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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. "psuedoscience" is like most buzz words that get picked up by the masses... it makes them feel smart using something with that many syllables and it feels clever to them... i get it... i do appreciate you reverting back to a more appropriate term "fake science"... it just fits better with the entire schtick...
  2. that is a vague enough qualifier that it will satisfy both sides...
  3. Who decides what is and what is not “pseudoscience”? “Pseudoscience” is one of those trite buzz words that have been adopted by both sides and has lost whatever teeth it may have had at one time…
  4. as long as our kids will continue to be taught that men menstruate and are perfectly capable of getting pregnant then we will all figure it out... that passes for "science" nowadays, yes?
  5. The first round of college opens had 5ish HS kids wrestling… it is not as rare as you might think…
  6. coach's egos should always take a back door to literally every other aspect of sports... if they can't coach their college kids well enough to deal with a high schooler then that is on them... excellence should be acknowledged, celebrated, and rewarded where ever it exists...
  7. for sure... enough to make it a legitimate weight class today under the current weigh in rules? clearly the powers that be do not think so...
  8. day before weigh ins and just a different size of people back then... 106lbs is tiny for a grown man...
  9. he made the olympic team at 48kg... that is an incredibly small weight for a man...
  10. tight like dreadlocks, red foxx, and ripple...
  11. didn't aiden valencia drop an AA at an open this year? chittum won an open as a legitimate cadet age kid... we could talk about how many 17 year old high school kids beat college guys at U20 trials every year... the pointy end of high school is considerably better than the average college wrestler...
  12. Off season shoulder surgery could explain the slow start…
  13. guilty as charged... i will never stop preferring wrestling to not wrestling...
  14. it would only help the sport... there is no logical downside to encouraging actual wrestling...
  15. a step out rule would improve folk wrestling drastically overnight... it really would be that easy... but... 'merica!!!!!!
  16. follow the money in all things... do not be so naïve to think it is only the gun manufacturers who make money off the BS war in this country over gun control... the fight itself generates **insert however many zeros here that will impress you** the relatively miniscule number of deaths in america from guns generates **insert however many zeros here that will impress you** the incarceration of criminals who do(don't)use guns generates **insert however many zeros here that will impress you** this same inevitable truth can be applied to any number of social "problems" in this country...
  17. how many weapons has this country freely, openly, and with much fan fair shipped over to a different part of the world to push someone's agenda? how many weapons that have been left behind/sold/secretly given under the table by this country to different parts of the world while pushing someone's agenda are now ending up in entirely different parts of the world being used to push someone's else's agenda? why does this keep happening over and over again?
  18. i have not been on top of my game this morning... props to @MPhillips for keeping the home fires burning... i totally blanked on woods... good for him... the rest just continue to muddy my own personal waters...
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