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MPhillips last won the day on September 2

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  1. Rutgers could fit him in...
  2. All this time I believed he was a philosopher...
  3. Pyle and Spey deflected when they didn’t need to…
  4. He may be a nutcase. Not defending him. Pyle still wanted to blame the folks that posted about it instead of just taking the blame like an adult. He used the, 'yeah but what about them defense.' It's childish and comes off weak. We wouldn't be talking about it if Pyle said, "we ***ducked** up" and left it at that.
  5. His personal grievance is disingenuous or the fact that he put it out there?
  6. Agreed. That doesn't make it untrue though or does it? I'm okay with Pyle but he is just bland and flavorless. Like mashed potatoes with no salt or butter. There is no chance of there ever being any garlic involved... And to be fair he pulled the ol', 'Yea but what them' response. Which is childish...
  7. @Paul158seems to have an answer.
  8. Been waiting for you...
  9. It's Bouzakis at 33 Rogotzke at 84 and Welsh/Davino are redshirting...
  10. Weren't there folks locked in a basement years ago...
  11. There our English and then there our inglish
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