives and there are direct offers for x amount of dollars to sign with x school. On paper it is about student athletes making money on their name image and likeness. In reality it is very much a pay to play. The two are not so separate.
  6. I don’t know which back ups in this thread are better: someone in the media said it, so it must be true and I’m gong to run with it!…or….the troubled psycho wrote it down (manifesto sounds so sensational doesn’t it) so it must be true and I’m going to run with it!! I’m going to start a thread about “how to think critically about what the psycho killer is telling you”
  7. That was a lot. I’m glad you feel better my friend.
  8. Very creative work to enter a Seinfeld reference!!
  9. Well one, you misunderstand the definition of debate. What takes place in here are not debates. Second, what would I call that type a person….one who calls it like it is.
  10. this is a fun argument. No nut swingers around here
  11. Everyone is certainly allowed to live in their own world, but it doesn’t change reality….
  12. I meant to quote “fault starts with the parents”
  13. Pretty bold statement with such little information.
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