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Everything posted by Formally140

  1. It was sweet
  2. I was trying to emphasize and add on to your point. My bad if it came across differently.
  3. Again for the people in the back. Title IX was the excuse not the reason. UTC doesn’t have Baseball or Men’s Soccer but has wrestling. Other schools wrestling teams/coaches made doing it the other way … way too easy with grades, behavior and the coaches doing the “anti politics” wrestling coaches take weird pride in. We also never really pushed to get our guys in Admin. beyond just coaching. Im well aware of what happened to Norte Dame and ODU. There were still dozens of schools where the wrestling team made it pretty easy to pick which team to cut
  4. Assad looking solid
  5. I don’t disagree, but it’s still awesome
  6. I actually think his success at Cal Poly is because of lessons he learned at Grand Canyon before Grand Canyon reneged on their program. This is where my personal bias comes in. I think he would have done a better job at Fresno than the other coaching staff and not gone so far over budget
  7. Flos demographic is is the Dads that’ll pay for every pair of custom socks and Rudis shoes for little Johnny before age 12. That’s why they don’t care about things like Track running right. Because why should they care if a local tournament runs too long or doesn’t populate the consolation bracket. It’s not like those kids will be wrestling in Who’s #1. So who cares about growing the sport. They only make money off the niche demographic that usually opposes measures to grow the sport. So why would they care about transparency
  8. Sioredas is a very good coach. When he was hired some were shocked but he’s one the most respected technicians in the country
  9. They just beat Stanford and have a chance to beat Oregon State for the Pac12 reg season title
  10. The toxic ass dad coach attitude of discarding or looking down on anything not immediately or currently good is killing sport
  11. I’m on record stating that wrestling needs to have an open honest discussion about where it’s going with all that. My point remains the same. Can’t use those few kids as proof a single class is the Bees knees
  12. And many more don’t. And many of those kids aren’t products of the school. They’re club kids who happen to compete for the school. If you like the tradition or the purity or whatever. That’s fine. But it doesn’t change reality.
  13. Indiana in 2010 was around roughly 300. Ohio divides into 3 divisions with roughly 140-160 schools each. So it’s roughly the top 10% at state. Which is the best way to do it in my opinion. The sweet spot is 2-3 divisions per state. The problem with most of the South is that they just go with the football divisions. Then make every other sport do that. Whereas in Ohio, IL, PA etc. each sport is looked by individually. So different sports will have a different number of divisions It does much more to help the sport when a smaller school can get a couple kids to state and have a placer than for them to just go 0-2 at semi state. If people want the pUrITy.. go to Fargo.
  14. Very good match by Carr but that’s a very reversible result next time. O’Toole seems like the kind of wrestler you don’t want to give multiple looks Props to both side for having no quackery
  15. Gardner Webb has been scrapping hard this year. I’m not shocked
  16. I’m well aware. It still doesn’t change my opinion. It really does help smaller schools get support when they can point out they had qualifiers and placers.. which is hard to do against a Mater Dei or Crown Point..
  17. That sucks man, you’re in Illinois too right?
  18. :/. What happened
  19. I think Indiana hurts itself with one class. And pointing out the occasional club kid from a small school doing well
  20. I lost conference this year because a Coach literally told the kid what to say to the Trainer so the trainer would make the “determination” that he was unable to continue. The coach admitted later at Regionals.. I still think the rules should be the way they are
  21. Especially with concussion protocols
  22. I liked Mirikitanis proposal of “ranking” events like what golf does
  23. It’s not just the urban aspect. U of Is campus is very.. bland
  24. Complete tangent. But I think Wright is one of the most underrated PSU guys the last decade
  25. Is Hepner Redshirting? I thought he’d sub in when Kharchla was out
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