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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. They are waiting on time for a few matches to start due to required wait time. Trumble in two on Mat B.
  2. Gwiazdowski loses to Deng with a ~12-0 shots taken spread. Parris lost to Masoumi with a ~42-0 shots taken spread. We are aggressive and it has cost us at 125 KG.
  3. Another shot... go-behind by Deng with 10S to go. Gwiazdowski loses 7-4.
  4. Deep single by Gwiazdowski... stuffed. Called up with 23S to go. We are down 5-4.
  5. It makes me think that it wasn't nearly as bad as we might have thought.
  6. Another shot by Gwiaz and a go-behind by Deng. 5-4 Deng with 1M21S to go. Gwiaz just not making it deep enough and Deng is HEAVY.
  7. Another shot by Gwiaz. Stuffed this time by Deng. Called up. 1M49S to go, 4-3 for Gwiaz still.
  8. In deep on a shot out the gate. Deng tries to chest wrap him. Good on the takedown and a half-gut for another two. Gwiaz up 4-3 with 2M23S to go in the second.
  9. Gwiazdowski down 3-0 at the break to Deng.
  10. Looks like Trumble will have Baran of Poland next in a few minutes. It is going to be a bloodbath because Baran is completely wiped out. Gassed.
  11. Macch in deep on a single. Trying to turn the corner. Climbing up. Poland attempts to square up to cut it off and it works, he is out. No points. Macch doesn't look like typical Mike Macch here. 20S to go down 5-0 still. Trying to do a bunch of quarter shots... nothing.
  12. Jackson wins 10-0 with about 2M27S to go in the 2nd.
  13. Jackson another TD. Is up 8-0 with 2M36S to go.
  14. Gwiazdowski looks thicc. Deng still makes him look small.
  15. 4-0 still in Macchs match on Mat C at the break. He needs to pick up some offense here in the second.
  16. 6-0 Jackson after another TD. 26S in the first.
  17. Jackson up 4-0 with 1M18S to go in the first.
  18. TD and Gut by Poland. Up 4-0 on Macch 1M45S to go in the first.
  19. Man Jackson looks so good when he looks good. Especially at 92 KG.
  20. Macchiavello on Mat C now... rocking headgear.
  21. 97 KG is well suited for him compared to 197lbs.
  22. Macchiavello has Polan's Baran in two on Mat C.
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