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Everything posted by forkemaz

  1. Duel is correct, not dual.
  2. Shane sparks is my favorite. He's fun, knowledgeable, and he LOVES wrestling
  3. I thought he was way over coaching and quite critical constantly. I'm not even saying I disagree with him but David begging these guys to shoot more makes the matches more painful. He just keeps bringing up how they aren't pulling the trigger enough, and I agree it was just annoying me. Besides the constant coaching where he's essentially talking like he's better than everyone (he is, he just shouldn't come off that way so much) I love him on there. I like the knowledge, and I think he will get better.
  4. All the ufc fight pass stuff was great but the first match (duel) of the dual (match) with Wyoming and Campbell was awesome. High drama in high altitude.
  5. I'm using logic and vocabulary, you're using appeal to masses and ad hominen attacks. You're not too far off with where I'd like to put my trident at this point.
  6. Well wrestling fans aren't the smartest lot so im not surprised. We call our domestic style folkstyle. Any regional style is a folkstyle. It's America style. It's American style wrestling and where two teams compete in a wrestling meet and individual competitors duel. It's pretty simple.
  7. As opposed to a single meet?
  8. That'd be a shoot out. A duel is between two people. I just read Gentlemen's blood a history of dueling from swords at dawn to pistols at dusk. Fun read. It's duel. And we have it backwards the teams have a match and the wrestlers have duels.
  9. It's better my way. And thus I'm over ruling if. It's duel.
  10. Came to say I just saw figgy baby listed for today. It's going down.
  11. Is duel not the proper spelling? Is it dual? That makes even less sense than the current nomenclature, which is backwards; calling an individual's wrestling event a match and the team event a duel. It makes more sense It's a team match comprised of individual duels. As for what to expect, reasonable pricing would be nice considering we can't fill our seats.
  12. I think a beer was 18 bucks at the ASU duels last year and a slice of pizza was like 11 dollars. Shameless. And the tickets weren't two dollars either....
  13. I don't think it's terrible if you add NF up to 5 as well. It would add scoring like the freestyle crybabies want, reward both top and feet offense and still make turning the best scoring opportunity by an enticing margin.
  14. They do and he was mat side every duel this past season. Not necessarily in the corner but he's heavily involved how can you not be if you're attached to the club.
  15. I'd prefer they get rid of him. Do you think they should? If it's about protecting the girls in wrestling then it seems pretty straight forward.
  16. That would make a lot of sense as when I heard the daton stuff I did not even understand the connection. As for the correct guy I wonder if this will effect not just his club job but his college job. The college he is at has a girls team.
  17. It changes the value relative to everything including turns
  18. They should add a 4 point shot that'll fix it
  19. That's because the rule changes sucked. People point to football but it's living off gamblers and fantasy football. People don't give a ***duck duck goose** about the games its all about their stupid fantasy team. This last super bowl was so boring it was unbelievable and the score was huge but there was literally no defense outside of one play. They neutered defense for the sake of stats and now their fan base is all based on weird commodity around their brand.
  20. One way to incentivize good top wrestling and still do the three point takedown AND still remove the riding point is to give 2-5 points for a turn 1 point per swipe. Makes turning still the highest scoring option. Highest value to nearfall as its nearest a pin (duh), followed by a takedown at 3, followed by a reversal at 2, followed by an escape and violations at 1.
  21. Yeah it's Insane they don't run a few opens in summer as a trial. It's free data
  22. Yeah that's why they don't do OT in the NBA, NFL,NHL,MLB all the premiere sports just do criteria if there is a tie after 6 minutes. God I love good leg lace, roll him through three times that's pure excitement.
  23. I'm sure all those freestyle fans will really boost the viewing numbers!
  24. You seem biased. What you said earlier about Iranian jews is fascinating though considering how the country got its name. I'll check it out.
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