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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I hope he is okay. To not attempt 65 KG likely means the attempt to descend has hurt him.
  2. Why would he not give 65 KG an attempt?
  3. Sometimes there is like a notification box that will pop up and say something like 'Running in Mobile Mode' or something and if you click it then it will take you to the desktop version and use it as your preference on that device.
  4. The other it could be is this...
  5. Make sure you have those options selected.
  6. Of course the one time I want to do something semi-productive on this forum, my mobile decides to act a fool w/ connectivity.
  7. If I can get my mobile to upload a couple screenshots I think I know what it is.
  8. I ask because I did something similar before.
  9. Is it only for your mobile?
  10. Nah, I am not that clever. You give me far too much credit.
  11. O'Toole is going 174 per his long-time coach and mentor Ben Askren.
  12. Did he compete, though? I don't really recall a single sweat he broke. Edit: Bah. I had a long elaborate trolljob planned in which I said something along those lines, but I am honestly bored.
  13. Steveson didn't compete in college after his title, ergo he was no longer a college student.
  14. Nah bro. Inflation.
  15. @Husker_Du, give us the dets, Brain.
  16. Mine was an added, or additional, remark to yours. I don't see it being Shawver that sits, providing he comes back.
  17. Dake has beaten him at least twice.
  18. I don't need to. I have been in the room dozens of times in the late 80s, early 90s and I have kids that I have mentored go through there very recently.
  19. It was redundant, I am sorry for misleading. He was the starter prior to injury, then Hill took over.
  20. You didn't read what I said. My statement was 100% accurate.
  21. Wasn't he the starter pre-injury in 2023?
  22. One of those didn't step on a college match again after his Olympic Gold, so... The other was 60 years ago, so... (irrelevant)
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