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Everything posted by Offthemat

  1. Alright fascist, show me the law. You can’t. It’s politics, it’s political not criminal. It is meant to be dealt with, as it was, by Congress. Only in what we call banana republics and dictatorships are politics criminalized. That’s what, until now, has set us apart. The Court has told Jack Smith before that he can’t just make up his own statutes. But it’s his nature.
  2. Facts: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/puppet-masters-of-the-pandemic-part
  3. I’m an extremist of sorts. Walked in the house a couple of days ago and my wife said I looked hot. I told her: “Control yourself woman, I’ve got a headache.” I can’t help how I look.
  4. I’m gonna look for a brisket tomorrow.
  5. You’ve been playing with your sidewinder data so long you’ve learned how to slither on your own. See? I didn’t call you a name.
  6. Jack Smith should be indicted for conspiracy against rights.
  7. It’s a lie and now you’re doubling down on it. Must be a democrat, as are most of the antisemitic congress folks. Obama and Biden have been less friendly to Israel than the republicans. When they wouldn’t have Bibi at the White House the republicans invited him to speak to congress. We are supportive of Israel,
  8. Do your research and show me where I said anything about ‘Jews.’
  9. No, it’s you who are supporting and displaying the fascist agenda. Sure, they analyze and report the data of the cases they choose. They also operate with all the bias and deficiencies that are inherent in the craft.
  10. Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken The United States strongly condemns Russia’s conviction of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny on politically motivated charges. The Kremlin cannot silence the truth. Navalny should be released.
  11. For the sheep. In a Central Planning sort of way.
  12. Extremist Chuck Schumer pushes Great Replacement Theory: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2022/11/18/schumer-amnesty-comments-on-population-growth-n2616092
  13. I don’t know anything but what’s on the board, but the guy there is saying Caldwell and GWH are moving up, so maybe there’ll be a new recruiting coordinator soon.
  14. We have a country that’s trying to understand what’s happened to our graduates. They’re just like little computers: GIGO.
  15. Like I said, Central Planning does love their sheep. When asked, I offered one point. Mspart, you point out another - what is it - who gets to define it? In the school board case, it was actually instigated by the White House. They contacted the School Board Association to contact them. The School Board Assn. has experienced a drop in membership over it. Anybody who uses their head for something besides something to hold their ears apart knows there is no great threat by white supremacists, of which there are few; nor white extremists. If the groups of inner city youngsters who are shooting each other based sometimes on race, sometimes on geography, sometimes on religion or other social traits, but mostly because they have drugs, were accurately identified in the data, the data would tell a different story. If you think Central Planning is going to tell you about real terrorist cells moving about the country after entering through our southern border, even the ones they know of, you need to sign up for CNN+.
  16. Okay. One point for you to check. Each individual charged for Jan. 6, though the incident happened in DC, was filed through participant’s home field office. The Bureau then reports it as white extremism and widespread.
  17. The data, the carefully stated, manipulated data. Central Planning does love their sheep.
  18. Haha. Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken The United States strongly condemns Russia’s conviction of opposition leader Aleksey Navalny on politically motivated charges. The Kremlin cannot silence the truth. Navalny should be released.
  19. It’s almost as if someone thought that they didn’t need to campaign, similar to hiliary in 2016 when she couldn’t believe she’d lost.
  20. What amazes me is how so many gullibly accept that biden, without campaigning, accrued millions and millions more votes than Obama had.
  21. Electronic voting has shown to be susceptible to manipulation before, during, and after the election. Paper ballots, not so much, but extended counting does allow for the “found another batch” opportunity as in the Al Franken situation.
  22. I wouldn’t have thought electric would get that much smoke flavor. Mine uses wood or charcoal briquettes, whichever you prefer, and I can’t buy better flavor.
  23. I agree, and I believe it’s France that accomplishes this with hand counting.
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