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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. It’s kind of sketchy attributing authorship of legislation. Laws are written with a lot of legalese to make sure that they’re focused, and can contain loopholes for congressmen. Jordan is a lawyer, and has little legislation in his name. Pelosi, who is not a lawyer, has a lot of legislation. Mostly resolutions, but to me, that means her staff did the work.
  2. The hospital is in Gaza City, which is in the northern part of Gaza. Just yesterday I watched an NBC newscast that showed two hospitals in Gaza City; one Arab and one Christian. I’m not sure the Christian hospital was in Gaza City, but the Arab one was. The Arab hospital claimed to be full with patients on every available space on every floor. The Christian hospital spokesman said that the children had been moved to a lower level on the other side of the hospital, because, he said, the rockets could hit this part of the hospital, like one hit that section over there. The hospital had already been hit by a Hamas rocket. I don’t know any more about it than the others here, but if one of those weeny Hamas rockets hit a munitions storage in a hospital it would cause a much larger explosion.
  3. He told me I was built backwards. My nose ran and my feet smelled.
  4. King Abdullah on Gaza: 'No Refugees in Jordan, No Refugees in Egypt' https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2023-10-17/king-abdullah-on-gaza-no-refugees-in-jordan-no-refugees-in-egypt Nobody wants the headache of dealing with them.
  5. “He says there are noticeable differences between the way people were killed at the various locations.” https://news.sky.com/story/israel-gaza-war-recovered-bodies-show-bloodthirsty-gunmen-took-time-over-torture-and-that-hamas-has-changed-12985212
  6. I assure you that I believe anyone who says the things you say is either a liar or has gone bananas. Ban might be short for bananas. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.
  7. Who’s original thought was “bananas?”
  8. Taqiya
  9. 84 million votes my ass.
  10. Actually, I unhinder myself from you daily, when I’m regular.
  11. Marxists do. Everyone ends up equally destitute.
  12. That’s the way a lot of legislators work. The speaker, I see more as a referee than an inventor.
  13. Yes, just what I’ve been waiting for. You to give me permission to do anything.
  14. Maybe great minds think alike because I haven’t heard Laura say anything since well before Tucker was fired.
  15. That’s where we’d be if the last election hadn’t been stolen.
  16. And who cares what Joe said, what did Mika say? She’s the brains of the outfit.
  17. If you use your head for something besides something to hold your ears apart, you realize that the insurrection charge of jan 6th is that they attempted to overthrow the government with votes.
  18. Crossfire. Of course. That explains it. Crossfire, crossraping, crossburning alive, crossbeheading. Sounds logical to me. [sarc] can’t believe I felt that was necessary.
  19. The racist accusations are outrageously inaccurate, inflammatory, and unsupportable. Universities across the country are segregating themselves, while faculties are overwhelmingly dimocrat. Why is that? Conservatives in general, and those who want to Make America Great Again, favor independence, self reliance, and personal responsibility, not the soft bigotry of low expectations. Read some Thomas Sowell, Bob Woodson, and Wilfred Reilly to gain perspective on the state of racial relations. With regards to Trump, dig up any propaganda you can find; I’m going to listen to his longtime friend Hershel Walker, and Dr. Ben Carson and the deceased Herman Cain when they say he’s not bigoted or racist.
  20. Here’s the first result I got: https://www.openhealthpolicy.com/p/medical-residency-slots-congress
  21. First to the subject of the thread: The objection is to ‘voting’ for multiple promotions/appointments without voting, by merely not objecting. That is just brainless, mindless approval without knowing or examining the qualifications of the candidates. That’s how you get people asking: “How did this happen?” If the recently imposed, not voted on, policy of spending taxpayers dollars on abortion is not rescinded, then me and Tommy Tuberville object. Quality, affordable health care might be best achieved by removing the limits on how many medical school students are allowed. Based on results from the countries that have government run health care, that’s not the answer. Fair elections, with voter IDs, paper ballots and hand counting, absentee/mail in ballots upon request and verification of absence or handicap would result in higher voter confidence in our elections. Similar to France’s elections, where their results come in before the next morning. Money out of politics could mean either elections or legislation. Sometimes the biggest spenders lose (see hiliary clinton). Military and government officials moving to lobbyist positions, and lobbyist spending can be detrimental, but it’s not always. Less money and more virtuous members in government, less bureaucracy and agency, would help sustain liberty and cut spending.
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