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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. keep making your bullshit posts full of all your silly assumptions... you are a coward... that does not make you unique at all specifically on the googlewebs...
  2. the point was someone like you emphatically stating with that big girl confidence that... it is just sooooo adorable...
  3. don't worry about that anonymous internet nobody... i have been dealing with that same guy since dial up... always the same scared person just looking feel like somebody else at least once in their life... i deal with cowards in real life as well... lots of big talk until it comes down to the nut cutting...
  4. you make jokes... but... many of them do not not even display the basics... every time i watch a domestic senior tourney i am horrified...
  5. all his links this is all i see... must be a rough life...
  6. who wasn't robbed by the boogie bug????
  7. it is shameful that any coach or athlete ignores anything that can end a match in one go... and don't get me started on par terre defense... absolutely shameful... this is not rocket science... even most of the anonymous posters on this BBS could probably pick up the basics after a couple of years...
  8. so... it's no secret i find it hard to follow this style... but... does anyone know which of these weights can be claimed by a senior competitor that is age eligible? i just can't be bothered to look it up and wouldn't know who is still eligible anyway...
  9. i believe he has had surgery since retiring...
  10. i do not disagree with this in principle... but... you can end a match in any style with par terre and it is practically ignored in free... par terre is hard to get good at it because it is not fun to practice... the fact of the matter is that most free guys would get their ribs injured in gut practice because they have not conditioned their bodies to practice it past an after thought... that is shameful in my mind... my older son has scars on his arms from practicing gut wrenches on a body bone... this christmas break he injured a friends rib who is a well known college wrestler and a former greco age level world team member on just one gut go and he was nursing an injured back and did not go close to 100%... ignoring it is a self fulfilling prophecy... the best wrestler hands down on this planet does not ignore it... others should take a lesson...
  11. adorable... so your first total bullshit post was just so you could write this one? if you want to have a real conversation on this forum then quit hiding behind a screen name... quit being anonymous and let's have this discussion... because i am about at the point to tell the people that are asking me privately to not make any more waves because they are concerned about even more reprisals from USAW that i just can not abide by that anymore... because until the real problems inside of USAW get talked about openly nothing will every change... so, the ball is in your court GnarlyEar... either cowboy up or kindly quit with the trite ref white knighting BS...
  12. Adorable… nothing negative was said about Gilman… the sad fact that the women’s style guys ignore par terre? absolutely… but again… Anonymous internet nobodies get so salty and look for perceived slights everywhere they can find them… it’s an interesting way to live their lives…
  13. because it is explicitly against the rules...
  14. SWING AND A MISS!!!!! i have never said there were no good greco officials... i never said exactly why i quit officiating... i never claimed was the only good greco official... and i have never said my opinion was more right than anyone who spends more time thinking about the aspect of the sport than i do... it is adorable how twisted most of you guys get with your suspect egos... and i have little doubt you spend most of your days in confusion... i won't hold it against you...
  15. https://support.flosports.tv/s/ this is the way you communicate with flo without seeking attention on a damn bbs...
  16. my guess is it is the same need for some to whine about literally everything...
  18. 1970s saturday morning cartoons is right in my wheel house... wait... uuummmmm... that wasn't a compliment was it????
  19. like i tell everyone that has the (mis)fortune to be in my very small social circle... i will never guarantee these clever quips will all be winners... but... i can 100% guarantee that they will keep coming one right after another...
  20. while i won't attempt to justify it... i did at least GET IT...
  21. most like to make up their own definitions to fit their narrative... amusing how much it happens on the internet wasteland... better to keep you mouth shut and be thought a fool kinda stuff...
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