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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. i am pretty sure i am committed to being there Saturday for whatever they call the pepsi center now... it has been several years since i have been escorted out of that building...
  2. dude... i told the kid we were going to make an appearance at the finals of one of those regionals tomorrow... he is not happy with me...
  3. that is trip down amnesia lane right there...
  4. nothing makes sense anymore... maybe i should try and watch a folk match tonight...
  5. was i really that easily impressed that willie wore a damn hole in a guitar? maybe it was more the the person i was when first heard...
  6. absolutely not... i remember when i first heard that in the 90s... it still impresses more than most things i have ever been made aware of... carry on...
  7. make it stoooooop!!!!!!!!!
  8. do you know why that hole is there?
  9. **eyes glaze over** **small amount of drool escapes the right corner of mouth** **lists to the left**
  10. it is the sexiest "theory" to me... makes the absolute most sense and everything i have seen fits into it with more ease than anything i have ever experienced in my life... but... like you say... exactly how it would have been programmed...
  11. i can not wait until the 8th page of this thread and we finally get to simulation theory... that is when we will start to make some real progress...
  12. you have played your role to perfection... i could not have asked for a better example... **tip of the cap**
  13. i kinda go into this with the assumption that we've all wrestled outside of this country with a USA on our chests... because the majority of people i deal with on a daily basis have...
  14. whichever sets the most country wide policy... because from the outside looking in, there is little to distinguish between those two levels...
  15. i will unlike this post 3Xs today just so i can like it again...
  16. if anyone has any ideas on how to turn my $13.67 i have left in savings into the windfall i was promised as a young whippersnapper please do not hold back...
  17. opinion stuff about to happen here... one of the more common traits among legitimate hyper intelligent people is how they all mostly get how little they actually understand... how crazy this universe really is... if this silly country could start moving towards the direction of uncertainty and less towards vehemence, we would all be much better off...
  18. in case anyone is curious... yes... i am giggling...
  19. people whose actual livelihood can be affected by silly things like "poles" might not be 100% altruistic when being asked to do these types of things? **head explodes***
  20. interesting... using that logic, then almost all of what gets pushed for an agenda is "pseudoscience"... again... who decides what is "pseudoscience"?
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