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Posts posted by Bigbrog

  1. 3 minutes ago, red viking said:

    If all these guys run on their masculinity, it obviously must work. A lot of the wingers out there must really like candidates that ooze masculinity.  Maybe a lot more important than their actual policies. Just wondering why. Again, fascinating. 

    Do you want to align your voting with Hulk Hogan? What an intellectual that guy is. 

    You just can't stop can you??  Why are you afraid of masculinity??

    Maybe unlike you, I don't align my voting based on anyone else...it is my personal choice and base it mainly on policy and definitely not party

  2. Just now, red viking said:

    Wondering what is going on with the Republican psychology. I think it's fascinating. 

    Why you getting all  worked up. This thread hit you in a soft spot, huh? 

    LOL...why do you think I am all worked up...because I called you out on your b.s.??  Get some thicker skin dude.

    What if someone was to do the exact same thing about democrat voters??  How many names would you and your ilk (RL/TPTD/UB) call that person...I bet a lot those names would end with 'ist" or "ism".  And the point I am making is both would be, like yours is, very stupid!!


    • Fire 1
  3. 1 hour ago, red viking said:

    I've noticed a growing trend of Republicans gravitating toward leaders that are "strong." When I say "strong," I really mean, rigid, unwilling to admit mistakes, unwilling to compromise, aggressive toward anybody that disagrees with them, and doing whatever it takes to "win," including lying about anything and everything. They also complained constantly about Biden's physical weakness and health, insisting that we need somebody that is strong. So, I don't think this is strong but Republicans really like these types of people. 

    Evidence? Look at the GOP nominee. Also, look at the people that spoke at the RNC, such as Hulk Hogan and the President of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Dana White. Trump called Kim Jong Un a "real boss" or something to that effect, and is very much a fan of combat sports. Shakes his fist and says "fight" when he's grazed in the ear by a bullet, and the Republicans LOVE it. His minions call him Braveheart and a "tough SOB" instead of talking about his actual policies. I could go on and on. 

    They also have a fascination with general military service, even though it is basically just another job, unless you've been in actual combat, special forces, etc. 

    A disproportionate amount of Republicans (by far) think women shouldn't have rights over their own bodies, think women should stay home and get pregnant and stay in the kitchen (or better yet, actually get pregnant IN the kitchen. 

    MANY members of their party campaign on an image of a tough guy wearing cowboy boots and cowboy hat and/or carrying a rifle. 

    I"m just wondering where this insecurity comes from? Discuss. 


    Who really cares??

    And you taking the time to type out all of this crap says a lot more about you than a guy that wears a cowboy hat and boots and votes republican.  Who is the insecure one??

    • Bob 2
  4. Just now, red viking said:

    I swear to God. If Trump said that 2+2 = 5, a good 2/3 of his drivelling minions would believe him. 

    And if Harris said it a good 2/3 of her driveling minions would believe she meant something else and that math is somehow racist.

    • Bob 1
    • Brain 1
  5. 1 minute ago, uncle bernard said:

    Idk, a few million people died of it worldwide.

    So who were those few million people?  What where the ages of the people that died?  What other ailments/life threatening diseases or disorders did they have?  Can you prove with 100% certainty someone died of Covid versus say cancer??  And my favorite that to this day none of you crazy Covid people can answer...How were Covid deaths counted?  Why was Covid deaths counted differently than every other virus...ever??

    I ask those questions because people never want to have an honest conversation about Covid without getting so emotional that they instantly become irrational.  If people were truly honest one could probably say that Covid was a public health concern for people over 65 and those with other serious health issues but noooo...people can't do that because the people that fall within those demographics may "feel bad" about it.  And THAT is ridiculous!

    • Bob 1
    • Brain 1
    • Fire 1
  6. 19 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    100% seriously.

    Why can't you use google to find the policies Kamala is introducing and supporting? It's not even a tiny bit difficult.

    Don't demand I give you answers, you twit.

    Find the answers to your questions for yourself. Learn, get smarter, and the momentum will continue.

    Again so you can't...

