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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I doubt the current best wrestler out of the three, in Shawver, is going to be the one riding pine for a year in that scenario.
  2. He lost to Will Lewan in regulation this year - who failed to place. Lost to Ed Scott by nearly a Major (2x) - who failed to place. That is just this year. Last year he had in the teens for losses, including losses to the notorious Caleb Dowling, the mean-mugged Alex Hornfleck, the lead chipmunk Cesar Alvan, amongst many more. He wrestled out of his mind at NCAAs after going BBQ last year.
  3. Okay guys, so I am sold. I don't think DT is going to be ready. I think he has been binge-drinking and partying far too much.
  4. How many of the AWA guys enter the portal if (when) this happens?
  5. What about a repost?
  6. Not sure if posted before but Ogunsanya to North Carolina with Koll.
  7. I am sure.
  8. Yes you can... click on the three ... on the top right, post engagements... it will show you this screen Good find, my man.
  9. Woooaohaat?! Please show.
  10. You're giving Askey the benefit of the doubt from one tournament that he wrestled out of his mind at. He was also Techfellered twice by Shapiro, lost to Ed Scott twice comfortably, and he also lost to Will Lewan in regulation (W?T?F?!). I don't see Askey beating Mauller. I don't see him beating Brady, either.
  11. Per wrestlestat, which is the authority, he loses to both Wilcox and Paddy comfortably.
  12. He lives like 12 minutes from there, yeah? Shouldn't seem like much of a coincidence.
  13. The thing is that being there is no actual criteria there can be a lot of human error factored in to seeding and they can legitimately take whatever they want in to consideration. Will they punish Starocci for never having competed at 74 KG in his life? Will he be punished because he is injured?
  14. So it appears that Figueroa and Colon will not be there. That puts the seeds from this... to this... 1 - Richards 2 - Gilman 3 - Fix 4 - Lee 5 - Suriano 6 - Megaludis 7 - Cronin 8 - DeShazer 9 - Lilledahl 10 - Blaze 11 - Forrest Semi-finals - Lee over Lilledahl, Gilman over Arujau (Gilman over Fix) Best of Three Finals - Gilman over Lee 2-1
  15. You have valid points. I expect him to be right in there once he is back on the mat. 97 KG is is him, so I think he will get right up to the 230-235lb range.
  16. It could be real easy to 're-seed' the consolations as well with the top two (2) seeds getting byes in the first round of consis. In the case of there being 14 gents (65 KG), there would be eight gents right out the gate in the consis, so also re-seed by order of seeds. In the case of there being 15 gents (74 KG), you would also re-seed with the bottom two seeds in a consi-pigtail.
  17. For the weight(s) with 13, 14, or 15 in them there becomes pigtail matches. 13 VS 12 14 VS 11 15 VS 10
  18. I hear you entirely. I might tweak that a bit, but it's current setup is absolutely nonsense. EDIT: Actually I have the exact same thing.
  19. Technically he was the ( 4 ) seed, but IMar withdrew, but yes. https://www.flowrestling.org/articles/6943412-official-2021-olympic-trials-seeds 74 kg Jordan Burroughs – sitting to best-of-three finals Kyle Dake – sitting to challenge tournament semifinals 1 (WD)- Isaiah Martinez 2 (1) - Jason Nolf 3 (2) - Chance Marsteller 4 (3) - Thomas Gantt 5 (4) - Logan Massa 6 (5) - David Carr 7 (6) - Evan Wick 8 (7) - Vincenzo Joseph
  20. You understand the Simmons bros and Gomez were there 20 years ago now, right? Having the same room, just older and more worn, while pulling in B1G moneys? That is horrible conditions.
  21. This is precisely how they did it last Olympics, too. It also royally screws up the consis as well. See below for an example of how 74 KG was.
  22. Add in that Thompson has senior level aspirations in Freestyle, so he does need to get up to 86 KG (~189.6lbs) sooner rather than later.
  23. Full bracket because... why not...bored? Might do others. Not sure.
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