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Posts posted by Bigbrog

  1. 10 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    It’s interesting that when I’m discussing a topic we’re not agreeing on, it’s full of contradiction, failure, illogical nonsense, biased emotion. 

    But when I’m discussing a topic you do agree on, pretty much in the same manner and using the same forms of logic….you consider it a mic drop. 

    I’ve said all along since joining, human behavior is an interesting thing. 

    It's called different topics with different biases

  2. 1 minute ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    This shows a fundamental difference in believe in what individual rights and freedoms are.  One of those fundamentals is that your individual right and freedom ends at the point it begins to infringe upon mine.  

    The dynamic here as it relates to the bathroom is that you are saying it is punishing the trans women for saying no to using the women’s bathroom, without consideration to the vast majority of women who feel an extreme invasion of their rights when a biological male enters their bathroom.  And that is where the individual right of one infringes upon the other. 

    An individual, biological woman has the right to identify as a male.  I will even say an individual has a right to ask to be addressed as a female.  But that is where there right and freedom ends, because forcing me to recognize as a female, or allow to share the bathroom with my biological female children, is an invasion of their right and freedom. It is not fear, it is just as much personal liberty as someone who wants to identify that way.  And just like I have no desire to force you (you being a trans woman in the scenario) to say you must identify as a male…..I am under no obligation to acknowledge you as a male. In THAT scenario, both person’s individual freedom’s are satisfied, and it has nothing to do with fear. 

    Mic Drop Gif - IceGif

  3. 8 minutes ago, Scouts Honor said:

    im glad to hear you and i agree on the gun control issue

    He uses the "a bad thing might happen" argument when he says a biological man should be able to use the same restroom/lockeroom as biological women...if we don't let them something bad will happen to them...somehow it MAY cause violence and endanger the lives of the trans person...works for his point of view but not others??  🙄

    • Bob 1
  4. 18 hours ago, VakAttack said:

    1.  It was 100 percent him taking the videos for political reasons.  That's why it was his campaign taking the videos.  If the family wanted personal footage, they could have filmed on their phones and/or just hired a photographer.  You are giving a benefit of the doubt to a man where it is not only clearly unearned, it runs counter to what actually happened.

    2.  The campaign claimed they have video completely exonerating them (my phrasing, their meaning) and then just...never released it.  Weird how that happens.  And yes, going out and giving public statements calling the staffer a liar and calling the same staffer just doing her job "mentally ill" and attacking her and the Army for enforcing previously existing laws is "losing their **** minds."  You're trying to parse semantics but it doesn't change what happened.

    3.  That MIGHT make sense if it was his security team or Secret Service that touched her.  By all accounts, it was the campaign staff, and they grabbed her as she was telling them to stop.  Zero people have said she came anywhere actually near Trump. And that's ignoring that this is the middle of a federally protected cemetary with clear sight lines everywhere; nobody is claiming they thought Trump was under attack.  Again, you're creating a scenario and then using it to justify, even though they themselves haven't made the argument.

    4.  It's on TikTok.  I don't have an account for it either, but you can go look at it right now using a computer.  And why should they have to charge him with a crime?  Why can't he just remove the footage like McCain did?  This also flies counter to the argument that people are just looking to charge him with crimes any way they can; they're actively trying not to get involved with the election to avoid looking like they're taking a political side or advocating for a candidate, they were just trying to enforce their own laws.  The idea that this is incumbent on them and not the person and his campaign apparatus violating the law is hilarious.


    1.  Okay you take your biased Trump hate point of view.  I'll take what the FAMILY'S THEMSELVES said.

    2.  I agree...and have said so multiple times...the video should and needs to come out.  Then you won't have to keep making overly emotion biased statements like "losing their **** minds" and we can all go about our business.

    3. Or it makes sense because it is probably why it happened.

    4.  Again, did you miss the part of agreeing it should be taken down if it was put up as a political ad??  Why and how is what I wrote something you need to argue....are you arguing with yourself, because it surely can't be me.  I do get a kick out of your circular argument (with whom I am not sure) about how they shouldn't charge Trump with anything so close to the election because of perception, but yet think Trump should be charged with everything (financial fraud, hush money, election interference, etc)...which is it??  Is it so no matter what happens you can say "See, I told you"??  Is this a lawyer technique??

