He did go the football route pretty quickly after college iirc. He might have made more of a mark freestyle wise if he had stuck with it. Of course, Big Bruce was there, and Erickson was no slouch either so it would have been a hard road.
RIP Carlton Haselrig
‘83-‘92 Iowa 126: Barry Davis 2 titles, Penrith 1 title and 2 2nds, Terry Brands 2 titles and 1 2nd, plus Tom Brands with a 4th and Trizzino with a 4th.
10 years = 5 titles, 3 runner ups, 2 4ths.
Yeah, his case is an example of a terrible seeding job rather than an unexpected run. Was penalized by the seeding committee for being injured for a significant time. His dominance in the tournament may have been a bit surprising, but AAing certainly was not.
good interview with Brewer talking about his issues that year
Not as impressive as Jackson, but from same era Zeke Jones is another guy who never won NCAA but had international success. World gold and bronze plus Olympic silver.
all good, if you add them to the list I guess best chance is GMU's 157 DJ McGee. Pretty long shot this year though, but he's only a RS freshman, so one to keep an eye on in next few years.
He was on these boards not too long ago….at least I’m about 99% sure same guy
and I called him parity boy in a post back then and he adopted it….
jimmy while irritating is less harmful imo. His trolling actually inadvertently leads to decent wrestling conversation some of the times he posts with dumb topics.
I wonder if the EIWA might look to replace the departing Ivy schools with new members. Not sure what schools, if any, make sense though. Not like former member Rutgers is leaving B1G or anything.
did TJ wrestle lower weight at Ok St than in HS? I know he wrestled 119 at Dapper Dan vs future UNC teammate Ty Moore (RIP) and was at 126 while at Ok St. Maybe he dropped for Dapper Dan from whatever he wrestled his senior year in HS.
He did. But was still an awesome season with all those pins and 50 or so wins. Cliff was a stylistic match- up problem, that’s the way it goes sometimes, but Scott was going to be the Hodge winner until that happened.