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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. They just got’em yesterday.
  2. Teague at 149 is intriguing. Yes, he wrestled 157 because he couldn’t beat Williams and he was the best of the rest for the hole at 157. Fish was going to RS this season before Teague was injured. I don’t know why the switch was made, but if Carter has been wrestling hurt, it wouldn’t be surprising. I seem to remember a few times when he looked like he was hurt.
  3. No disclosure, just did what you were told to do.
  4. That’s how we got our shots going in the military. It stung and maybe bled a drop or two. Not too bad. Unless you flinched, then it’d slice you open. Saw a few of those.
  5. Must be that new immigration reform bill.
  6. Reckon they’ll hire Bootajudge?
  7. When you don’t have a good answer.
  8. When you don’t have an answer…
  9. Jealous of who. Trump. His wealth. His power. His popularity. Funny you don’t mention his wife.
  10. This is another case of not knowing the lingo. For you and anyone else who isn’t getting it, “concrete security guarantees” means nuclear missiles in layman’s speech. Zelensky wants nuclear missiles in Ukraine, pointed at Putin, with his finger on the trigger.
  11. You may have missed it, but I said Zelensky said he must have said thank you 350 billion times.
  12. Until you fellas comprehend a little better, dialogue in one case and history in the other, you’re not going to understand the events nor the actions and reactions of the participants.
  13. Does anybody else here realize that for the U.S. to commit to the “concrete security guarantees” that Zelensky repeatedly calls for is the recipe, the first step on a short path to WWIII? Nobody in their right mind trusts that once obtained, Zelensky wouldn’t go on the attack, forcing everybody’s hand. Trump’s instincts are phenomenal. Zelensky’s best position is right where he is, or has been. No elections means he can’t lose his job, which is distributing billions of dollars every month or two. While the minimum draft age is 26, the average age of their armed forces is 43. Do you want to see our 18-25 year olds over there to face off against Russia and North Korea? For what? Lithium?
  14. It’s right there on your chart and in words at my link. I’m not going to explain it to you any further.
  15. Come up with something better than “because that’s the way we’ve always done it.”
  16. Zelensky said he must have thanked America at least 350 billion times.
  17. Would love to hear what your excuse is. Not old enough to know better? https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/27/biden-suspends-oil-and-gas-drilling-in-series-of.html
  18. The world’s hottest day ever was recorded last summer and as the ice melted archaeologists discovered tools and weapons and clothing from earlier civilizations that were preserved for thousands of years by the ice. Huh?
  19. The only thing I heard was some scuttle about SDNY being moved to pocatello.
  20. That’s not what I said, is it. But this press conference is on the schedule for most foreign dignitaries. There was a private meeting before this one, and there was another private meeting and another press conference to be held after. He chose this one to demand stealing $300 billion from Russia, an iron dome over Ukraine, and concrete NATO level security guarantees - the recipe for WWIII - and belittling Trump’s negotiations.
  21. Zelensky was litigating in front of the media. For which he was rightly rebuked.
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