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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Just when you think UB stance couldn't get any worse he goes and proves me wrong..."The released hostages have said they were treated well in captivity. The ones dying right now are due to Israeli strikes."
  2. Oh I am not the one saying it...
  3. Can't believe people continue to argue with a terrorist sympathizer....
  4. Oh the irony of saying "feigning your victimized position" and then turn around with that doozy of a third paragraph...LOL But keep on calling people bigots and using words like "implicit bias" and then claim others do not know how to use critical thinking....those are copout words because your feelings got hurt for some reason and you can't see the viewpoint of others because of your hate for all things religion... and who is playing the victim by the way?? I, nor jross once has played the victim but rather tried to express viewpoints, which your responses have resorted to name calling and lecturing (LOL). You hate religion...got it. I personally am not religious but feel people have every right to be. Just as I support anyone who wants to get married. I support anyone who chooses to fall in love with someone of the same sex. I support people that want to be a different sex then which they are biologically. I support everybody equally and support equal rights for all!
  5. Thanks for the suggestions on how to think and what to think about.
  6. I hope it is live! Takes SOME of the stupidity away from social media and the idiots out there.
  7. By the way...this guy in Maine is as big of a coward and human trash as there can be...to chicken s@#$ to live and face the consequences for what he did. However, he met the fate he ultimately deserved and hopefully would have gotten from the justice system.
  8. Again, my overall point was missed, my apologies if it wasn't clear...what I meant is that OVERALL, not just on here, why are we not spending more time talking about mental health? The annoyance on here is that people do in fact bring it up and then the conversation get's bogged down because people have no idea what an AR actually is or the difference between that gun and let's say my dad's 280 semi-auto rifle, which he has a 30 round clip for but rarely useses, and would do A LOT more damage than an AR would. I blame some of this on the media and most on ignorant people. Anyway, again my point is why isn't the media blasting everyone about mental health instead of AR's? Why do people on here only talk about AR's? I can tell you, because it is easy and somehow makes people think it is a quick fix. Gun violence in this country isn't a quick fix and banning an AR will do NOTHING to stop it or curb it. The biggest problem with gun violence is in the inner cities and gang related activities...why not spend time flooding the media about that? Why not figure out how to stop the cycle of underprivileged youth feeling they need to join a gang? Why not change that culture versus the "gun culture" which this country was founded on? My opinion, because those things are hard and people don't like hard....they like to blame objects, then ban them, and then sit back in their safe spaces until the next tragedy happens and then play the R v D game again, and again, and again.
  9. And yet, just like on here, time and effort is wasted arguing back and forth about AR's because they look scary and yet no time and effort is spent on addressing mental health issues and all the associated gun ownership legislation. Typical emotional responses...."blame the AR!!!!" "It's a weapon of war!!!" And people sure love to argue semantics as well as claim people say things and mean things they didn't say.
  10. I think using nuclear weapons and tanks as logic falls apart pretty quickly as well. No one on here ever has argued for the general population to own military weapons...we are talking about guns....and all the guns available to the general population are just that, guns...NOT military weapons. Guns are in fact an inanimate object, no? It is a mentally ill/psychopath that takes that inanimate object and uses it to kill people. Why they do that and what leads them to do that are the questions we need to figure out...in the meantime, let's get this particular inanimate object out of their hands and just hope they don't just use something else to kill people until they can get the help they clearly need.
  11. Good question, easy, because it is an inanimate object. We need to address all the things that cause a human being to take a gun, or any other object, and slaughter other human beings for no apparent reason.
  12. Yes, and that is why it is funny. It is all narrative and rhetoric...once people actually think through the whole story of electric cars and how they are built and ultimately disposed of they aren't any better for the environment, maybe worse. Believe me...I think we need to think about the environmental and do things to have less impact on it, but holy crap have people taken it to the extreme (using 100's of years of data to try and predict the weather of the earth that is billions of years old, not to mention all the extreme weather events that happened when there were zero humans on earth). I'd be the first to buy a vehicle that had the least amount of impact on the environment, and it was PRACTICAL. But EV's aren't better than gas vehicles for that reason...and EV's are 10% worse from a practicality standpoint.
  13. Great questions...guns (they are all guns and not some made up media term to scare people) should NOT be sold to mentally ill people!! The right to own guns are one of the reasons we are a free country.
  14. WTF?!?! I am done responding to you...typical idiot internet key board warrior that feels they can anonymously sit behind a screen in their parents basement and say the most outlandish idiotic things without repercussion. Get a freaking life.
