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Everything posted by Sheerstress

  1. When I did it (early 2000s), we didn't need any kind of license. Start off by finding a local officials' organization. Usually run by veterans, they often have their own workshops or officials' tournaments for those who are just starting out. This will provide a place where you can get regular feedback and answers to the many questions you will have, and can then connect you to kids level tournaments or other venues from which you can work your way up.
  2. I officiated middle school and high school for a few years. It can be a nice way to give back to wrestling, although it's often a thankless job that can wear you down over time. I enjoyed it for a while, and then got out after it just wasn't fun anymore. Years ago at nationals, when speaking with Dan Gable at the WIN show, I told him that I had been involved in wrestling as a competitor and then as an official, his first words to me were: "you guys can't win!"
  3. My guess is that they'll probably settle it over the next few weeks before Vegas. These are two guys who work out against each other every day and know each others' moves, so they'll probably have a few more chess matches in the practice room to decide things. Nobody wrestles their best at this point in the season, but McHenry, while starting strong in each match, appeared visibly exhausted against all opponents by the second period. He seems to be a classic case of too small for 125. Medley wrestled reasonably well with a full gas tank, but didn't quite close the gap in the third period like he has so many times in the past.
  4. Feels like there was almost no interruption.
  5. Ira Jenkins wins HWT Fresh/Soph. Mattin wins 141 Open.
  6. Rylan "Roger" wins the tiny 184 Fresh/Soph division. A good start.
  7. Cole Mattin looking good so far. Ahead against D'Emilio before winning by injury default.
  8. McHenry edges Medley 5-4. As before, McHenry starts out strong with better moves, but Medley cuts the gap with his superior gas tank before falling short.
  9. Finesilver dominant in his Wolverine debut.
  10. McHenry starts out strong, loses to Mauger at the last second. Medley upset by Koontz in OT3.
  11. Smith outclassing Maylor.
  12. Yeah, I didn't see him either, although pretty much all the rest of the underclassmen are going to be there. I'm especially looking forward to seeing Rogers, Walker, Finesilver, and Jenkins hit the mats.
  13. See, hear, speak no evil.
  14. Maybe at least get him to fight Nick Diaz under MMA rules. That would be interesting!
  15. The guy can admittedly box reasonably well. I'd much rather see him go up against a real professional boxer at his weight.
  16. Per the number of posts thus far, it's looking like the college forum will dominate as before with the international forum a distant second.
  17. Michigan had their preliminary wrestle-offs three days ago. I was unable to attend, and do not have actual results, but it was primarily new wrestlers or underclassmen, with good action per source. They will likely wait at least until after the MSU Open before making decisions on starters.
  18. Feels like the same house with a little remodeling.
  19. Good to see everyone gradually reappearing. Thank you so much for putting all this together!
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