  5. 18 hours ago, uncle bernard said:

    When Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th avenue and his supporters would defend him, he was talking about you. He does not respect you.

    Again showing your lack of reading comprehension.  Why is it so hard for people to understand that arguments can be made about a situation without it meaning they have undying support for the people or peoples involved???  You, rasta, and @VakAttack keep saying, "see you only see it that way because you love Trump"...using your logic, did you ever once think that maybe you all see it your way solely because you hate Trump??

    • Brain 1
    • Haha 1
  6. My aunt said this to me when talking politics and thought it was a great point...a lot of the friends and family I know who are self-prescribed liberals and hate Trump say it is because he is an A-hole...which I agree with...however, they can't articulate policies they hate other than liberal talking points like he is a racist, rapist, and will destroy the environment (but can't explain how)...they just can't vote for him because they just don't like him.  Which my aunt says, "Who cares, are you planning on hanging out with Trump?  Sitting down having dinner with him?  Didn't think so, so why does that matter?"  Brilliant response!

    Now I will do the friends and family that are extreme conservatives who scream that there is going to be a civil war, that the LGBTQ+ community is going to take over (take over what I ask...no response), Harris is going to take our guns away, etc...I always ask them, didn't you say that about Obama and then Biden??  And what happened...none of that.  They just put their head down and say "Yeah...but"....and repeat the same extreme right talking points.  LOL

    At this point in my life I put my family first and am trying to get things buckled down financially especially for my son that will go off to college in a couple years, then make sure I am good and ready for retirement hopefully in a little over 8 years, and that my son is taken care of after I am gone...under Trump I was a lot closer to all of that reality; however, under Biden, some of that reality has gone away.  I am not saying that to get in a debate about who should take credit for that and who caused what, it is the reality of my life and the reality of pretty much everyone that I know in my life.  Thus, it is those things I mentioned above that are going to drive my voting decisions. 

    (caveat for those sensitive posters on here as I can just hear what they are going to say...yes I care about others and that is factored in the things that I mentioned in terms of what is important...I  always have been and always will be about helping out my neighbor and those in need )

  7. Wow @ThreePointTakedown you sure like to hear yourself talk don't you?  In between your nonsensical ramblings I couldn't help pick up on a common theme you use in your "debate"...comparing slavery and what black people went through with trans people is...well...sick and unbelievable.  HOW in your little brain does that even become a thing that you think about yet even put out in internet land to use as some kind of point?  There literally is NO comparison to the two situations.  One is a mental disorder (not calling it bad so don't get your panties in a bunch) and the other was stuff that was DONE TO them.  Very noticeable and funny you couldn't point to any federal or state laws that are oppressive to Trans by the way.  But rather say a trans person's life is in danger for using a bathroom of their biological sex. To me that is, well, a form a mental illness...on your part.

    • Bob 1
    • Pirate 1
  8. 1 hour ago, VakAttack said:

    1.  The family doesn't get to change federal law.

    2.  "Proceeded to lose their ***ducking** minds."  They touched this staffer in some manner; they have called her mentally ill; they have attacked the Army over their statement on the issue.

    3.  What's the context that makes it ok for them to touch the employee just doing her job?

    4.  Yes, it was posted as an ad on Trump's tikTok, and as of 5 seconds ago, still there.

    1.  Never said they did...I said I agree with the law and they made a mistake.  My point was it wasn't Trump walking in there saying he was going to take pictures and videos for political reasons...period.  You can choose not to believe that but that is just your bias showing through.

    2.  Again, your definition of losing their ducking minds and mine are different.  I would, and apparently you would have too, handled the situation differently but to me it is just a case of he said she said and Trump and his team have every right to defend their position and story just as the woman does (again, I am not saying I agree with how they did it as again I wouldn't have done it that way, but it doesn't change the fact that maybe, just maybe their side of the story may be true.  And again, is why I wish they would release the video of the incident.

    3.  The same context I explained to Rasta...ex POTUS who just weeks early had an assassination attempt on his life...gee...maybe...just maybe his detail was a little more on edge, and rightfully so!  If you think that that doesn't matter than once again, like him, it is pure bias and irrational mental gymnastics.  Again...I wish they would release the video!!

    4.  If that so called post on tikTok is in fact an ad (I don't have tikTok)  than the Army should file an injunction to have it taken down as it violates federal law...and/or charge him and his campaign with a crime.