    • Bob 1
    • Fire 1
    • Poopy 1
  7. 7 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    And you do you feel about JD Vance? Prior to joining his ticket:

    • Vance, once described himself as a “Never Trump guy”
    • “My god what an idiot,” Vance wrote in one of the tweets. It was one of many tweets now deleted.
    • Vance once questioned whether Trump could be “America’s Hitler” in a private Facebook message in 2016
    • “Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation’s highest office,” he wrote in the op-ed

    Seems like he's changed his mind for political gain CONSIDERABLY!

    If have even the tiniest amount of integrity, could you reply honestly here?


    So you are okay with Vance changing his mind...got it

    • Bob 1
    • Jagger 1
  8. 8 hours ago, RockLobster said:

    Your BS is now arriving in giant piles.

    And you seem to have triggered that Offthemat muttonhead to contribute more of his perpetual BS.

    None of either of your 'arguments' makes a bit of sense.

    Stay in school - learn - get smarter - you'll look back on these days and laugh about your stupidity.

    So you can't name any of Kamala's policies and vote along party lines...got it.

    And continue on with your immature name calling and showing your ignorance little one

    • Bob 1
    • Wrestle 1
  9. 1 hour ago, uncle bernard said:

    not from @mspart

    there were a million posts condemning hamas - including mine - and it wasn't enough for them then either.

    You clearly don't pay attention or have reading comprehension issues...mspart and others you blame for "liking Trump" have expressed criticism towards Trump many many times...including myself.  You choose to take the weak/lazy way out of debate by just blindly saying false things about a poster.  And LOL at "a million posts condemning hams - including mine".  Once or twice maybe and then turn around and post stuff that shows you clearly support them and don't hold them accountable for anything.  Nice try UB!

    By the way I suppose you are bummed UCLA lost the legal battle and are going to be held responsible for aiding anti-sematic areas on campus...a win for the right side of history.

  10. I am confused...why are some of you complaining that Trump didn't execute on some of his campaign promises but also complained about what his campaign promises were???  Did you like them or not??

    And as people mentioned...remove Trump from the equation...the way our government works is there are checks and balances so a President can't come in and unilateral make changes and policy.   So all this dictator/tyrant/etc. talk no matter who is running is just silly.

    • Bob 2
  11. 13 minutes ago, braves121 said:

    lol what about energy? Does he have any policies to tone down inflation, record profits from corporations, foreign countries buying real estate, debt, or anything that could you know actually help the economy?

    or is it going to be more tax cuts for business, tariffs that hurt the tax payer, or giving out loans that literally almost crashed our economy to business with no oversight and then forgive said loans

    I am not directing this solely at you braves...but your post got me thinking and made me wish we could go back at look at people's comments during each of the last few presidential cycles, and how many times a post with some of your exact talking points were made in regards to the candidate they didn't vote for....both R and D.  I feel like these things are regurgitated by both sides when the person they didn't vote for is in office or running for office or after they were voted out.  LOL (not laughing at you but rather it is always the same stuff from both sides). 

    Each side always blames the other for trying to ruin the constitution, claim they are tyrants, stupid, gets nothing done, lies, etc.

    • Bob 1
  12. 6 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    I have never seen another American President try to do some of the things with our constitution and our process that he has tried.  I have never seen another American president suggest a need to scrap the constitution, under any circumstance. I have never seen an American president say they want to be a dictator even for one day.  And I would ask, have you ever seen an American president align themselves and praise, actually give praise on multiple occasions, praise the ways of governing by dictators the likes of Putin, Jung, and Hitler?

    If anything I’ve written above is inaccurate, I’m open to understanding how. 

    I can't say anything you say is inaccurate...especially as you pointed out, which I agree with, people see things through the lens they want to see things through.  Your response is your lens. 

    I personally think context matters and the nuance of why peoples say things they say.  Trump has and will continue to say some really dumb stuff.  But I can also understand the overall meaning sometimes when he says stupid stuff...for instance, people rode him hard, and still do, when he made a comment about shooting bleach into your veins to cure Covid...people lost their mind over that...while a stupid thing to say, it was meant as an overall larger point which was that he would propose and be open to anything at this point, no matter how ridiculous it was, in order to deal with Covid...not that he was advocating for people to shoot bleach into their veins.  Anyway, my point is a lot of what you said, for me personally, was probably part of a larger point he was trying to make.  Again I am not defending him in anyway...but rather again, just making your own point in which people will choose to see things their own lens.

    I like these back and fourths by the way.

