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Posts posted by Bigbrog

  1. 17 hours ago, red viking said:

    I saw this in the news and knew that the wingers would start a thread about it. ANYTIME a Democrat gets charged with anything, they are all over it like a pitbull on the pant leg of opportunity. Meanwhile, look the other way if a Republican gets in trouble. 

    Ahhhhh....the hypocrisy. 

    Hey Dumb Dumb...you do realize people are talking about the weaponization of the DOJ right??  The weaponization of the DOJ that Adams is claiming is happening to him??   SMH 

    Add on top of that the numerous posts you have made in regard to Trumps legal troubles...and you have the audacity to use the word "hypocrisy" when describing others...LOL!!  You are a gem!

    • Fire 1
  2. I enjoy the back and forth and on occasion learn something new.  Like mspart, I TRY to stick to policy/data/facts/reality and not delve into the cesspool of attacking; however, admittedly I do tend to get sucked into it at times. 

    And as others have said, it can be therapeutic to discuss things in a "safe" manner where the people who get super upset because people have different views aren't people I personally know and thus it doesn't bother me.

    Funny...just had a meeting with my boss and my peers and the subject of talking politics at work was brought up and I guess the policy has changed and supposedly it is acceptable now.  However, we all agreed the problem is there are a lot of people who aren't intellectually/emotionally mature enough to be able to have those type of conversations in a work setting.  This forum allows me to have those conversations I can't have at work because again, I couldn't care less that people on here get all bent out of shape and emotional when they disagree with me.

    • Bob 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, jross said:

    Nope I sure don't.  And apparently from Trump's repeated condemnations... he didn't think they were fine people either.

    Doesn't matter...Billy thinks what Billy thinks no matter what evidence/facts/video is presented to him.

    • Fire 1
  4. Have there been many other examples of Penn St. fans being rude and booing?  In their defense it wasn't like they were  just booing Burroughs because he was beating their guy, but it was a chippy match (yes I know Mess initiated some of it) and they had a reason (not that I agree with it).  But if this is common thing then maybe it is warranted to call their fan base out.  But it sounds like sour grapes by some on here because they beat the crap out of their team every year.  I always thought they were a professional program under Cael.  Way more so than Iowa...even though I do enjoy watching Iowa and Penn St.

    As for all that other crap about Penn St. being good for wrestling...of course they are good for wrestling, just as Iowa is, Iowa St. is, Oklahoma St. is, etc.  Can't fault them for figuring out the $$ and the NIL thing before others have.

    • Bob 2
  5. So should the government be run like a business or not?  I get confused...people who often bring up some of the companies Trump owns that have gone bankrupt as a way to say he wasn't or won't be a good President also seem to think government shouldn't be run like a business? 

    I personally think the government finances should be run like a business.  This comment isn't meant as me throwing all this support towards Trump, but rather just a general statement...have always thought it should.  Just like schools should be run like a business in terms of expenses, efficiencies and the budget.

    • Fire 1
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  6. 12 hours ago, billyhoyle said:

    The protest against the statue removal was organized by people in the white nationalist movement, "Unite the right.". Who were the fine people on that side of the protest? Look up who actually organized the Charlottesville protest and you'll see that nobody involved was a fine person.  The people there counterprotesting were doing so against actual nazis/white supreme.  Charlottesville wasn't like January 6th where it was a bunch of Trump supporters where some were regular supporters and others were extremists.

    The people who were at Charlottesville are part of the neo nazi/KKK movement. Trump often wonders out loud why he doesn't get more Jewish supporters despite being a strong supporter of Israel, and I guarantee you that this is a huge reason.  He said there were very fine people in a neo nazi rally and never backed down from it. That is not something that he can just sweep under the rug.

    In other words no matter the meaning, context and his exact words you are still going to go with the rhetoric that he supports neo nazi's...got it.

    • Bob 2
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  7. 1 hour ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Aren’t you glad you started a thread for the intent, specific purpose of asking people their opinion? 


    Aren't you glad that I can have an opinion on what people post, like you just did?  😂😂

    Piss poor attempt at a gotcha Rasta...keep it up...I am sure you will keep trying again and again when I post something.

  8. It's absolutely amazing how people think you can act like an A-hole to a cop and not follow directions and not have it result in what happened!  How hard is it to just comply respectfully, do what is asked, and 99.9% of the time you will be on your way??  It really isn't that hard of a thing to do.

    Also, for those that say the cops had no reason to ask Hill to get out of his car after being non-compliant clearly have never been a cop and had to deal with what they deal with day in and day out.  You are the people that I wish could do a cop's job for even a day...you all would be p'ing down your leg.  SMH

    Again, very simple concept, do as asked in a respectful manner and nothing will happen to you.

  9. 3 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Maybe you should review where you are going for information, I feel like we've had this "i haven't seen anytning" before.  But I will oblige:  We could start with its contributors include a lot of his advisors, such as Peter Navaro and Ben Carson for example, with the exact purpose of laying out agenda for a "Trump second term"; or..Russel Vought, author of P25 and former director of Management and Budget for Trump, getting caught on a hot mic stating that Trump is very supportive of these efforts but is distancing himself from the project to avoid ammunition from Democrats.  These are just a couple examples of the more than 100 former advisors during his administration that are working on the project.......and they are not at all hard to find. 


    Maybe you should lecture someone else Rasta...you have no idea where I go for my information so stop with that weak ass BS.  Again, you have yet to provide any actual evidence that Trump is part of the project, fully supports what it says.  Got it.

    Funny part is, it was an honest question in hopes of learning as I have found nothing that says Trump fully endorses what the whole thing suggests, was part of authoring and providing input into any of what it says...yes I saw the anecdotal stuff that people infer...which is all you are doing...versus clear indication of any sort of connection. 

  10. So what are everyone's thoughts on this?  Now that the body cam footage is coming out, I can see why he was pulled out of the car.  Not sure how people think if you give the cops attitude for no reason and don't listen to their instructions these things won't happen??

  11. 16 hours ago, WrestlingRasta said:

    Yeah but….wait….”MAGA MAGA MAGA!!! OWN THE LIBS!!  RAH RAH RAH! 

    This is pretty much what I’ve been saying around here. There is no policy in there, or anything he presents, other that trying to act like he has nothing to do with Project ‘25, and all the minions run and believe him.  The election couldn’t come sooner, he’ll be officially irrelevant and riding off to the sunset (aka prison), the fever will break and republicans can again start focusing on what will actually win elections, which is actual, traditional conservative policy back on the board. 

    Curious...because I couldn't find anything...how is Trump connected to Project 25?

    • Bob 1
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