    • Bob 1
  9. 35 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

    "Some people are afraid of transgender people and will make up salacious lies to keep you afraid at all costs" News at nine. 

    Was anyone hurt? If you say, 'its common sense' then the answer is 'No'. 

    You are all cowards. Afraid of your shadows. Its boring at this point. You have nothing new to say about his situation. Same as when gay/lesbian people starting coming out in or when women got the right to vote or the civil rights movement or (insert any situation when a small group of people fought for equal rights). "Its going to be dangerous, we can't let them have equal rights, think of the children!?" You're so scared and for what. What has ever happened that makes you want to keep these people down? Oh right, straight white males lose power and influence when others are allowed in. Boo effin whoooo! 

    You know who is a coward...YOU...you are someone who can't stand when someone else has a different opinion than yours and you turn around and accuse them of being afraid of their own shadows.  That is such a weak and terrible take.  Who is the afraid one here??  I am not afraid of people that think they are different sex then their genetic make up...I am also not afraid of someone who thinks someone of a certain genetic sex shouldn't use the same bathroom as someone of the opposite genetic sex...however, you are. People with that opinion you attack them, call them names, try and lecture and belittle them.  One of the best defenses for this whole trans debate is me asking you...why do feel it is okay to push YOUR views on other people and insist they conform to your stance and the language you choose to use, but it isn't okay for others to turn around and do the same to you just the opposite opinion??  Funny part is...99% of the people on here that hold a completely different opinion on this DON'T do that.  Believing the science/genetics/biology of sex DOES NOT = transphobe or that anyone is scared!  Having an opinion on what are appropriate bathrooms to use DOES NOT = transphobe or that anyone is scared!  These opinions in no way shape or form, oppress anyone, they don't hurt anyone, they don't take anyone's rights away, they don't mean you don't support a family member if they wanted to be trans, etc.  Quit playing the victim and quit playing it for others.

    Not sure why you brought up civil rights or equal rights here, but can you name one thing that heterosexual people have "rights" to that trans men/women do not?  My definition of "rights' for this question are federal or state laws that only apply to heterosexual people and not trans men/women

    • Bob 1
  10. 9 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    That's a lot to type to be done with the discussion (yes it was same topic, an extension of that topic is not a different topic).    Funny that Mr. Whackadoodle wants to talk about immature names.....and hypocrisy.

    This is how you end a conversation:   Have a great weekend!!  

    LOL  Have a great weekend Rasta!!

  11. 9 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Wait....I thought you no longer wanted to discuss.   Well that didn't take long.

    Would you have been more comfortable if I said "whackadoodle", or one of those other terms,  since you are so against name calling those who disagree with you.  I just want to make sure I have the proper etiquette that keeps you comfortable.

    Did I address the topic we had been discussing...nope...again, context is super hard for you isn't it??

    You don't have to change anything about you Rasta...post how you post...I'm not about trying to control anyone's speech or the language they use, unlike some I don't expect people to conform to how I think or words I use to describe things.  But I do like to call out hypocrisy, false logic, biased stances, or just false incorrect "things". 

    So, if you like to call people immature names like TPT/RV/RL does, go for it big guy

  12. 1 hour ago, Jason Bryant said:

    The brother thing is what it is. There's family members I'd rather not speak to, not because of their political opinions, but I just don't want to be around their drama. 

    I can't really avoid reading the boards, since I use Tapatalk mostly - so these busy topics show up at the top - and sometimes the differing of opinions and the wild posts that follow are fun reading. I'll lurk, but more in a people-watching sort of way.

    I'm not leaving the site. I find the almost blind faith some people have in their side of the argument, no matter which side it is, to be comical. It doesn't impact my view of them personally, especially those whom I've met in person. 

    I'm just going back to my self-imposed ban on talking about politics, it's easier to interact in a non-contentious manner when you strip out the no-win divisive topics like this. 

    Fair enough brother!

    • Wrestle 1
    • Ionel 1
  13. 58 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:


    LOL...wow.  You are so full of contradiction and failure to have any sort of objective look at this and what I wrote...by the way how does one make "observations" yet not trying to paint a picture?? LOL  And again super weird how you can't fathom someone being able to talk about a situation and the details of that situation without having some underlining motive based on politics.  Can one assume that YOU may have a biased view of this situation because it's Trump and you disdain him??