  13. 8 minutes ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

    I'm afraid of your opinions harming people. Which they do. I've pointed that out numerous times. Its a fact. The AMA article describes that. That you are unwilling to admit it makes you dishonest or trying to purposefully harmful. You are wrong. I've proven you wrong numerous times. I'll stop repeating myself. If you can prove that you've grown at all on the topic then I might revisit this with you and hold your hand some more. 

    LOL...my opinion of bathroom/locker room use is going to harm someone...laughable!!  I use your own "logic" to make my point and you flounder like, well, a flounder and start name calling and going to extreme victimization mode.

    I am not wrong for having my opinion as it hurts no one and, quite frankly, doesn't mean anything other than to myself.  One day when you grow up a little you may realize this...hopefully anyway.  And believe me, you are not smart enough to hold anyone's hand on a topic.

    • Pirate 1
  14. Just now, WrestlingRasta said:

    We all see things differently with our own different eyes.  I see more and more incoherent rambling, I see more and more speech that sounds like he’s not well, or not sober, and I see lies growing to the point of saying he’s going to do things he just simply cannot do. Not things he could do but don’t believe he will, things he has no power to do. I also see him tell one thing to a large crowd of middle class Americans, and then see him tell a completely different thing to a different class of Americans….smaller groups and not on network television. 

    Just to answer your question. 

    Fair enough!

  15. 1 minute ago, ThreePointTakedown said:

    Yup. Doing exactly what you are accusing me of. Not addressing my points. Unlike how I responded to you. You've lost the argument. You are a horrible person based on your beliefs about people. And now you are trying to discredit the person that has proven you wrong so you can desperately hold on to your abhorrent ideas. Please talk to a trans person and actually get some info on the topic. I know you won't because of your fear but hears to hoping. 

    Best of luck. 

    LOL...what points have I not addressed???  I have addressed every single one of them!  Do I address people who don't ask a question but rather make a statement based on emotion...of course not...that is not a question.  Ask me a question, any, and I'll answer.

    Please share with me where anything I said that makes you think I am a horrible person??  Am I horrible because I don't judge people based on who they want to identify as, because of who they choose to love, because of the color of their skin, where they were born, what religion they practice, etc??  That in turn makes me a horrible person??  

    By the way, what makes you think for one second I have never talked to a trans person??  LOL...get over yourself dude!  I have had many conversation with trans, gays, lesbians (two in which are my really good friends), bisexual, asexual, etc.  Nice try ding dong.

  16. 33 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    I honestly don’t think it’s going to be close.  He’s going downhill quickly and it’s very visible.  We still have a couple more months of this decline and the more her numbers go up, the more visible it’s going to be.  

    You may be right.  However, what are the things he is going downhill so quickly that it is visible? 

    He is Trump doing Trump things.  Guess I don't see a decline but rather just Trump being who he is and always has been.  Me personally, I felt if Trump would have changed after getting shot and tempered the attacks and softened his approach, he would have blown away the field no matter who the D's put out there.

    • Bob 1
  17. 21 minutes ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    2 things I will say.  1) I do not hate, period, full stop.  I don’t have time for that in my life.  I do believe however that he being in the White House again is very very dangerous.  I also believe he was not nearly as effective a president as the smoke and mirrors will lead many to believe. 

    2) if you are truly, truly wanting to learn about Harris’ true vision, policy goals, etc. Do you honestly think intermat non wrestling forums is the best website for that?  Do you truly truly want to learn them, or do you want someone to post them here so you can argue them?  Honest question. It just seems like a reasonable person saying “I really want to learn so I’ll wait for someone to post them on a wrestling site” just doesn’t seem to square. 

    1.  Fair enough.  However, I don't think any president we vote in will ever be "very very dangerous"...that is not how our system is set up.  Groups of people say that about every single president that is voted in and it is never true because of the checks and balances.  

    2.  Come on Rasta...do you honestly think I asked people on here because I would take what they say as the only source of truth or I won't or haven't gone and looked this stuff up somewhere else??  And yes I asked because the whole point of this is the back and forth...and quite frankly I do enjoy the back and forth...not the name calling and the insults, but definitely the back and forth.  And on occasion I have learned stuff and have learned that I have been wrong in my thinking, and admitted to such.

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