  15. What do you say about war being a terrible thing, one of the reasons it is there are innocent civilians' deaths? What do you say about a terrorist organization constantly bombing a country that escalates into a war? It's free country so you can keep spewing the crap you do about Israel on here, and you can go on supporting a terrorist organization, and you can try and rationalize it all you want in your little head that you aren't doing that but you are and you are a terrible human for doing so.
  16. Thoughts and prayers go out to the victims families!
  17. Wish more people spent their time addressing root cause of this issue rather than blaming an inanimate object. We have a mental health crisis versus an AR crisis...hell, half of you blaming an inanimate object don't even know what an AR is. Fix the root cause!!
  18. True or false? Hamas is a terrorist organization? True or false? Israel is very close ally to the US?
  19. I have no problem with EV cars/trucks...love that there are options for people. But what is stupid is the way people push EV's as a way to save the environment and saying gas vehicles need to be banned...cracks me up.
  20. Sorry..go read your posts to jross. How about Plasi's?? How about uncle whatever? You all are trying to impose beliefs on others...jross was merely trying to make a point that you aren't able to comprehend because you are hell bent on attacking religion. We get it because you think it's all made up...fine...believe what you want and leave others to believe what they want...easy enough right?? By the way that is my point...period...doesn't have any other meaning or motive!! Also, I refuse to fall into your game once again of twisting things people write to fit a narrative and then for you to try and preach to them like you have some moral high ground...all you have is an opinion just like everyone else. And I learned long ago that someone who throws out words like "bigot" and "racist" at the drop of the hat are probably more likely to be those things versus the people they accuse of being those things. Bottom line is I am a person that doesn't try to find the boogey man in every single thing or topic out there...most of the time I assume positive intent...people can call things whatever they want to call things...but it has to work both ways. I can't stand it when people do the very thing they claim to be against...you see it all the time in today's society..."I hate people being oppressed, but I am going to oppress people to fix it and make up for the unfortunate group that was originally oppressed." "I can't believe they want to call marriage a civil union, it marginalizes groups so let's marginalize the group that calls it marriage." Once again...call it whatever the heck you want to call it...done! Equality is making sure everyone has the same rights and access to those rights....which I agree with 1000000%
  21. I guess that is how you look at it, and I disagree
  22. It's discrimination when both have the same rights??? My take is calling them different is an attempt to be inclusive of all beliefs...religious and non-religious. Not everything has negative intent.
  23. Funny how you called it a doozy when it is essentially the point of your last statement. BUUUTTT....it works both ways!! Why should others be imposing their beliefs on jross??
  24. While I don't think what jross is saying is causing any sort of separatism/marginalizim, or any other 'ism, I can understand how someone else would feel that way. But ultimately I guess it isn't up to me to decide if it is called "marriage" or "civil unions"...zero impact on me. But I am also confused why it would be a big deal for jross to feel the way he does...it has zero impact on same sex marriage/civil union...they can call it whatever they want to call it and jross, and anyone else, can call it whatever the heck they want to call it for whatever reason they want to...fair? You know what I call it marriage/civil union...stupid! LOL Probably all has to do with why some get so upset when someone has faith and base some of their beliefs off of that faith...who the heck cares?? It's funny to preach equality, diversity of thought, marginalization of groups, etc. then turn around and try and do the exact same thing to someone who has religious beliefs. SMH
  25. My overall point was this...instead of inferring I mean something based on what I wrote, more people should say "Did you mean xyz when you posted that?" I am guilty of not asking that question, but I try really hard to ask that question. But it is also hard to have a conversation with someone who constantly does that. I am a person who loves to have a conversation about everything, especially when I believe differently than someone else, but I can't stand people that get overly emotional about things (including using one off over-emotional examples to try and make a point), are completely closed minded, or aren't willing to truly understand the other person's opinion. Some of my best friends and I have the best conversations when we disagree, but in the end, we always still love each other. Heck there are people on these boards who I disagree with a lot but would love to hang out with and would probably get along with great (ex. Bob, Plasi, etc.). But of course, there are people on here who are complete wackadoodles that I am not sure I would, but man it would be cool to meet them to see if their internet persononna matches the real person...lol You seem decent enough dude as you are good at not jumping to the name calling. Just hoping you'd ask me if I meant something before just assuming I do. I am self admittedly not the best writer in the world.
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