    The article you posted doesn't say what you think it says...again you must have a problem with context...he didn't say the whole thing was made up, rather the employee's version of what truly happened was made up in terms of being "pushed"/"moved aside"/"brushed aside", etc...but as I have said a couple times now, I sure hope the actual footage comes out as that won't lie.  And the context of him being the president and almost being assassinated (not just simply shot in the ear...nice try) is very important.  That has nothing to do with the support for our fallen soldiers and your attempt to try and assume I am insulting them is, well...pathetic and not something I would ever have expected out of you.  TPT/RL/RV must be rubbing off on you.

    Done discussing this with you as you once again can't maintain any sort of objectivity, and resort to trying to insinuate things and insult me.

    • Bob 1
  14. 1 minute ago, Jason Bryant said:

    I also saw he has a brother he hasn’t spoken to in years has different political opinions, too.

    You know what that means?

    Also nothing.

    I hadn’t spoken to my brother who lived in another state for probably 15 years. We didn’t care for each other either. Means what exactly? I’m sure if you asked either of us why, you’d get widely different answers.

    Bottom line on this to me is I just found the instance of random relatives who share a grandfather with someone they’ve never met - and it popping up here - worth pointing out it isn’t some type of “gotcha” moment people want it to be.

    I find both presidential options poor and am staunchly apolitical. I hope no one takes this personally, I didn’t. I’ll be back on the wrestling topics. Have a good one.

    Sorry you and your brother don't talk...that was sort of my point...it is interesting to me when stuff like that happens because life is to short...especially when relatives don't talk because of political views.

    I tend to agree with you that both presidential options are poor.  And I wish there wasn't the dual party system...get rid of the party system in my opinion...vote for people based on their policies.

    Sorry to see you leave this page...it does tend to be ugly LOL

    • Bob 1
    • Poopy 1
  15. @WrestlingRasta...you have this weird fetish of trying to paint me as this Trump lover...you do realize people can have an opinion about a SITUATION that is regardless of the person(s) political views and position, right?!?!    To address your "counter points"...1. who said anything about authority??  Of course the families don't, that wasn't the point...the point was that Trump didn't go looking to make videos and take pictures, the family asked, clearly not knowing the rules (which I am in support of 100% by the way).  2. I looked and couldn't find anywhere where Trump and his team lied that it never happened, I could find where they have differing stories as to how things unfolded including the alleged "assault" (which I originally said I can't wait for the actual video evidence to come out, which it hasn't).  3. YES context does matter...we are not talking about your basic civilian here, umm, he is the former President of the United States who not but mere weeks ago almost got assassinated, so that context DOES matter...pretty sure you know that but let your hate for Trump infuses into your common sense.  4.  I personally have never seen where Trump posted it as a political ad...but like you, it looks like both of us don't know if it was or wasn't.

    • Bob 1
  16. 33 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    The voting public will say in a few weeks.  Stay tuned. You might be surprised.

    Totally agree...just found it interesting and that is why I posted it.  Just as when some Trump's relatives came out and spoke against him...found it interesting...just shows that we all have weird and sometimes messed up families.  

    • Poopy 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, Jason Bryant said:

    So are we REALLY putting validity into a picture by distant relatives who admit they’ve never met Tim Walz?

    I’m sure we all have relatives we don’t agree with politically. You know what that means?

    Absolutely Nothing.


    This ends my quadrennial trip into political discourse. As always, it’s a complete waste of time.

    So you missed the part of what his brother said??  Pretty sure he is not some "distant relative".  

    Sorry you don't like being asked a simple question and that makes you feel like it is all a waste of time.

    • Poopy 1
  18. 3 minutes ago, VakAttack said:

    Literally any excuse to avoid the actual issue.

    But aren't you avoiding some of those pesky facts in your rants??  Conveniently I may add....let's see, the families ASKED to have videos and pictures taken...please explain and define for us "he and his team proceeded to lose their ***ducking** minds"....and this is my favorite "put hands on someone just doing their job", don't you think context matters here??  And here is the final one, you argue McCain apologized and took the video down...did Trump post it anywhere?  Put it in a political ad?  Darn those pesky facts...all just to manufacture hate for Trump...LOL

    • Bob 1
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