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Everything posted by lu_alum

  1. reminders... refresh often (F5) state your pick as: wgt wrestler (WC e.g., 125 Davis (WC if wildcard)
  2. Gage VakAttack jajensen09 Antitroll2828 JvStateChamp1 steamboat_charlie flyingcement lu_alum Idaho MizzouFan01 Perry RockLobster MPhillips nhs67 Truzzcat
  3. it's in the thread https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/107SSIygs6kLw-dAG81pH3v-6AvT7RjyTi3m3ZrFKWsM/edit#gid=0
  4. i'll run a random generator when everyone is on the board.
  5. while we're waiting folk folks to join... can I take a roll call?
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