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Pa in Taiwan

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Everything posted by Pa in Taiwan

  1. Ryan has certainly adopted strange pronouns.
  2. He's not the same wrestler at 61kg either, what with the drubbing Ono gave him.
  3. How long has Otoguro been at the Hawkeye Wrestling Club rolling with Spencer? At least a month. He comes from the same room as Ono, and they trained with the same coach. Spencer is very familiar with Ono's offense. The question is can he stop it? Ono seems to have more speed, but Spencer has more strength. It should be a great match.
  4. Delusional in so many ways!
  5. Actually, it means that there is actually an American wrestler at the Nittany Lion Wrestling Club. The flood of Japanese taking over has finally abated, and the NLWC is accepting American applicants once again! MNLWCGA!
  6. Folkstyle on the brain syndrome: A dysfunction prevalent among NCAA folkstyle wrestling fans that manifests with delusions regarding Senior Men's Freestyle wrestlers from foreign countries. These unshakable beliefs, completely detached from reality, include the idea that Senior Men's Freestyle wrestlers, including world champions, from what may be considered currently the most dynamic national team, would interrupt their international careers to enroll in US universities and compete in D1 wrestling at the university level. Some of the more delusional patients, many of which also experience anxiety, depression or hallucinations, participate in bizarre discussions and debates regarding which universities these international wrestlers would attend. Ono isn't going to attend PSU, Iowa, or Oklahoma State. He is at the NLWC. It's a good experience for him. Otoguro isn't going to attend Iowa. He is at the Hawkeye Wrestling Club. These guys are students of wrestling. They love the sport. They see the visit to a top-tier US Wrestling Club as a growth and learning experience. Please seek professional help.
  7. Go McCenelly! This should belong to the Gophers now! Sparks is a hammer!
  8. Thanks for the updates. Things aren't looking good for the Gophers. They needed big bonus at 197 and heavy. They needed the decision at 125 and 133. It's looking out of reach.
  9. Give him a real match against another freshman, one who DESTROYED Allred. I've got Max McEnelly over Angelo Ferrari or Gabe Arnold. It doesn't matter who Brands puts out there. I say put Angelo out there against Max McEnelly. He will have a better shot at the W.
  10. It would take the right guy to pull that off. We would need someone with excellent upper body strength. I vote for Max McEnelly from Minnesota. He's really strong, and he's VERY confident for a freshman. I agree with you that CStar would go nuts if he got thrown. McEnelly should throw him in the first period. Get the takedown and then hold him on his back for 4 near fall points. From then on, try to control the match. Carter would be stunned and would find it difficult to get his rhythm. In addition, McEnelly has excellent reattack shots that could result in a second takedown. If upper body mode is the way to go, McEnelly is the guy to pull it off.
  11. I would say it's much more likely that Oklahoma State would find a way to win against Iowa than the scenario that you describe, with Iowa wrestlers at 149, 157, and 184 finding ways to win.
  12. 30 - 8 Massive beatdown. Kasak big brothered the #1 guy in the country, holding him up like a sack of potatoes in the final seconds to pump his fist. I wonder if he's in the running for the championship this year now? (sarc)
  13. "The two matches we got takedowns in, we won." Heavy copium use here.
  14. I think he will take out Buchanon at some point this year.
  15. Barr shows what giving hips means!
  16. Starocci fails to get a takedown in the entire match. You can't claim that as a decisive victory.
  17. Excellent strategy by Iowa. Ferrari can win this match with one takedown in the third.
  18. The announcers: Steven Grace, Mark Ironside
  19. I'm listening to Iowa Wrestling is On the Air. Both Ironside and the other announcer mentioned that Brands was telling Kennedy to go neutral and he refused.
  20. Kennedy shows some heart and prevents the major with the last-second escape.
  21. Not that it makes a difference.
  22. Brands tells Kennedy to go neutral to start the third period. Kennedy refuses, goes down, and immediately gets an escape.
  23. Ayala is the only Hawkeye with a takedown so far.
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